High School Girls made False Sex Accusations Male Student Because They ‘Just Don’t Like Him’

>Seneca Valley School District in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is facing a lawsuit from a former male student who was forced out of school—and investigated for sexual assault—due to a series of false accusations made by female students.

>The girls—dubbed "mean girls" in the lawsuit, a reference to the 2004 Lindsay Lohan film—admitted on tape that they made up the assault story. One said, "I just don't like him" and "[I] would do anything to get him expelled," according to The Toronto Sun.

>The false allegations were life-derailing for the accused, who is referred to as "T.F." in the lawsuit. On October 3, 2017, one of the girls told other students that T.F. had sexually assaulted her at a pool; a Seneca Valley guidance counselor overheard the accusation, and reported it to Childline, the state's child abuse prevention agency, as required by law. T.F. was swiftly charged with indecent assault and harassment, and received six months of probation as part of a plea deal.

>Months later, in March of 2018, T.F. was again falsely accused, according to the lawsuit. Another girl invited him over to a house party; a few days later, she told the school guidance counselor that T.F. had broken into her home and sexually assaulted her. The lawsuit claims she was coached by T.F.'s first accuser. As a result of this accusation, T.F. was charged with assault and criminal trespassing. He was removed from school in leg and wrist shackles, and spent 9 days in juvenile detention.

>The lawsuit elaborates on a number of other indignities T.F. suffered:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>He was released on house arrest on April 18, 2018, with an ankle monitor, and specific instructions from [Juvenile Probation Officer] Michael Trego that he could not tell people about the ankle device, and he could not wear shorts or other clothing that revealed the ankle device, even though it was during some of the hottest days of summer. He was not permitted to have any visitors, phone, or internet access, and could not leave the house except for therapy, which he requires to deal with the psychological trauma he suffered, and to attend church. After 28 days, he was allowed outside the house only to mow his lawn, which he had to do in long pants regardless of the temperature. He was unable to play during most of the high school baseball season and was told by the Athletic Director that she was not sure he could play baseball because every time he was wearing a Seneca Valley jersey, he was representing the school. T.F. was unable to play baseball or work at his summer jobs for part of the summer.

> By the end of the summer, the conspiracy against T.F. was unmasked: other students came forward with Snapchat messages that contradicted the claims of the "mean girls," who eventually admitted to lying. All charges against T.F. were dropped.

>But T.F.'s family is understandably distraught that the girls have suffered no consequences: neither the police nor the school district have taken any action against them, according to the lawsuit. And so the family is pursuing legal action against the girls' parents, the school district, and the district attorney.

>T.F's attorney, Craig Fishman, did not respond to a request for comment, but he told Penn Live that his client "was basically being tortured in school by the other students and investigators, but the administration was only focused on protecting the girls who were lying."

>In a statement, a spokesperson for the school district said that privacy laws prevented officials from commenting on specific details of the lawsuit, but that they believe it is "without merit."

>"We have followed all applicable laws, and we will vigorously defend ourselves throughout the process," the statement read.

>On Monday, School Board President Jim Nickel said that "there is quite a bit of misinformation and misperception out there."

>"Just because something is contained in a lawsuit complaint does not mean that it's fact," he said.

>From the school's perspective, it had no choice but to involve Childline when it learned about a possible sexual assault. And school officials can't punish any of the female students for their bad behavior outside of school.

>These are valid points, and it may very well be that the school did everything it was required to do. I'm making note of this case because of the national conversation we seem to be having about the existence of false sexual assault accusations in the wake of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. False accusations may not be common, but they do happen. To pretend otherwise, as fourth-wave feminism's believe-all-victims mantra demands, is to ignore a large number of cases involving young people—often young black men—wrongly accused of sexual misconduct.

In a muslim country the boy's father AND the mean girl's fathers would have thrown acid on their faces

I like how they can't go 5 seconds without completely invalidating what happened to this kid.
Immediately saying "mostly black men"
This kid is white.
Fuck these people and I hope they burn in hell


>can't tell people about the ankle device
>can't wear clothes that show the ankle device
While it's good practice for this kid to get used to strapping some kind of hardware under his clothes, why would these conditions be implemented?

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I hope this guy jews these bitches and their families out of every single penny they have.

>From the school's perspective, it had no choice but to involve Childline when it learned about a possible sexual assault. And school officials can't punish any of the female students for their bad behavior outside of school
Literally what.... We expelled him because of things he did outside of school to another student, but what those girls did, we can't do anything to them about it. What fucking timeline is this?

Nothing will happen to them, at worse they'll get a false report charge, and serve even less probation time than he did.

Then I hope he makes bank by suing the school, then pay some niggers to rape these cunts to death.

honk honk

>Then I hope he makes bank by suing the school
They'll just pass the buck and say they had to do it because they're required by law, etc.
Bitches can get away with murder desu

The school can say whatever they want. That won't stop a lawsuit if the family can find a judge to take the case.

It's not to invalidate the kid. It's because in the west, especially America people just don't care when white people add being done wrong by.

By mentioning how this affects blacks too, it suddenly makes false accusations a race issue which subconciously makes the kid more of a perceived victim. He's just one of a large group of victim and that the issue is systemic, not a rare occurance.

It's best if he just does it several years later, after they think he forgot.

Here is an article with all the girls names

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Facebook that shit son

*girls' parents

This lawsuit, sadly is unlikely to go anywhere. It is a god damn clown world we live in. What is it gonna take for authorities to start imposing consequences? Only action I could think of that would work is abuse of process and that doesn't lead to big bucks

But it's annoying to have to pander to racial politics like this. Why can't false accusation be a problem about women having too many rights, rather than a racial problem.

>spics and jews
big think

He might get lots of money out of them

It's so tiresome. Fucking clown world. Poor boy, hope he recovers. And fuck those girls with a rusty rake.

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Names of Parents:
David & Christy Sherk
David & Christine Seaman
Chris & Kimberly Salancy
David & Lynn Reina

Initials of Girls:
H. Reina
Megan Villegas

>any of the female students for their bad behavior outside of school.
But they can punish the male student for it
Big think

Here is the lawsuit

Very big think. Honk honk.


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>3. The Defendants, George Villegas, Jr. and Pam Villegas, are adult
individuals, who are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, Megan
Villegas, who upon information and belief is an adult. They reside at 220 S. Jefferson
Street, Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania 16063.
>4. The Defendants, David Sherk and Christy Sherk, are adult individuals,
who are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, K.S., who currently is a
minor. They reside at 419 Isabella Court, Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania
>5. The Defendants, David Seaman and Christine Seaman, are adult
individuals, who are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, C.S., who
currently is a minor. They reside at 231 Bluff Street, Zelienople, Butler County,
Pennsylvania 16063.
>6. The Defendants, Cris Salancy and Kimberly Salancy, are adult individuals,
who are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, E.S., who currently is a
minor. They reside at 205 Old Hickory Road, Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania
>7. The Defendants, Lynn Reina and David Reina, are adult individuals, who
are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, H.R., who currently is a minor.
Lynn Reina resides with her daughter, H.R. at 103 Green Gable Manor, Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania 16063. David Reina resides at 5A River Road, Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania 15238.

They’re sheboons and the accused is white right?

They can't get away with telling people to kill themselves though, that's the line society drew

no they're staceys and roasties

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Well fuck roesties and sheboons

What do you have to do to piss women off so bad they will try to fuck your life up with false accusations

Be fugly.

they see women like antita sarkeesean get major patreon bucks all for just crying about being oppressed

Godspeed Pennsylvania anons
>3. The Defendants, George Villegas, Jr. and Pam Villegas, are adult
individuals, who are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, Megan Villegas, who upon information and belief is an adult. They reside at 220 S. Jefferson Street, Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania 16063.
>4. The Defendants, David Sherk and Christy Sherk, are adult individuals,
who are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, K.S., who currently is a minor. They reside at 419 Isabella Court, Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania 16063.
>5. The Defendants, David Seaman and Christine Seaman, are adult
individuals, who are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, C.S., who currently is a minor. They reside at 231 Bluff Street, Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania 16063.
>6. The Defendants, Cris Salancy and Kimberly Salancy, are adult individuals,
who are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, E.S., who currently is a minor. They reside at 205 Old Hickory Road, Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania 16063.
>7. The Defendants, Lynn Reina and David Reina, are adult individuals, who
are the parents and natural guardians of their daughter, H.R., who currently is a minor. Lynn Reina resides with her daughter, H.R. at 103 Green Gable Manor, Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania 16063. David Reina resides at 5A River Road, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania 15238

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Black men?
So this boy was black?

Destroy these whores. Fucking end them, please Jow Forums.

This shit cannot go on. Fuck man, and they wonder why we hate them.

all you have to do for evil to spread is nothing user

>3 of the 5 girls have a dad named David
what did they mean by this

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My head hurts so much as this guy isnt even an incel so wtf

I’m mossad

Being arrogant while unattractive (in their eyes)

Thank you kind sir
>K.S. = Kiara Sherk, the chick who said she didn’t like him and is basically the lead assault against him
>C.S. = Carly Seaman, chick who said he broke into his house after he did the first attack against K.S.
>E.S. = Erin Salancy, chick in the grade of the two previous girls
>H.R. = Hayley Reina, a student a year older then the previous girls who also backed them
>M.V. = Megan Villegas, a college student at the pool he worked at who wanted him fired

No. The journalist just threw that in there to show they're woke.

>the FUCKING PARENTS helped these girls destroy this kids life

Rusty rake? How about Leonidas' javelin. Fuck those mother fuckers

Im not usually one to stick up for jews but David is a very common name even for Christians.
Note that the parents are also called Christy, Christine and Cris which means they are unlikely to be Jewish as they are not the biggest fans of Christ.

Where is justice in clown world

Minding your own business, apparently.

>TF broke into my house and now it is crawling with Seamen

right through the stomach man. right in the kisser.

We need libertyprime to squash these communist invaders

There is no justice, there is no logic. That's why its called Clown world (aka Hell)

If you were in charge what would be a proper punishment for these girls?
I think the punishment should be decided by the person who was wronged here. It would have to be within the boundaries of reason so for example you could kill them but you couldn't torture them for the next 50 years in a basement.

We need to take it by force. We need libertyprime

ah no fun

>If you were in charge what would be a proper punishment for these girls?

Women who make false rape and sexual assault claims, should be given the same sentence that a real rapist would get.

twink loser

kiara sherks instagram: instagram.com/kiarasherk/?hl=en

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The guy who got his life ruined gets to rape them for real, of course.

how about someone rips out their spine and feeds it to them

of course miss mutt sleeps with a marine like the lazy hypergamist she is

came in to say this.

Butt plug power conflict

sounds interesting

So many gets in this thread. Our rage is justified and being observed. Here's hoping for a divine retribution on those evil cunts.


It will come. After the tribulation.

I would say how ever he chooses.

But a condom would probably be the best choice given their obvious proclivities for being roasties.

I'd rather empty their spines of spinal fluids with no sedatives and force them to drink it.


That bellhop needs to turn 360.

Inshallah user
her twitter: mobile.twitter.com/kiarasherk?lang=en

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dry. with sand mixed in during period

When you do nothing is the moment others can trample all over you. There is no peace without bloodshed.

I feel for that young, fella. We like to brag that it would be different if it was us "me/us/you" - but in the end, it did not happen to us under those circumstances. So who knows...

But, like how attorneys come against you in courts (where Islam is prevelant) because of some atheist trolled you with Pighammed in your profile. So does those attorneys on behalf of the feminist exist to ruin your life!
But I hope he can prevail after all this and have justice served on those who have wronged him.

I hope those girls seriously get raped and the courts gutted alive.

Bless him.

how about we have andrew dobson fuck them? the guy deserves to finally get laid and imagine how she would feel getting impregnated by him

and eggshell

>andrew dobson
fuck wigger scum

lol jk

you know what happens next if the lawsuit doesn't pan out

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ahahahaa faggot

>acid in their faces

well luckily they're not in a muslim country, because their addresses and names have been publicly published, and it would be SUCH A SHAME if somebody was to throw acid in their faces, but not gonna happen.

>mfw these girls get raped for real by a muslim gang and the courts sentence the girls to prison for engaging in islamaphobia

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just go rape the bitches for real, that will teach them a lesson they won't forget

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don't forget the sand in their pussy

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Yes, you don't want to risk them spreading their genes. But in exchange for not getting to nut in them he gets to piss and shit on them, slap them around, do anything he wants that won't put them in the hospital. Just rape them rotten and show them the only thing they'll ever be good for in their disgusting lives.

Is she worth the lawsuit Jow Forums?

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sew their mouths to the orfice of each other in a long centipede train and watch them go septic after the course of a few meals

>It would have to be within the boundaries of reason so for example you could kill them but you couldn't torture them for the next 50 years in a basement.
Also, stop namefagging.

go fuck yourself in the ass excrement fucker

honestly she aint that hot tho

Godspeed you glorious bastards. I was tortured for 4 years in college by some bitch who retaliated against me simply asking her out by spending the next 4 years spreading rumors about me being "potentially dangerous" and a "stalker" all while literally following me across campus and going into classes she was not required to take in subjects I knew she hated. All this as a cheap method to make connections by uniting my entire degree program against me.

I'm sure that if college lasted longer I would have been fucked over like that boy since it got very close to that point at the end since by that point several of the professors even knew.

Strike hard, strike sure.

>Pennsylvania is facing a lawsuit from a former male student who was forced out of school—and investigated for sexual assault—due to a series of false accusations made by female students.

Easy solutions always work.. Someone hits you with a false bullshit claim. Sue them and anyone who carries their torch into lifelong bankruptcy.