Which is worse?

Which is worse?

Never reproducing at all, or marrying a non-white girl but raising your kids to be christian conservatives?

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>Killing yourself or helping the enemy

Btw Hungarians are Asians and NOT White

Well at least we are not Africans like Swedes

jewish racemixing thread

all racemixing is degenerate liberal idiocy, don't fuck up your life with this shit

They don't want you to be christian

Just get any type of Caucasian woman so you can have white looking kids with a chance of colored eyes and hair. But dont raise them as christcucks with their "turn the other cheek so Mohammad can hit both of my booty cheeks" shit

Marrying a non-white woman and making mutts with her is the worse thing you could ever do... even worse than murder.
Don't even contemplate it, user.

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Who makes these I've seen a few and they're great

kek based mongols, get fucked

Posting on Jow Forums and being gay.

Traditional Catholicism doesn't care about race, Catholics are universal like god. God only cares if you're trad Catholic or not.


wrong they aren not stop spreading D&C
>christian conservatives?
two bad things
christkikes are worthless jew worshipers
fuck man how blue pilled are you .

The latter.

many racial jews grow up in the catholic church lol fucking tard.

I don't understand, you're in Hungary. There are plenty of Hungarian women to go after. You must be some yellow fever fag. Go after bugs if you want, no one is stopping you. If you have any respect left for your country you'd at least raise your family out of Hungary so as to not screw it up the way other countries are.
Don't even give me the "but Asians are based!" excuse either, no mixed country can be stable.

Jews killed jesus christ wtf are you talking about shill

How dumb are you? You know that many jews are raised through the catholic church right? They are christians many of them are many evil fuckers were raised by christian parents like Abefoxmen who was rescued by a fucking polish catholic women. You are a fucking idiot shill.

A. Wyatt Man

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just got with a girl and shes slowly revealing she's hardcore christian
its getting kind of scary though she's starting to quote bible verses at me
i don't know what to do she was so nice and now she's turning into those crazy muh jesus people the kind that act like its more of a cult
what do Jow Forums?

What happened to the based Frenchmen who publicly humiliated those who miscegenated with Nazi soldiers? And that was over Germans.
It will be 1000x more severe for those who go outside Europe, men and women alike.

Jews are not Christians.

Worse for whom?

What do you place more value on, the individual or society?

yes, some are christians.

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making multiracial abominaciones is far worse than not reproducing

>christian conservatives

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>You know that many jews are raised through the catholic church right?

Lies. Jews are not raised Christian. How can a Jew be raised Christian if his parents are JEWISH, twit ?

>They are christians many of them are many evil fuckers were raised by christian parents like Abefoxmen who was rescued by a fucking polish catholic women.

Abe Foxman was NOT raised by a Catholic woman. He was temporairly adopted for his first 4 years and then returned to his JEWISH parents.

You fucking retard. He was raised Jewish by his Jewish parents from the age of 4 onwards.

>You are a fucking idiot shill.

You stupid KIKE.

Wrong. If it’s between making mutt kids and not making any make the mutt kids. Colonize their wombs

Marrying an azn is better

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>muh christian conservatives ree

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> trad Balkan beauties
> resisted Turk cockroach genes for centuries
> voluntarily racemixing with ugly chinks

Are you retarded?

I mean ur Finn so its not racemixing is it?

It's your choice to reproduce.

I will settle for no less than a European or Latin woman.
Some Mexican women are hot, even if a little chubby.
And they remain connected to Christianity which puts men as the head of the family.

Honestly Latin women are the new Northern European women.
WE'RE not getting our wall.
Say it with me - viva la Mexico.

>to be christian conservatives
This is the worst

Its why we need to nuke the East before it washes over us. (((They))) exploited us, amassed all the wealth and bred themselves into the European identity. The Jews of the East are doing the same to us.

>tfw still no qt 3.14 nip gf

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Another absolute retard. Your women are the only ones to ever tempt me to racemix, and you want ugly chinks

>I mean ur Finn so its not racemixing is it?
No, that's why I want a Canadian gf

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Rather cut off my dick than fuck a chink

Based. Maybe its because you live in chink central so you already know whats up with them.

I don't know why you faggots are obsessed with chinks. They're fucking horrible. Especially the women.

White woman do that same. That's why women are half man.

you're a self-hating canadian?

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With a white girl, you don't get to raise your kids. Your daughter will be a feminist slut. Your son could turn out either way

Based Honkers

Shoo shoo Ashu

Because you are ignoring reality. Yes there are good Asian women, and even rarer but good ones that look like your pic... but thats the 0.01% that overwhelmingly go to Japanese Chads.
When 99% of people end up with are your basic Asian thots. Dating and banging them is a pretty good way to get it all out of your system, but whatever fantasy family life you think you're getting with them is just that.
I've lived around real, average Asians -- and they're really not all that they're cracked up to be. Just because they're preferable to latinos and blacks doesn't mean its a good idea.

I would say depending how good will be the kids. Diversity is not the problem, culture always is.

It’s better to not have kids then bring another hateful bastard into the world. He will be another soldier we have to kill later. /thread

There is nothing wrong with marrying a non-white girl if you raise kids with Western values.

Also if you are a christian you should read the Bible because you don't seem to understand it, christians can't be racists, Bible is saying people are all equal, there is even a lot of racial mixing in the Bible.

something happens to change her nose, without explanation. then later it looks like she's removing clay or something from her nose.

also, so everyone knows, there are AI filters, like you see on snapchat, that make women look more attractive in their videos.

got burned by a hooker who used on of these apps, recorded the video and uploaded it online for male viewing

also OP, if you keep those kids OUTSIDE of the west it's ok, just don't bring them to our lands. spread your seed outside the west as much as you can, we'll create a new Europa!

So you're telling me that not all azns look like supermodels? That's impossibru

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Its quite the dilemma. Obviously we can't have half breeds here. If we bleach other countries, would they become more civilized and join us at the world stage of progress? Or would their violent and tribal instincts merge with a higher intellect to become a vicious enemy that would have otherwise not existed?

define 'non-white'

Knocking up gooks is good because it makes the Reddit incels mad.

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>tfw got evicted from apartment because azn gf was too loud during sex, and had sex 3 times per day
>apparently 4 different neighbors complained
>couldn't stop

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nice put a baby in there

Dude? Do you not have white people in yiur country? Wtf just find a nice white girl

Post picture

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Not reproducing at all.

t. hapa


The numbers are not on your side. You're not helping the demographics by creating non whites.

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Triggering aznidentity fags is always good for a laugh, but knocking up gooks is fucking up your own life. Its not like a 3rd world country where you can just bolt. They will track you down.
Also East Asians are rich, materialistic and ego-inflated due to being 'in demand'. Don't believe the memes, on a macro scale, they're just as bad as white women attitude wise.

But by all means, fuck 'em and post pics and vids to trigger them. Its a great feeling.

Which is better: passing down your genes in some form or not at all?

Non-white kids is worse. Even if you are a white without kids or can't even have kids doesn't mean you can't help your extended family, fellow whites.

depends what the nonwhite is

jewish > east asian > kys > SEA > middle eastern > hispanic > african > aborigine tribes around the world

Those damned Philipinos

Heh watch how people will tell you to shut up because you're a kike, despite being reasonable. Are yellow fever fags the real kikes? Who is jewing who anymore? I don't even know.

Creating more non-whites is worse, you’ll be creating more enemies for future whites to kill or be killed by.

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> middle eastern > hispanic
how can you say that

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Honestly all i want is for europe and America and Canada to stay white AND SAFE. And yes yellowfever fags deserve the rope imho.

I'd put based mestizos up there. Some look pretty white, they're usually quite religious and mild as well. East Asians are overrated, but not the worst either.

vote for the queen of Jow Forums >>

>raising your kids to be christcucks
yikes. dont make kids

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la creatura
What a nice jew :D

gib big tiddy hapa gf

what about this one

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this one?

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>Some look pretty white

For a board that says it doesn't judge on skin color and it's all about genetics you seem to disregard genetics and base things on skin color when it suits you...

South Asians, yes poo in loos are most genetically close to white Europeans. East Asians are much further apart and of course, blacks even more so. Abbos/bush creatures the furthest.

Hispanics as in South American have black admixture with either European or some with the original line with East Asian links.

So no, hispanics are not good, you only need to look at the countries to see the genetic outcome of low impulse control, iq and mental illness.

Indian, and even Arab, Persion etc. are the most closely compatible if we are talking genetics with white Europeans.

People have no place on the right if they are against black men with white girls because of genetics and then go ahead and post some big chested hispanic and say that's ok for a white man to date. You make up look like moronic hypocrites.

The globina
Coal burner

People like you are just shills or fucking idiots. This basically amounts to MUH DICK.

If a white girl was posting big black buff men and swooning you'd call her a thot, a whore and a race traitor yet you are the exact same. You're a fraud.

At this point you're not even being fair, you just have yellow fever and wouldn't acknowledge any other woman.

check mate?

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How do I get rid of this fever

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Look at his list that I was replying to -- I wasn't saying that they were a good idea, only that I'd rank them somewhat higher IF racemixing was a thing to be done.
Finding someone with a high degree of spaniard admixture would be an understandable compromise, thats all I'm saying. Also I agree with you regarding
certain parts of the Middle East like Persia etc.


Dont bring your chink shitskin family to Hungary and noone cares


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You are mentally ill. Those that racial mix have a genetic mutation as favoring those of a different group is anti Darwinian evolution.

It's the reason why mixed race children have a much higher degree of mental illness, their parents mental defect is amplified and that's how you get Elliot Rodgers etc.

That's why you can get rich white conservative people who only marry the same while lower classes with more genetic defects tend to racially mix more.

There are a few in hollywood famous who also do it but those type also already have a high degree of mental defects and personalty traits which often leads them to seeking fame and money ion the first place.

So you'd need therapy.

if you find a non-white (not black) trad christian woman then absolutely

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I know, I am just saying you really shouldn't say someone is white because they simply look it which of course by that logic means an albino nigger is white.

I just see it here all the time when people claim it's ok to mix if people look white (basing it solely on skin color) then are against black and white and use the genetic differences argument.

That's how we will look like stereotypical neo nazis who are judging solely on skin color as opposed to actual racial genetic differences and the left loves that.

if only knew how bad things really are around here. I will try to sum it up:

> HYPERGAMY thanks to Tinder
> thots increasing
> basedmen increasing
> just go get laid! settle for that whore who had 1000 cocks already don't be a nazi !
> 90 % girls don't want traditional family just whore around and then find a beta orbiter and marry him for financial support, if you are lucky they will ask you for 1 kid
> Almost all males are bluepilled to the core, they told me nothing matters just go get sex and it will be fine.
Fuck this degenerate shithole and all its living creatures, fuck the elites who control the media and created this nightmare which is only to become worse and worse once the islamist population sky rocket in the comming years. Yes we will go France mode.

Fuck it all to the core, I will get my shitup and leave for a qt 3.14 nip gf
Good Ridance

I want to know that feel so bad... but the only ones I get are... you better not know

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