Someone help me, the clown world meme is too real, I can't stop having panic attacks.
>US Citizens arrested for stopping illegal invaders
>US Troops disarmed by Mexico on their own soil
>Socialist vs. Faggot fighting for control of the Democrat party
>"Easter Worshippers"
>Social Security and Medicare Funds Face Insolvency, expanding anyway
>No College for children of dead US soliders
>Free College for goblin US invaders
>Europe over run with violent niggers and muslims
Srsly am I in hell?
Someone help me, the clown world meme is too real, I can't stop having panic attacks
honk memes are the only reason i even come here anymore
The point of clown world that you laugh :>
It’s the only way to stay sane now
Too real even it exists at Walgreen!
Satan and his left-wing proxies are ruining life. It will only get worse until the Christ comes back and throws the lot of them into hell forever.
Nero laughed as Rome burned.
I love my country and want the crazy to stop.
>having panic attacks
Get a hold of yourself, you fucking woman
There should be no free college for anybody. I just don't understand why your generation is so lazy. Get a fucking part time job already.
>Pick yourself up by your boot straps zoomy
Stfu boomer.
Washington State wants to use people as fertilizer...
Go out. Get some fresh air. Breathe. Make some friends at the library. Eat healthy.
All these “problems” are in your head. There’s no leftist boogeymen trying to kill you. Muslims are not plotting to kill you. Free college and free healthcare benefits you too, not just “brown people”
By the way, unironic racism is rotting your mind.
Bait was to obvious. Try to sound a little more serious next time.
I'm not a boomer. I'm only in my 40's. That makes me Gen X. The last real generation that worked for their money.
This. Watch Contra Points. Get a haircut and manicure, go shopping. Everything is fine. Stop thinking so much, the intellectual heavyweights like Destiny figured everything out for us.
Based faggot, you're right...except:
>free college
No thanks.
>free healthcare
I don't get sick, again, no thanks.
>No College for children of dead US soliders
if you join the military and serve the jew, you deserve every bad thing that happens to you
Nah m8 sometimes things just happen
Welcome to the Kali Yuga
The fuck is the point of the clown world meme, I’m not going to fake laugh that I’m living in Weimar America. I’m not laughing at all wtf, maybe we should take the situation more seriously otherwise we all look like fucking clowns too
honk honk.
>The fuck is the point of the clown world meme
jews want you to laugh instead of doing something meaningful
Go to Walgreens and come back.
>yes goyim stay out of the military and let us completely control the institution
>promise we won’t use it on you
kys. There’s onviously some privileged kids just like every other generation but everyone I know works their butts off to pay for school and rent and food staples
>I'm not a boomer. I'm only in my 40's.
this fucking honk honkler is a fucking anarchist and he's pissing me off too
To wake every sleeping cunt up to the fact that everything is a fucking joke and do something otherwise we are all fucked bud
Posting links to such displeasing sounds should be a banable offence.
pic is you
The military is a complete joke and already lost to the jew. Unless the GI bill is eliminated and we enter a real war that cleans house.
We have to fight back. Fuck this. It's time. They've seen chimp outs. Now it's time for a honk out. Thank Odin I spent my life savings on weaponry. I am tired of Jews using blacks as a cheap weapon against us. We can't even stand up and be who we are anymore wtf has happened. This is it.