Honest question Jow Forums
What was your childhood like? Did you grow up in a stable family?
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what you mean by stable?
My dad ghosted and my mom molested me.
Lower middle class stable family, 1 sibling and a pet. No money issues.
Parents stayed together. No abuse or neglect in a substantial way. Of course parents have their own ways of fucking up but they tried at least.
How young were you when he left?
>me 12 years old playing lego in my room
>mummy knocks on door and says bedtime
>tidy up lego and climb into bed
>mummy comes over and tucks me in
>mummy says we need to talk about daddy
>says I'm going to be the man of the house now
>want to cry because I miss daddy but I have to be the man of the house now
>mummy reassures me i can talk to her about anything
>tell mummy about problem where peepee go big and stiff very irritating
>mummy says is normal but needs tickle from time to time
>ask whats that
>mummy says she will show me how to
>take off pyjama bottoms and sit on mummys lap
>mummy gently stroke peepee and it go hard again
>kiss mummy and touch her boobies
>mummy unbutton her dress and let me suckle
>suddenly feel rush and peepee start pulsing
>hold on to mummy tight and yogurt comes out
>mummy licks love yogurt on her hand
>start to cry
>mummy ask whats wrong but just tell her i love her lots
>mummy says she loves me too and very proud of her big boy
My parents were fine but for some reason they didn't want me even leaving the house not to mention my dad was obsessed with my sports, so yeah my childhood was really boring. I didn't think it was healthy the way they raised me but maybe im just being a bitch about it.
white middle class
conservative, Christian family
small town
2 parent
3 siblings
dad worked
stay at home mom
mom was a bit screwy but total normie by today's standards
white, grow up in a middle class white neighborhood
my parent stayed together but gave me no zero advice in life
they didn't teach me a dammed thing about life, relationships, love, how to be a man, nothing
they didn't care about my education
never supported me in any of my interests / hobbies
didn't care if i was good or bad
never talked about anything, we never ate at the dinner table.
it was like I was living with complete strangers my whole life
no grand parents around
all my father did was work, never showed up for anything in my life
no clue what my mother did, just leeched off my dad.
didn't even care when they died.
To this day I still can't connect emotionally with people or keep a friend.
That's sad man sorry.
Very stable low middle class Hispanic family. I've been blessed.
Same except my mother would burst in rage and hit me over nothing burgers, always in fear.
In bonus my father poked a needle of my sick bird and I saw it shaking in blood, was like 10.
Also smoked while pregnant and would beat the fk out of me for smoking.
Etc etc
Sometime I read pol and I feel like I’m surrounded with mere normie losers.
A needle in the head of my sick bird*
middle class hapa. Had my drama but life has been blessed, family stable and now growing
>While pregnant
You know the rules tits or gtfo
Pretty good, ideal really until my mom died from an illness. I'm pretty sure that put my dad into a continual state of depression for the rest of his life. They married late in life and didn't think it was even possible for them to conceive, I was a complete surprise. I don't think he was prepared to raise a kid on his own but he did the best he could anyway.
I think I was just socialized to live like a depressed shut in, I really have to fight it to not just sit at the computer all day shitposting.
>Sometime I read pol and I feel like I’m surrounded with mere normie losers.
People are just stupid, naive, and generally easy manipulated by their egos or emotions. this includes majority of Jow Forums. People get emotional attached to stupid things like a church burning down(Notre Dame) or people getting shot up,( Sri Lanka Bombings ) etc. I don't.
This is one thing that I excel at since I don't connect with people or things on a emotional level, and I don't care about what happens to others.
Meh, had good points and bad points.
Never really had someone I would consider a childhood friend because I moved around a lot. I only started meeting my closest friends more recently
I grew up in an a moderately wealthy norwiegen family. Parents were both great, life has been so stable
Reading a summary of a shota hentai eh?
Jesus fucking Christ. You need help. Please go to your local priest and explain that story
I'm only 21, so bear that in mind.
My parents are still together, sure. They might as well have been foster parents, though. They never actually gave me any sort of love or attention because they focused more on my older and younger brother. Both of them admitted to ignoring me when I was young and feeling guilty about it now. Now that I've moved out they try to keep in touch by calling me once a week or so, and they'll try to hug me when I come home but I genuinely hate being touched by them, it just doesn't feel okay.
I got really independent as a result of the lack of attention when I was young and that really hasn't changed; I'm not an introvert, but I don't like relying on people for anything, I live alone in a studio apartment, I do things like go to movies and bars alone, etc.
I don't want to be an angsty "I'm so dark and a lone wolf XD" type my whole life, but I don't really know what to do from here. The only people I've really had a shot at having a meaningful relationship with have been girls I dated. And while there have been a lot, I've never actually had a relationship with any of them that lasted longer than three weeks. My biggest fear is that my entire life is just going to be like this.
Going back to church for four months after years of being secular hasn't helped anything, either.
Sorry for blogposting
that's my meme, glad you saved it