As a Social Democratic Feminist Can We Discuss the Things we Agree On

I actually want to agree with some people on the right-wing as a social democratic feminist. I think there are certain things we can see eye to eye on.

>Prostitution should be highly criminalized.

>Substances that make men more abusive to women should be criminalized (hard drugs, i would even be a prohibitionist if that didn't fail so badly)

>Men who call women "bitches" are low class degenerate scum.

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>Things that Social Democratics and Jow Forumstards agree on

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Abortion is good because you are a biological defect and shouldnt have children.

If you criminalize prostitution without opening new avenues for marginalized women to make a living then you are anti-woman.

Fuck off BITCH, this now a get thread

o btw,
tits or gtfo

I believe that we both would like to end woman's suffrage. How about that?

I think they should be imprisoned for their own saftey.

I'm a transmale

I disagree with every single one of your proposals and if I knew you personally and that i was able to get away with it would bathe you in hydrochloric acid.

Sexual liberation causes barbarism.
Civilization is a social contract between men saying that each man shall only get one woman and each women should only get one man in order to tie men down with a family, preventing hordes of womenless men from turning to banditry or brutal conquest in the absence of the joy of starting a family. Plus the men created wealth instead of stealing it.
Every Republic/Democracy has given women the right to vote and then descended into an autocratic dictatorship within 100-150 years after, like clockwork. All the Greek city states did it at one point or another, the Roman Republic did it, others did too, and now we are doing it. And we are nothing special.
All those "social constructs" you like to complain about, were the agreements of the social contract between men. Destroying them means that now there is nothing to tie men down and prevent them from becoming bandits, marauders, tyrants, etc...
You believe people are mostly good, that there is some sort of "perfect" state that can be achieved.
This is not true. We are all still cavemen and women at our core. We are rising apes, not falling angels.
This is all because civilization is a form of technology, one of our first in fact. But it is a technology that arose naturally out of the muck, no engineer made it, no scientist theorized about it before it evolved. And we are still too feeble-minded to understand the complexity of its structure and how it works.
Attempting to change civilization, as you have, is like attempting to change the break pads and shoes on a car as it rockets down a winding mountain road flanked by cliffs when you are not a mechanic.
You may be successful, yes; but it is far more likely that you will miss a point where you must steer, or not have it ready when you need to break, or install it wrong, or a host of other things.
It is hubris to imagine that such attempts will end well.

>3 post and 2 memeflags
>(((social democracy)))

you are a degenerate and must die.
if you want to live, you may serve as a butt slave to prisoners to help keep them calm.

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>fake gender

also you need mental health attention, i'm sure you get it.

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history does seem to have a sense of irony, the most celebrated event in modern times is the "pride parade", well as it says in the good book: "pride cometh before a fall"

P.S. I would also throw in that automation, has made having kids for men less beneficial and more costly. Now kids need to stay in "school" until their 30, to even have a decent chance of participating in society in a constructive manner.

we all need to feel special, people used to say that "God choose them" (((some still do))), today people flaunt their gender as some form of badge of honor. Problem is, nobody cares unless your HB9+, and even then if you are, there is always an exasperation date for that too

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Prostitutes should be sent to working camps

>Prostitution should be highly criminalized.
Femtalk for it should be legal for women to be prostitutes but illegal for men to partake in their services.
>Men who call women "bitches" are low class degenerate scum.
Femtalk for women should still be allowed to demean, belittle, and treat men as degenerate scum.

>prostitution should be illegal
>Substances that make men more abusive to women should be criminalized (hard drugs, i would even be a prohibitionist if that didn't fail so badly)
but that's the thing, the prohibition of any drugs gives way to the rise of drug-families; mafias rose out of the alcohol prohibition, and more recent the cartels rose from cocaine and meth prohibitions.
>Men who call women "bitches" are low class degenerate scum.
I don't know, some women like it in bed and also freedom of speech is more important than your feefees, bitch.

your mistake was thinking we are monolithic

also this

social democrats the enemies of humanity have many masks

take your zog titles and die

>this post gave me child murder


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I believe niggers are real people. Agreed?