Brunei defends Islamic laws punishing gay sex with death

Brunei has written to the European Parliament in a bid to defend its decision to impose the death penalty as punishment for gay sex, which it claims will "safeguard the sanctity of family lineage and marriage".

Faggotry punishable by death, literally a Jow Forums fantasy come true. And yet a significant majority of you dupes still hate Islam like good little goys. You hate the enemy of Israel and the cure to Jewish degeneracy because you've been brainwashed by the Zionist-infiltrated right wing and you're too stupid to even realize it.

If you're anti-Islam you're pro-ZOG and you should kill yourself.

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Ironically Islam will save the West. Inshallah

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Based Trump will stop the fags. Oh wait a minute...

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kek, what is this from?

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Paedophilia is rife in Islamic communities, they're worse than Catholics.
They also prefer boys to girls.

Source: I've been to many middle eastern countries. Don't believe me? Ask your local military man that served in the middle east.

I don't believe you because that shit is punishable by death too.

Also how would a religious culture influence the rates of a congenital mental illness like pedophilia?

Those that were abused have an increased chance to abuse themselves, a lot of pedophiles were touched as kids.
They have a culture of boys are for sex, women are for breeding. Straight up.

pedo isn't a congenital mental illness just like homo isn't. pedo/homo spreads via abuse

>I've been to many middle eastern countries.
Shut up bong, at most you've been to Afghanistan and that's literally the only place it happens. Even there pedos get fucked up by the Taliban and that's who the west is unironically fighting against.

>Source: me

>Boys are for sex, women are for breeding
Checked. An ex-GI told me this about 10 years ago when I was in trade school.Thought he was full of shit at the time but years later supporting evidence started coming out

>Westerners accusing other cultures of being gay

Pot, kettle, black

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The reason why Islam is politically alligned with gay liberals is because you use them to take the fall for your homosexual tendencies.
You guys just aren't all flamboyant and open about it but Islam couldn't survive in a society that didn't quietly accept boy-fucking.

"No you" the post.

By the way I'm not a Muslim

Islamic political elites are also hypocritical as fuck. They enforce and support strict islamic laws for their own peoples, but then come vacationing to western countries with their unveiled wifes and daughters to gamble, drink and fuck prostitutes.

It's true bruh.
>I'm not a muslim
why are you shilling for Islam then?

Whereas we are honest in our debauchery? Why is it so hard for you to admit the Islamic world is morally superior to the Judaized west?

Good God you're dumb. You can't even present information without pitting people against each other.

I don't care for Islam, at all, and I think their human rights violations speak volumes.

Have you considered that uneducated people who live like the fucking Flintstones are the real problem?

and i'm not talking about any religion here, it's about dumb people speaking online and spreading the worst presentation of information ever in world history as if it's a gift to anyone who reads it.

There were you're wrong. They try to pozz place but people are the one resisting. If not for people refusing degeneracy we will be pozzed in no time.

The pedophilia is popular in Afghanistan known as "bacha bazi" it isn't related to religion but to culture as only people of khurasan region do it if you go south or west Afghanistan you won't find people fucking kids,it's in their weird tradition,and most of pedophilia in ither countries is done by them too,their are 3 mil afghan refugees in Pakistan,alot of them are into pedophilia after their entrance Pakistan's pedophilia, drug,crime,extremism rate skyrocketed

I'm wondering is there any Muslim country where you get a standing ovation for liking dicks?

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Nuke all the Muslim world already

We aren't cucked only thing his faggot ass will be recieving would be 80 lashes.

The reason why so many of us are hesitant and careful about Islam is because the entire lineage of Saudi princes has extremely close ties with Israel and Zionism. There are numerous Jews in their family tree. This is why we so often see the Saudis interests alligning with the Zionist cause.
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, praise be to our merciful Lord Jesus Christ.

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Fuck off subhuman
In Every single Arab country and every country that ends with stan including Pakistan, 99% of the population are gays or pedophiles.
Probably has something to do with the fact they don't have sex with a woman until their 30s

The Saudi Government is constantly in fear of being overthrown by the Saudi people. They are traitors to their people just like western leaders are. If we are going to apply western standards you could say western people are bad because our leaders have such close ties with Israel and Zionism.

Faggot you're saying non sense then how do you explain western world full degeneracy mode when they commit adultery and have sex since young age? Why didn't their early sex in schools stop them from being faggots? Fuck off jew.

You have two options,One is to allow someone to have sex at will allowing them to grow up as a normal person, two is not allowing them to have sex outside of marriage thus telling them to walk around with a boner for 17-20 years and just hope they won't find another source of pleasure like pedophilia, Zoophilia or simply being gay

Stop hiding behind that flag JIDF
Pedophilia is highly discouraged in Pakistan and it's very rare probably more than in west as every 4 kids in 10 face sexual assault at age younger than 16 in America.

Unlike west we hang pedophiles here.

Can you fucking stop? Every single child rape gang in the west is filled with Indians and pakis, You top out every single group of immigrants in molestation and child rape

That's their problem stop taking in our criminals,I'm happy most of the retards moved to west,i don't consider those degenerates Pakistani, west let them in they are westerners to me now.

And only if west had the ability to hand pedophiles people from here wouldn't move their,why do you think they move their ops to west? The law is cucked in the west.


Dude no, it happens in chinese mislim population, in indian ones, banglades and Pakistan, also arab countres

That's nice.

Sad but true. We're getting only degenerates and criminals.

If you propose strict laws I'm sure most of them would move back,you do need labour in EU but stop giving ISIS sanctuaries in the name of immigrants, this hurts not only the locals but also law abiding immigrants who respect the western culture and aren't degenerates.

At least Brunei is doing one thing to better humanity.

Islam will see the replacement of whites with browns in the west. Without whites the west is no longer the west. No, Islam will not save the west, it will just recreate the east in the west.


Based. If every native european converted globo homo would die overnight and all the brown invaders would be driven into the sea (almost all muzzie nations are ethnonationlist)

I can hate them and say that's a good law

So they do a couple of things we like so that makes them the good guys? Muslims are the #1 enemy. All of them must die no exceptions

>And yet a significant majority of you dupes still hate Islam like good little goys
Islam is retarded and so is this law and so are you. Go back to Somalia.

Reminder: Sharia Law only affects Muslims.

This place has a meme flag jew problem.

Show us your flag faggot.
>inb4 Jew flag

Promoting Islam to get rid of Jews is like releasing mountain lions into your home to get rid of rats. The lion is going to eat your stupid ass.

Why do Jews promote so much anti-Islam stuff? They view it as a bigger threat to their agenda than white nationalism.

Based and sharia-pilled

Yeah but he's black.

You and your “military men” fight for gayjew Christendom where men marry men. Just shut the fuck up.

The saudi jew thing is such a shitty meme.

You can only judge a country by what happens in its borders you asiatic clown. The point is those degenerates are too scared to do those things in their own country: mission accomplished. The people have won and the degenerates go like flies to shit ie to your countries.

>banning gay marriage is retarded

Found the gaping anus faggot

Based Brunei bro

See good muslim bros itt. Come to 8 ch dot net slash islam.

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More kike shit to keep blaming the gostfuckers.
I want both dead. But the investors and who really are enjying this shit are the kikes.


did you unironically reference oblivion or is todd in japan right now

So they hate faggots. Great.
What about all the other shit that comes with the package deal shit sandwich super combo that is Islam?
I'm sure pedophiles are really environmentally conscious too, should we all become pedophiles because that's A Good Thing?

Hope some Tarrant clone lights your mosque up.

Wow.. 8ch changed a lot since I last visited.

Can we all get along and light up some synagogue instead?

No. Both belong on the pyre.

Aww.. :(

nothing like humanity working together for a common goal


You are an angry post-christian half-normie in Norway. You don’t matter. Your country only matters in so far as it becomes Muslim. I hope we both live to see Islamic Sweden conquer your country. Make no mistake the more Islamicized European countries will be dominant for a multitude of reasons in the coming decades.

Besides us they are all schizos

I'm sure they'll get out of the welfare offices and Western Union outlets any moment now and start "rising up".
As for the Swedes? Last times they've tried doing shit to us, that didn't end very well. The only survivors were Finnish mercenaries, the rest froze to death.

Do you think Ali and Mustafa will fare better?