Candace Owens is the only nigger i trust

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fuck off tpusa

Mr. T is the only nigga I trust

groidesses who straighten their hair are always fascinating to me
not wigs
like this she paid for it
i get alone great with negro females and i get along great with several of them. their shitty hair is one of their biggest concerns, all the time

Stupid boomer. If you trust an idiot grifter like Candace Owens you should probably kill yourself.

Pic is real btw

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Oh great, she’s a Hannipede

>Pic is real btw

Why would you think that makes me hate her? She's obviously talking in the context of Travyon niggers and the media trying to stir the race riot pot. Not the NSA or overbearing retardedness that is the Fbi; half the time it seems. Give it a break, and get a life. Fuck all of you, mostly for being stupid.

Attached: Victor_Alcántara.jpg (389x594, 70K)

I trust the black guy from the green mile

I pity the fool don't trust Mr. T.

Unless she has nudes I don't care, and even then "care" would be too strong of a word.

im generally skeptical of 'woke based blacks' but watching her at the hearing on white nationalism a week or two ago you could tell she genuinely feels the things she talks about. certainly plenty of salesmenship for her career but underneath she is indeed most likely /ourgirl/

She's the biggest fraud on the right. Shows how much of a braindead retard you really are.

>I pity the fool don't trust Mr. T.
He doesn't like flying, and trust him. Planes are against nature.

She wasn't a right wing grifter when the Trayvon incident was in the news. The idea that police are the most oppressed group in this country is an objectively idiotic statement that she obviously doesn't believe . She has no original ideas or opinions and has made no contribution to political discourse. Boomers eat it up though.

This picture is also real

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Great arguments.

Remember when we liked Katrina Pierson but all of a sudden something happened and nobody talked about her again?

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Why would you support someone so hateful and violent? I'm surprised she's allowed to walk around in society let alone have an audience considering her insanely extremist views. yeesh

>Katrina Pierson
literally who


why do all black women look like men to me?

Nice Flag, Liberal!

Racist Left acting like its on the Right side of things!

I can't wait until your day of the rope!

A republican wouldn't call her that,
She is a goddess!

Maybe, you should stop being racist, Jackass!

Well that's dumb because she's a conwoman.

Candace “we should have an index for tracking the shit you talked online during your teenage years” Owens is nothing more than a pandering bitch.

This woman will say and do anything for a crowd that will clap and talk nicely about her.

cuz she cute

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So who was the white guy that gave her such a good dicking?

Attached: Buu ponders in Manga.png (348x365, 99K)

That image is based, unironically
^^^ only nigger I trust ^^^

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I want her to rub her barefeet in my face.

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>I never thought I would die fighting side by side with a black.
>What about a white nationalist?
>Aye, I could do that.

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imagine the smell

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Didn’t she get backstabbed by the gamergirl hoes and that started her redpill process?

fucking saved

>if only they knew

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Checked. That's just female nature though. She tried feigning being a SJW, this failed then she tried the other side and that failed. Then she vanished for a while and came back with a bunch of controlled op e celebs shilling her in an obviously inorganic manner.

I trust Malcom X and Louis Farrakhan more. They make their intentions known and don't pander to whitey.

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Watch how suddenly when she's elected she goes the fucking line
>every goddamn time

The black woman was built for Aryan seed. Did you really think we brought them over to pick cotton? Nigger please.

The only blacks you should trust are the ones who tell you they hate you. They are at being honest. Candace is not.

Das rite. They belong to us in body and soul.

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>Trust a nigger that changes her narrative every time she talks to a new person.