How does anybody unironically support Bernie after not only giving all of his donations to Clinton...

How does anybody unironically support Bernie after not only giving all of his donations to Clinton, but has entirely flipped on his communist principals now that he is a successful 1%er capitalist?

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>“There’s a growing realization that Sanders could end up winning this thing, or certainly that he stays in so long that he damages the actual winner,” said David Brock, the liberal organizer, who said he has had discussions with other operatives about an anti-Sanders campaign and believes it should commence “sooner rather than later.”

Adios, David.

Hi literally David Brock here

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>How does anybody unironically support Bernie after not only giving all of his donations to Clinton
He was playing nice with the democratic party to set up his run in 2020

> has entirely flipped on his communist principals now that he is a successful 1%er capitalist?
This boomer tier meme that you can't simultaneously own stuff and advocate for a more socialized economy is stupid.

>but has entirely flipped on his communist principals now that he is a successful 1%er capitalist
There is nothing wrong, according to communist principles, in either being rich or capitalist, as long as you work to advance socialism and undercut those whose wealth is illegitimate.

Did he not rail against the 1% heavily in his previous run? Now he's part of the 1% do you notice how his rhetoric is about the top 1/10th of 1%? Strange how those goalposts move

>hat you can't simultaneously own stuff and advocate for a more socialized economy is stupid.
He's a communist you silly dum dum, and you haven't actually provided an argument.
>rails against capitalism his whole life
>never actually held a job
>never actually pushed any legislation through
>rails against the 1% his entire run
>becomes the 1%
>"if you sell a hit book you can be rich too, now pay more taxes"
>"no no I won't pay more taxes"

>as long as you work to advance socialism and undercut those whose wealth is illegitimate.
Sounds like capitalism tbqh famalam, there's already laws for people whose wealth is illegitimate

There may be different ideas about legitimacy of distribution and accumulation of wealth.

In the current capitalist system, majority of people recognise that it is unstable, unproductive and unfair, and mechanism of wealth is key to that.

I think there's no fixing people who are incapable of fixing themselves. You can give people millions of dollars from a lottery and they will still go broke 80% of the time. Do you think a form of government can overcome human nature when the government itself is composed of humans?

he's saying exactly the same thing as 2016, where has he changed?

Bernie advocates for higher taxes on the 1% . He is part of the 1% so his policies would effect him.

I really don't see the hypocrisy. I also would like to see your evidence that he's a communist.

because he's the only one who's going to do shit for the middle class

Now he's a millionaire capitalist so it's fun watching him and his supporters pull some olympic tier mental gymnastics
He outright refused to pay the taxes he wants the "1%" to pay on the money he gained by being a capitalist. Are you naive enough to think that he'd only tax the 1%?
What's his largest accomplishment for the middle class in his decades of being a politician?

>Bernie told you to vote for this
>b b b b but he cares ab about th th the middle cl cl class!

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>Now he's a millionaire capitalist so it's fun watching him and his supporters pull some olympic tier mental gymnastics
Making money doesn't make you a capitalist by default. That's dumb

>He outright refused to pay the taxes he wants the "1%" to pay on the money he gained by being a capitalist.
Can you please link me to what you are refering to?

>Can you please link me to what you are refering to?

I mean seriously, you can't see the gymnastics you have to be doing to support this clown still?

Are you serious man. He didn't voluntarily pay extra tax so that makes him hypocritical? That's another boomer meme. Complete nonsense.

>The 1% need to pay their fare share!
>"You're the one percent now, do you want to volunteer to be a leader and pay the amount you consider a fair share, and want to force the government to take from others at gunpoint?"
So you unironically support Bernie Clinton?

Who do I vote for?

That's silly. Him donating money he dosent owe to the federal government would accomplish nothing. Changing the top marginal tax rate would though.

I don't even support him necessarily. I just think that's an incredibly disingenuous line of attack.

>Him donating money he dosent owe to the federal government would accomplish nothing
But his argument with socialism is that the government is a better spender of your wealth than you are. If he practices what he preaches, he should see the money he gives as better spent than what he could have done with it.

Changing the top marginal tax rate? Why would that work? What has happened to all the taxes paid by everyone up until this point, has government spent those tax dollars wisely you'd say? What would be different if we gave the government more tax dollars?

The answer to that final question is nothing, which is why Sanders wants to keep his money but wants to take others despite them both now being in this magical 1%.

When I say that I want less taxes it's because I think the government is shit at spending tax money and it's your/my money. Sanders would seem to agree with me


Trump proved hypocrisy doesn't matter, and Bernie is the best equipped to defeat Trump

Bernie has the record and personality to go toe to toe with Trump, and the Fox town hall proves that

>Bernie has the record and personality to go toe to toe with Trump

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He 100% sold out

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personalIy I think access to affordable healthcare is a giant issue in this country. At this point I don't see any solution other then a single payer system. If that means higher taxes across the board I begrudgingly support it. I can understand why you might disagree, but I don't it makes me or bernie Sanders hypocriticall for not giving the government extra money before those laws potentially go into effect.

>I begrudgingly support it.
Voters/taxpayers have no say. Whatever the big pharma wants, big pharma gets. Bernie is as much a shill for big money as the republicans.

It is completely hypocritical for Sanders to push for higher taxes on the 1% which he is a part of while refusing to donate the amount he would pay if the laws he advocated for were passed. 100% hypocritical, and to immediately go after the person asking that question with
>You make more than I do
is completely ridiculous considering he's been railing against the 1%.

Just watch, his rhetoric will never focus on the 1% ever again, but the top 1/10 of the 1%. If you support him at this point you are either underinformed or legitimately dumb.

This would be like a fait accompli

>Trump proved hypocrisy doesn't matter,
There doesn't seem to be any creditable third party contenders - I'd say Bernie is a shoe-in for the Dems

>implying capitalism or capital are a good spender of my wealth
Stop being a meme

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>needing the government to spend your wealth for you
Bernie go to bed

>needing to feel better than others
Don't you have to be at high school tomorrow?
>needing to have the government as a being separate from the people because otherwise it would be mob rule
Nah, enjoy your low-effort bait thread.

>>needing to feel better than others
>implying capitalism is a scoreboard
It really shows who the high schooler here is, friendo

Like how Burlington used to be a middle class city?
Now it's a circus of gay drug addiction with a side show of nig on nog drug homicide.

You're right, everywhere the leftists go

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>It is completely hypocritical for Sanders to push for higher taxes on the 1% which he is a part of while refusing to donate the amount he would pay if the laws he advocated for were passed.
I completely disagree. How would he even do that? And for what purpose? Him singlehandedly paying extra accomplshes literally nothing. I guess you would say every single Sanders supporter as well is a hypocrite for the same reason.

>How would he even do that?
Anybody at any time can send a check to the IRS. Bernie can easily calculate how much he would pay under his own tax legislation and send a check to the IRS for that amount to be spent on whatever wonderful things Bernie thinks government does.
>I guess you would say every single Sanders supporter as well is a hypocrite for the same reason.
I would say every single Sanders supporter who is part of the 1% which he rails against is a hypocrite if they don't do this, yes.


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whoever keeps drawing these... all of your depictions are slanted to the left and look fucking retarded

fuck off Bern out, remember to donate large this time! also #No refunds :^) BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA

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op is just as autistic as bernie supporters themselves