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Why arnt all kids redpilled at young ages?

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I want my forskin back!

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Her brother literally scripts her

zoomers are all based


because kikes run the public education system

She seems like shes competent and does it herself she said that she does it all herself but she gets help from her brother to be a camera man or something

cuz the government funds propaganda schooling systems to make us think they're our god and all opposing view points are heresy.

Rape Sophia.

>Id rape ngl

She turns me on, man. :D

Probably fucks her too

Brother in arms

Destiny is that you?

Depends who's raising them. Kids now are surrounded by information. If you can combine that information with an intelligent role model, you can redpill children. I do it all the time with my niece. Small bits here and there. I talk to her like she's an adult, and my belief is that if I do it right she won't become a roastie whore.

>Man thats a difficult question
Careful not to raise stormfags

God just imagine Mandingo's BBC pressed up against her tiny face

I see this claim but I've never seen proof of it.

So, do you have any then?

I wonder what her parents must be like.

>Man thats a difficult question

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Is euroweek still operating do you know?

i thought that but she did a minecraft stream a few days ago and i caught 10-15 minutes she was off script and dropping bombs while talking to the chat

fuck off desTINY
even this user sees it

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Criticizing Islam is about as blue-pilled as it gets. It just means you've been watching Zionist controlled opposition on YouTube.

Yeah i do agree with that 'ALL MUSLIMS' are bad is a huge blue pill to be honest which make these brainlet stormfags just that bit more annoying who dont know how to socialize with anyone but their echo chamber

me too user

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>Why arnt all kids redpilled at young ages?
Because 99% of people (and that includes many in the 99th IQ percentile) are NPCs who are being given the wrong programming in government schools in Israeli vassal states.
Soph isn't too far off, either. She's still ancapistani. Hopefully that will change before she's even 16. If not, her adult life will be rough.

Attached: soph sam hyde.png (738x946, 830K)

>someone posts this in every thread about her
>Never any proof


little dude needs a haircut

She has FES


I don't know. Isn't Rotherham closer to you though? You might as well take a trip there as long as you have an appropriate loisense.

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>implying stormfags are bad

Ffs me too :(


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Are you retarded? The education system literally makes all the opinions of the young from the beginning.

I know she’s on your hit list, Schlomo.

me too user, kikes stole it

This little shits brother is such a bitch. He's definitely your average Jow Forumstard

Shame you people will grow out of the nazi phase to miss seeing her turn into a BBC slut in college

maybe because not every kid is 120IQ+

don't forget tv,movies and music. have some young attractive person state the opinions you want the youth to have and they will inevitably follow.