I'm 27, and wanting to join the military or army national guard. I have asthma which may be able to be waived at least for the national guard right?
I have also been diagnosed with schizophrenia and am on meds, and have been to a hospital saying I wanted to kill myself. Can I get a waiver saying I'm stable?
I highly doubt I can but just wanted to check.
Are there any other ways of helping out my community and country?
How can I help people?
Volunteering places? Where?
Preferably something similar to the national guard but other ideas are welcome.
They don't want people that are reliant on medication
Colton Long
Bummer.... Anything related to helping the country where I can be on meds?
Matthew Allen
>poe's law in firm effect I'll just assume this isn't bait because it makes bait posting more interesting. user I'm sorry to say this to you. I'm an O4 in the military, and you're really not going to get in anywhere. >Asthma instant DQ. No one's going to waive that. >Schizo, and on meds for it Super DQ. >have been to a hospital saying I wanted to kill myself I've kicked a fuck load of Marines out for saying this. It's literally how you leave with an honorable medical discharge. >Can I get a waiver saying I'm stable? Theoretically you might find a desperate recruiter who will lie out of their asshole to get you in, MEPS will somehow completely fuck up, and you'll make it in just fine. Once you get in you'll straight up probably die in training. I'm not even kidding, asthmatics who make it in have died, especially in boot camp. But more realistically you'll get out with a pension if you make it in that far and then blame your asthma on pneumonia. So you could get welfare for life (especially if you're married and have kids, I think it entitles you to BAH for your Address of Record). >I highly doubt I can but just wanted to check. Well thanks for asking. Hope it's not that painful of a let down. >Are there any other ways of helping out my community and country? Absolutely. If you want to work with military members, the VA is always looking for people who care. And they'll take care of you if you're taking care of us. And we'll make sure they do if they don't. Nobody fucks with those who help those who serve. You won't be "one of us." But you'll still be a hell of a lot closer to a brother than just a normal civilian when you work VA and do right by your servicemembers.
Good luck user, sounds like you've had a rough roll.
Brandon Sanchez
Helping the VA? I would like that. I like older people (a lot more laidback) and would like to hear some cool war stories.
It's the closest I can get to service. How can I help? What kind of benefits does it come with.
I would really like to work with older people. I'm such an autist with people near my age but older people I feel pretty comfortable with.
Really sucks I can't serve.. I wanted nothing more growing up... Tried joining the marines a while back but they weren't hiring att. Guess I wouldn't have made it in anyways. I Wanted to do something with a sense of honor and it would have built me up a pretty nice nest egg with free college. I would have been doing pretty good in life right now:/.. So stupid. Why can't I just bring an inhaler? If I get shot or something its on me.. It literally takes 2 seconds to do, I can even wear a damn inhaler around my neck if I had to.
Ian Harris
Andrew Hernandez
Cameron Baker
dude if you join the military at 27 and you aren't an officer people are going to wonder why you couldn't hack it in the civilian world and are going to endlessly harass you and ostracize you until you snap
don't be that 27 year old loser that joins the military as a PFC
Jordan Turner
Look dude I'm not at the point where I give people step-by-step orders anymore. I get that your heart's in the right place but you gotta be self-directing here. Regardless, fuck it, here's what you do. >go to VA office >ask to work/volunteer >no work positions open, so volunteer >volunteer for like a year >get job VA benefits are pretty based from what I hear.
>why can't my physical disability be overlooked? can you honestly say that you're a lethal fighter when you need to use your inhaler every fifteen minutes? We're talking 12 - 16 hours a day of high intensity labor enlisted. How about hiking? Can you really hack putting 60 - 120 pounds of equipment on your back, hike for 5 - 10 miles, and THEN do work? And don't even get me started on your combat effectiveness. Guaranteed if you're asthmatic you're not gonna make a PFT or CFT. You have to run 3 miles in under 26 minutes, but realistically to even get in the corps you need to run it in under 22, minimum. how about the 10 - 23 pullups? How about the 120 crunches in 2 minutes? How about the half mile in 2 minutes? Or the Maneuver under Fire? > If I get shot or something its on me. That is the most selfish sentence I hear out of people. No, it's not just on you. It's literally on your CO and leadership for failing you, your buddy to your left and right for failing you, and then it's also on you for failing you. It's a compound fucking failure for you to "get shot." And when you're in a no-shit combat situation, you don't really have two seconds to pull out an inhaler, let alone the extra 3-12 to use it, and the additional final 4 seconds to optionally put it away. People die in less than a second, and you need realistically 10. You're no shit a liability in the field, and it's selfish to think you can just go out and fucking die like it's no big deal. There is plenty of honor in civil service. Some of us aren't built to do military. Accept that. Embrace it. The person you can be will be so much more.
Henry Stewart
>Asthma Forget about this at MEPS >Diagnosed schizophrenia and documented suicidal There went that idea. Your best bet is war with China or something. Then you're in. Otherwise... sorry, user.
Ian Turner
try the chair force they're the least physical. All the military branches are desperate right now but I doubt they'd take you. that said Jow Forums would probably be your best bet to ask.
Jacob Howard
Question. If I joined the national guard 7 years ago and passed meps/got enlisted. But pissed hot for reefer during one of those pre-basic drills. Is there still a chance at enlistment? I was a dumb immature kid back then and I always think back and wish I didn't ruin my chance. I haven't touched any weed since then and never even got "discharge" papers. They wanted me to go take some drug counseling thing. But I just didn't show up. I was only 18, I feel bad for my recruiter.
Camden Powell
I'm not who you were asking, but your new recruiter would have to get you a waiver. If you legit have no other issues, I think you've got a shot.
Ryder Williams
Never Again Volunteer Yourself
Brandon Bailey
Well I really appreciate your help. More than you know.
Hearing your side to things you make a lot of good points. Though if I have adrenalin pumping some of these things are not an issue. That is how some inhalers, through artificial adrenalin. I think some people have an attack in stressful situations though, so idk.
I do like benefits. You mentioned volunteering and then getting a job. What would I even start as?
Maybe just volunteering is helping more than joining would and would benefit my career path the most given I only have a HS education. Idk if I can move up in whatever position there is without it.
Any idea what I would be doing when volunteering at the VA?
Btw, are there any like retirement homes for veterans I can help out at? Is that a thing? I would actually like to be helping them more directly, but indirect is fine.
Nathan Wright
Let's hope that doesn't happen. There won't be a WWW4 if it does.
Levi Watson
Hmm.. They might just take me if I can get my head straight.
Thank you.
Angel Johnson
they literally have a Military Enlistment General for answering all of your questions with recruiters in the general helping out. Though this thread on here is off-topic, not a shitty thread but not politics related so don't make another off topic thread again, there are a shitload of other boards on here for literally any question you might have (avoid Jow Forums since it's filled with redditfags and degenerates who sperg out if you tell them that being a faggot isn't okay while LARPing like they belong here and Jow Forums is a cesspit of losers who fap to trap anime porn while crying about being losers and how it's everyone else's fault but themselves, if you want advice on life ask a family member or friend).
Honestly guys, do you find the older gentleman in op's pic somewhat attractive? Or do you I have daddy issues? :(
Ian Thomas
It's a start to a future.
Ryan Peterson
I'll have to talk with a recruiter but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Hunter Kelly
Just don't take meds
Austin Williams
You're a bit too late, you are not at your prime anymore but you'll do fine. I myself thought about joining some other country's military but I gave up the idea after the idea of going through basic training all over again.
Caleb Lopez
He's a handsome man, definitely would have been a looker when he was younger.
Dominic Butler
>If I get shot or something its on me.. I dont believe that you 27 if you think like this. Then again you're a schizo so no wonder