No hymen, no dia---

If she says she's virgin, but has a broken hymen, you're most likely safe. You can drop the "no hymen, no diamond" myth now.

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Roastie COPE

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>Trusting a roasty

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Kissless virgin here. What's a hymen?

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It's a protective skin membrane that blocks most of a women's birthing hole.

Why are all of the 'o's in her name in wingdings?

So it's like a seal and when it's broken you know she's done it with a nigger?

>just trust her

I'm six minutes in. What's the point of this presentation?

>birthing hole
i think you mean butthole retard

It can also be broken by vigorous physical activity that's not sex. Of course, in that case, you will never be able to physically confirm if she was a virgin or not. BUT JUST TRUST HER, GOY.

>Kissless virgin here. What's a hymen?
It's short for hymenopteran, which is a bee. Women are born with a spirit bee, it phases in and out of this dimension. If you marry a woman the spirit bee is supposed to bring you luck, but sometimes the woman starts reading books and stuff and poof the hymen splits. When you hear 'No hymen no diamond' it means the man doesn't want some opinionated cunt telling him what to do so she isn't marriage material.

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It's like the ring on a bottle of soda. It probably just got broken in transit, nothing to worry about it and you're a fag if you don't drink it anyway.

If he got a virgin wife, literally no guy would care about the hymen. Feminists keep pretending the hymen is a thing but it's not. All people care about is that you didn't fuck someone else.

I'm still not gonna date you.

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She's an emcel

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Now that's funny

Thanks Jow Forums

lol. Just like men do.

The like:dislike ratio on that video is a pretty stark blackpill.

>Trusting a feminist

What a fool. Everyone knows the hymen is in a girl's ass. When you push your dick in and it meets resistance and she's visibly uncomfortable, then you pull you pee pee out and it's covered in a smelly brown substance known as "hymen muck", you know you've broke her hymen and she was a virgin.

Truth and diversity

If she don't bleed on her wedding night, she aint a virgin.

This woman is a stupid whore promoting degeneracy, fuck her I hope she dies

>hymens are actually bees
So that's why it tasted so sweet

Most common lie told by whores on hymen:

"I lost it while riding bicycle"

You mean being a village bicycle

Fake news.

Hymen is the only guarantee dumbass. Just because have says she's a virgin doesn't mean it's true. Most likely it isn't.

>trusting any women

keked and checked

I'm fuckin' dyin'

its like the little plastic bits on a bottle of coke that shows its unopened and no penis has been put inside

>Trusting someone like this to properly raise children or be faithful when they spent years addicted casual to sex

Drug abusers, alcoholics, and whores are set in their ways. We can see your priorities and know you wouldn't be worth shit in marriage or parenting, always complaining about your feels instead of being a responsible adult and making meaningful sacrifices for a greater purpose. You never had a problem with non-commitment in your prime so get used to it.


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>believe womyn

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For her to take on an entire TED talk and waste it on virginity myths, she must have been rejected or was aware of her failure when she decided to open her legs a little early. I guess the elephant in the room spells out how long her curtains hang.

TED has been becoming dumber and fucking dumber as the years go by. It's like they're running out of worthwhile candidates. They let a homeless bum host a TED talk for fuck sakes.

It's all degenerate liberal garbage

best description i've heard

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>Malaysia FBBP
Ok I guess we'll protect you from Han for another 50 years

That got a laugh outta me.

It's like this

>they actually think it's about the hymen
Malaysia is right


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How is this even a thing?
Does anyone seriously believe any women are virgins beyond 14?
We gave up on this shit a century ago.

>TEDx Talks
You for real with that shit up in here?

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who dis?

ffs m8 great post
you kikes are ok some times

who is we, cuck?
if you werent the one to break your gfs hymen you might as well go suck a dick,faggot

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since you shouldn't be having sex until after marriage, how would you know until it's too late?

Nah. Used goods are still used goods no matter how many times you try to glue them back together

Can a drawfag pls make some meme about this?

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Not really, most of Ted Fall's audience are women. Try watching one on some horrifying shit like being raised in a rape cult, and you'll see nothing but women in the comments.
Don't ask me why this is though.

You check, obviously. That's how it was always done and how people in the third world still do.

How else would you, you retard?

then I don't doubt for a second that a lovely gentleman somewhere out there is willing to take that risk

This sort of thing is only a worry if your country is invaded by Muslim shitskins.
White men aren't going to have their mother stick a finger up the vagina of their soon to be bride and kill her or at least honor rape her by her 20 cousins if the hymen is missing.

It's not like hymen tears don't happen tho. I imagine some more energetic squats can tear this shit up

Can It break from masturbation or anything like that?
Genuinely don't know, never touched a woman

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>Be fat chick
>No diamond, you fat!
>Start training, break hymen on exercise bike
>No diamond, you whore!
lol autists

There are exceptions to every rule my man - but that looks like a slut that's taking a balls-deep pussy-pounding to completion.
I'm just Vegeta man.

Seething roastie.

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What if I spent years addicted to video games?

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Video game addiction is a meme , doesn't exist

>group that openly defended pedophilia

That bitch needs to shut her mouth and show us her tits.

>What's a hymen?
The enemy of skeletor.
Google it.

Can't you break it jacking off though?

How has nobody pointed this out yet?

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You can break it with penetration during masturbation, or riding a bike/horse, or doing squats at the gym.

so, what you're saying is that the larpers in this thread are clueless?

I imagine most girls break it with sex, since penetrating yourself during masturbation is not something you do without a camera pointed at you. But yeah, a woman who hasn't had sex could have lost her hymen in other ways.

Not really, I knew a few girls whose Hyman bent back or could be stretched out without being broken.

Testing faggots

made me laugh out louder than it should have. good job, user.

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videogames are reich simulations.
every mmorpg guild.
the 1's most nazi, always rise to the top.

thats a great idea this whole emcel type of thing. It serves many purposes and is not entirely malevolent even. Overall a great focus I would say. Approved!


Guys... women's hymen's can break without sex... this is especially true for physically larger (both fat, tall and curvey) women.

She builds a FALSE premise of a universally believed myth (except amongst educated ‘medical community’ people), so just believed by stupid people? I’ve known since before I knew what a vagina looks like that girls who went horse riding could ‘brake themselves in’. It’s discussed by primary school children under 12, or was, some girls used to go horse riding.

Also rando’s keep agreeing with each other that vaginas do not stretch from sexual intercourse and it’s getting to be a ‘fact’ around here that sex stretching is a myth. It is not a myth and vaginas stretch from sexual intercourse from losing virginity onwards. I don’t even know if all females know about this??? Or want to admit it. It’s so stupidly obvious to me as a time served promiscuous male. I’ve discussed it with numerous women I’ve slept with. It’s totally real. The only people who could deny it are male/females without much sexual experience. Or maybe with normal sexual experience, ie a few GF/BFS and then a spouse.
Exercise can tighten a vagina.
We all knew the human thing though. Evsrulyone does. They are BTFOing windmills.

>Also rando’s keep agreeing with each other that vaginas do not stretch from sexual intercourse and it’s getting to be a ‘fact’ around here that sex stretching is a myth.
I literally don't know how people buy that line of bullshit, gaping and large insertion porn exists. There is direct video evidence that shit gets looser with use. Forget the theoretical argument about whether the vagina is the one orifice that miraculously returns to its original dimensions despite whatever abuse it's put through, because of venereal magic; I can show you footage of a roastie shoving an entire butternut squash up her cunt.

>If she says she's virgin, but has a broken hymen, you're most likely safe. You can drop the "no hymen, no diamond" myth now.
What she really means is that the girl wants a second chance because her first sexual partner/boyfriend was a piece of shit who likely got her pregnant and made her kill the kid before dumping her.

remember reading an article a while back about a trend for a certain demographic in the UK and how it was popular for girls to get hymen-reconstruction surgery, business was'a boomin evidently