WMAF is base-

>WMAF is base-

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>d on logic.

um but why does that mean she should get his money? he never supported her?

Only japanese are based, that is clearly a SEA, she was probably a hooker back home and honestly good for her on conning him if it is so easy

>he fell for the vagina meme


Nicholas Cage is a 55 year old idiot who has nothing better to do than chasing after women.

She looks like the type of Asian whore that could be paid off with American baseball caps. He should be okay.

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Is he some kind of weeb fag? Why is he jumping to another noodlewhore after his last one drove him away and gave him a 100% Asian looking son?
>pic related

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Fookin koikes m8 innit?!

Koike is a Japanese name you brainlet. Besides, look at that face -- clearly Japanese. Not all women look like the JAV/Gravure models everyone spams here all the time.

No way that is his kid. He got cucked 100%
The nepfuw of Coppola is only carrying on the family busines of whoring around in style.
I Still laugh that he married Lisa Marie Presley, littertaly got mechael Jackson’s sloppy seconds

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She most be from okanawa, and I say that as someone who has been to japan.

Serves him right for marrying Juri


>>not being a weeb
You need to go back

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so does she get the Constitution or what

I honestly feel sorry for the guy but at the same time how can be so old and not realize how shitty women are?

>Marry a western born asian
No thanks, ill take one fresh from the garden, and enjoy that non brainwashed taste

Go to the source, americanzied versions are flawed BECAUSE THEY GET THE SAME PROPAGANDA WOMEN HERE GET, THAT YOU ALL BITCH ABOUT 24/7.

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i'd fuck the lips of her tho just being real, other than that i hope she kamikazis

She deserves it after having her time wasted

Whores and whore, thats all cool. But why would you marry her?

For anyone who doesn't know, Cage made entertainment news headlines for drunkenly dragging this poor girl into a courthouse a couple of weeks ago demanding a marriage license and loudly telling everyone that she was ”going to take my money!" All the while the girl kept saying that she didn't want him to do this and that he didn't need to do this.
There's some real fucked up drama with this and it seems like it's all on Cage's side.

It was a Vegas wedding. He was probably smashed.

because they were married and it's the law that she is entitled to half of everything he owns plus a monthly allowance that will allow her to maintain the lifestyle she is used to

*honk honk*

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Please, this bug-witch is just another Yoko Ono. Japanese bitches can be crazy too, you know. Drug dealer ex-boyfriend? Puffed out lips like Pamela Anderson? I'm sure this woman is a real sweetheart.
I'm surprised you live in Korea and are still this bluepilled about Asian women.

he only got with her cause he was drunk as shit on a night in vegas, the Asian chick with her is a degenerate roastie party girl with multiple duis under her belt, so cage breaks up with her cause of this. Poor cage though 4 marriages and 2 kids.

He's a Yang supporter too. I swear, this guy is the biggest celebrity weebfag in existence.
This is what yellow fever does to you. It makes you completely irrational. Worst yet, people with this seem to also push their fetish on everyone else.

Dumbass gets what he deserves.

Sounds Japanese and she looks Japanese.

user,Jow Forums thinks Japanese women are the most pure in the whole world.

>She most be from okanawa, and I say that as someone who has been to japan.

Excuses excuses Jow Forums
Guess white man and superior Japanese women aren't such a perfect mix after all.

>A litteral video of the incident in the article

Video makes it clear, she didn't want any of this to happen.

ok but rreally
why do you think this relationship didn't work?
did she turn out to be a super bitch? was she super lazy? did she stop having sex with him after the wedding?
what are the reasons he realized he made a mistake

You really are a weeb fag. Even in the pic she says she's trying to make legitimate a marriage of 4 days so she could get spousal support.
>"lost career opportunities during her long relationship with Cage and her reputation's been damaged by his allegations
Such flimsy excuses. They both deserve eachother. He's crazy, and she's a gold digging whore.


looked it up myself
apparently she had a boyfriend who was a pimp or something and cage was being cucked

If it flies, floats or fucks: rent it.

He broke the golden rule.

I love Nick Cage but holy shit he's fucking dumb

looks tight.

She looks like a blowjob doll.

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This is the real outcome of you yellow fever fantasists.
A short ass obese autistic son who looks nothing like you

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>Such flimsy excuses. They both deserve each other. He's crazy, and she's a gold digging whore.
How is she in the wrong when cage is the one who wanted to get married and she was obviously against it in his drunken rant?

Cage was a dumbass and shes doing it out of spite for making her go thru the whole ordeal in the first fucking place.

Not to mention her being Asian may trigger him because his previous wife was asian so he may be mentally comparing the two out of instinct.

Like when you break up with someone,but you keep name dropping them or thinking of them because you were with them for so long that they became naturally a part of your though process.
Since he was just married to his ex not to long ago he more than likely hasn't gotten over it so quickly

disgusting americanized bitch
we disavow all mongrels
only ethnic national japanese are true japanese
NO japanese would ever have a "las vegas wedding!" you would not believe how involved our wedding ceremonies are. it is shameful to have less then 200 family members attending

Whoa...Australia, so wise in the ways of staying unfucked.

how are your feelings about diaspora japanese

I actually broke that rule by buying a boat.
Like a woman it's a money pit, but at least I can go into it whenever I want.

Not true. Seen plenty of native farmers daughters come home married because they got pregnant.

>his wifes son

that aint none of his

>im so drunk i forgot 3 alimony checks a month and brought a gook whore to vegas

deserved it desu

all celebrities deserve everything they get

hiring a hitman is probably cheaper than a divorce, plus you'd get the life insurance money. hypothetically of course.

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Nothing because she is not Japanese, she's American.
Angry roasties lose again lol

>She is from Henderson in Nevada and resides there.

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she's a bloody koike?
oi vey

Gas the koikes
Weeb war now

his hapa son is a fucking tank

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Bought a boat, ah, do you live in Alice Springs?

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I'm not against having a hapa child, but i'd take my wife to one of those chinese clinics to make sure it was a girl.

Ever seen De Niro's kids? Why is it so hard to believe that most half Asian kids look messed up?

nick cage is cool. he owns a few castles, which is badass. that's what i'd do if i won the lotto: build a neuschwanstein replica.

Wut? De Niro's kids are niggers

My point is mixed race kids are more likely to look weird and more critically have mental problems. People who post cherrypicked exceptions doesn't change this fact.
In the end you're gambling whenever you do this. Cage and De Niro can afford to because they're 'fuck you I'm rich' status, but
it can and will destroy an average man's life.

>obvious botox injections and work done
this is not indicative of the wmaf you usually rail against


>But there is no information on her parents, siblings, education, or other family details.

She may have been born in japn still and was brought to US at a young age.
But mentally she american all the way and was still nice enough to tell cage they didnt need to get married which is more than some white bitch would have done

his son better hit 6'+ or not it's not his

Trying to make a point about asians by invoking nigger kids is the dumbest thing i've read all day. I count some half-white/half-asian girls amongst some of the most beautiful in the world.

>People who post cherrypicked exceptions doesn't change this fact.

Here's my anecdote. I knew a half Italian and Korean girl named Tammy, she was an ugly butterface.

And I also know some extremely ugly white women. Crazy ain't it.

They were together for more than a year. She had to hide from the paparazzi the whole time. He forced her to get married to him as some kind of fucked up public display.
Not really. It's just all there in the video.

not quite shlomo


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ya i agree, if i had a fortune i'd love to live in a replica castle, or some crazy tall tower

i've wondered about that: why the fuck does no one live in a medieval looking tower? at best you have people living in modern highrises, like Trump Tower or w/e

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>"lost job opportunities during their long relationship"

>married for 4 days
>bitch is a literal who

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Clown world photo

What happened to cage is what gonna happen to this dude

.. when they finally give his ass a raise at the english school.

Granted they were together longer. She would still be a nobody regardless and is definitely trying to cash out on this bullshit lol.

I'd live in a Halo like structure that surrounds the Earth.

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>westernized Botox bjobdoll

You really would just hire a hitman t b h

Read article.

Not really possible if she's the mother of your children.

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hes retarded

That ginzo wop motherfucker was never even white, lol, and neither is his little chairman mao.

holy shit just pissed his genes away


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cage named him fucking Kal-El
if he wasn't such an autistic mess i would say he hated his son but he's even stupider than Kevin Smith

why not just name him Clark? a fucking normal name, even Kal would be more acceptable than Kal-El

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