Someone camp outside his house and grab his new gaming laptop when they deliver it

Someone camp outside his house and grab his new gaming laptop when they deliver it.

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No thanks devil fag

Yes, Satan. At your service.

>house and grab his new gaming
lol grab


fuck this demon worshipping jew

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what are you talking about?

Why do people hate him so much?

I don't like him. I will donate patreon money to anyone who pulls this off.

His civnat-ness is becoming tiresome.
Also doesn't name the jew.
Plus asking for shekels for the new computer is a bit suspect.

No thanks devil fag

He went full MIGA out of nowhere

Alright, let's put a stop to this devel nonsense right now. Uncheck 'em.

Ah ha! Broke it!

Sauce? I haven’t watched him for a couple months

He didn't. He openly states that he does not like Trump giving billions to Israel instead of using it for American interests.

He also deleted the video in which he asks for money

He doesnt go to work, so thats not going to happen.

Hold on

I see. I don't even hate the guy but it sort of just rubbed me the wrong way.

and risk a voodoo curse? Not even for your triple 6.

How fucking sad are you when you're jealous of this depressing pale fuck?

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I still like him but I thought it was odd he crowdfunded for a laptop despite having a successful book career and patreon contributions.

Also he is dead set on alienware PCs for some odd reason. He seems like a smart guy with tech knowledge so the fact that he goes for overpriced hunks of garbage is odd

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When you see the delivery truck/car pull in, call his house and say an apparition has just appeared in the woods behind his backyard. Then when he rushes out to see it (neglecting to take his camera as always) make the intercept.

Just walk up and kick him in the shin. He'll crumple and cry.

Like I said, I am a fan and it just seemed cheap and suspect to me as well

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>trying to use Jow Forums to collude in crimes.
report this leaf to the police mods.

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It's because he didn't even bother trying to fix it. When one of my machines fail my first reaction is to seek a means to fix it, not ask everyone around me for the money to buy, not just a replacement, but for the highest end gaming laptop available.

Milks his patrons like a tv evangelist.

>satan leaf advocating crime
Not surprising

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His audience is catching on.
Btw, he needs ANOTHER microphone. And what's with "Insper-on"?

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I thought that too, mega-church style. He wants the best computer possible while his followers suffer in squalor.

post the in-store prices or get the fuck out.

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what the fuck people practically just threw their fuckin money at him.

The phytoestrogens are spreading

Oh, is that stuff different from his YouTube stuff? That’s all i watch of him.

>those trips

Are we the baddies? Or is this more of a lightbringer situation? Also I am not sure Styx leaves the house. Besides the garden.

Jow Forums and honestly the mob just hates everything over time. If you like something dont throw it to the mob only a matter of time till they tear it apart.

I think this isn't right. I'm more concerned with the fact that he buys alienware though. Though he knew a thing or two about tech.

supports argies over us when it comes to falklands

he is 100% america centric, that being the continent, not the country, and it leads to some weird positions. i don't hate him but this is my main gripe.

literally who?

How would he react if his new laptop got rekt? Would he cry?

Put the issue to rest and take over Argentina Nigel.

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Anyone follow Amiri King on fb? If you don’t know who he is, he’s an e celeb comedian who middle Americans and MAGAPedes like because of videos like “muh Chevy silver-ado” etc.

>he constantly brags about how rich he is from being a partner at YT and all his other business ventures doing well
>posts pictures of him living a luxorous life style and bragging about it

Then suddenly
>I’m being investigated by child protective services! I need donations for my lawyer Bill thank you

This pissed a lot of people off , my self included. People actually fucking gave him money though. He went dark on social media for a few months and now he’s trying to make a comeback

Can't say I'm familiar, but that is rather interesting. Really gets the noggin joggin'.

Because they’re not him