I watched the shooting video and felt bad, but not even a month after the fact I felt nothing...

I watched the shooting video and felt bad, but not even a month after the fact I felt nothing. After the Sri Lanka terror attacks I questioned why I felt bad about Christchurch in the first place. After Muslims celebrated the burning of Notre Dame, then riot when their Koran is burned it all just made sense. They have to be stopped before they destroy everything.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>and felt bad
Christian detected.


> (((They have to be stopped before they destroy everything.)))

Jow Forums is too intelligent to fall for you bullshit, kike.

> Hey goyim, focus on the symptoms of the cancer we've given you. Don't focus on the cause!




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They are the immediate threat. People are waking up to the Jewish influence too, and they will have to be dealt with too.

>claims to have watched the laughable hoax vid

does not mention
>unrealistic effects
>post production audio
>no bullet holes or dust
>no gore or wounds from close range shotgun blasts
>curb girl with squib bad effect shoes taken off steps backward fall down girl
>dozens of other points

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Puppet, they became a problem after Facebook cucked everyone with political correctness and rewarding stupidity with likes. It also didn't help that your country bombed the crap out of every patch of dirt over there to force them to spill out everywhere else

but you keep shooting up mosques like that will fix it.

Delete all your social accounts and stop wasting time on your fucking dumbphones.

Islam has been a force of aggression against Europe since the very beginning.

Attached: islam map.jpg (1024x850, 265K)

>unrealistic effects
>post production audio
>no bullet holes or dust
>no gore or wounds from close range shotgun blasts
>curb girl with squib bad effect shoes taken off steps backward fall down girl
>dozens of other points

None of that happens.
You should go die in a fire.

take out all the mosques and synagogues

You should visit a shrink. You suffer from schizophrenia. Alternatively go back to /x/


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bro the shooting video was legitimately funny, thats on you for not having a sense of humor
cmon nigger its a literal sperg playing remove kebab with a rifle in his car

>I watched the shooting video and felt bad
are you gay?

>feeling bad for dead mudslimes

Since we have massive overpopulation on the planet and a retarded death cult that consists of 2 billion people, I see a great opportunity to strike two birds with one stone.
The only question is how can we cull such a vast amount of vermin?

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First time i saw it
I laughed histerically
Best shit i've seen in my life.

As I see it, it's 58 less for us to deal with!

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cool, i'm not sure why you are updating everyone on your emotional state on a political board though. my recommendation would be to write about it in your diary or speak with a therapist. bye now

Seek help lad, you're certifiable nuts.

Euarabia is most important union one can ever imagine. Mashallah!


Praise allah.

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This is still a thing? Lol
Stop believing every kikepost on here.
Those Ramadan worshippers got lit the fuck up.

Remember that majority of schizos are boomer americans.

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>We need to curb this racism xenophobia from the face of the earth.

Just fuck my shit up

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Day after Christchurch, moslem people invaded my gym and began frantically working out, even brought their children with them (which I had kicked out).

I also like to play Fife and drum with no earphones

I knew we were fucked when NZ banned the sharing of the video in order to prevent other right-wingers from being "inspired".
They put additional security at mosques in case more attacks would happen.
I was bewildered by this since the obvious aftermath would be a retaliation and the extra security should have been put at churches.
Easter was an obvious day for them to pull a stunt because of its religious significance.
I pretty much predicted the Sri Lanka shit a month ago.
Who: Muzzies
What: Bombing
Where: Churches
When: Easter
Why: Revenge

If something like this wasn't on people's radar they are deluded.

We're you expecting it to be like Brutal Doom?

That's the face of shmuel hyde.

Also he obeyed traffic rules and stopped for pedestrian crossings. Also looked very much like Samuel hyde

They won't be though. We will fight and die for their interests as we have done for generations.

really i felt really good, i dont feel bad seeing dead nonwhites except a few exceptions (Hezbullah,buddist monks)

They are trying to make friends with people who think they are merely decadent and weak. They must think the liberals are a gift from allah

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The Christchurch terror attack was far, far more brutal than the Sri Lanka attack.

For starters, the men greeted the terrorist kindly but he still shot them anyway. Secondly he shot women and children. Thirdly he went around shooting people again who were bleeding out on the floor. He deliberately targeted people with a variety of military grade weapons, with a flashing light designed to disorientate people before they are killed. It was mass slaughter of civilians, plane and simple.

In Sri Lanka it was merely bombs which are indiscriminate and only catch you if you happen to be in the blast radius. They were making a political statement with big bombs rather than deliberate, aimed murder with assault rifles with hatred written on them.

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could you not

Saw the vid. He got muddled counting his rounds near the end. Otherwise reasonable. Also, not like brutal doom. Most animals and people go straight into shock and simply fall over when hit by high velocity bullets.

Disagree. The bombs were designed to kill max number of people. He was even careful stopping for a pedestrian crossing after the first shooting. In the second mosque footage he was better at his round counting guess he had calmed down.

Is there a tape to talk u through it?

This guy is a reddit troll.

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You have to go back

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How the fuck do you even rationalize this? 350 dead people in Sri Lanka for the 50 dead in Christchurch. That's 300 more families with a murdered relative and 300% more grief and suffering.

But the dead are Christian so nobody has to feel bad this time.

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>feeling bad about mudshits being popped

Which muslims celebrated notre dame burning?

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Is Islam and Christianity fighting the same fight? Are we a single team? No?
Is humanity one single team?
Does Islam believe it's one with Christianity?
The tragic truth is that cohabitation and rubbing elbows with an ideology polar opposite to your own, does not work.
Realize its a competition between two teams and it makes more sense why us bitches are happy. What people forget is respect and compassion for an enemy is noble.

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>and felt bad
If you aren't numb to this shit yet then you haven't been here very long.

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You’re crazy, or most likely Muslims, if you actually believe this

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t. Absolute 100% coward and brainlet.

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You're a fucking liar m8. Here, enjoy this view of a Quran on fire, for your pleasure. And remember, subscribe to Pewdiepie.


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Funny, I remember feeling it was something good.
Like you said, muslims celebrate all around the world when non-believers are killed, why would I care if 50 or even 50 000 muslims are laying dead on the ground.

Why remain an Abrahamist? You don't need to be a gentile

>The only question is how can we cull such a vast amount of vermin
not to mention, what to do with all the dead bodies. maybe we should ask germany...oh wait. pic related

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>I watched the shooting video and felt bad

i bet its fking brazil. its always brazil

Can't believe anyone bought the CIA line. Bruh they realize it being FF by mossad was the only way to make it look bad to the.members of Jow Forums while discouraging the normies from going to the threads to see for themselves with tinfoil hat tier shit. Plz, learn to logic and observation

I think that was Mexico but I'm not sure. The backstory was something about the cartel killing a cop and his kid or some shit.

What I don't undertand is why the guy had the time to go in and out, kill 40 kebabs plus the girl on the gutter and some other asshole, and not a single cop arrived. The area had quite the traffic so it was no backwater, and it happened in a 1st world country lol. Also we are talking about a religious place, a mosque of all places, why no police on guard or patrolling?

Maybe you need UN type of ads with crying Africans before you watch the shooting.
Basically humans don't feel bad for strangers, unless you explain to them their suffering, but that's already propaganda. People should care about others, you should only have a duty to your town's people and in wide scope to your country, but not other countries. What doesn't concerns you shouldn't concern you, of course in a town it's your benefit if people help each other out, else you got a nigger ghetto of crimes.

He was in the first mosque for like three minutes only, then he drove away to the second. He used his music playlist to time everything

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>I watched the shooting video and felt bad
Bad that any white person believed such a laughable hoax?

Several were publicly yelling "allahu akbar" in the crowds as it burned. There are photos and video if you took the two seconds to search for it.

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Fucking muzzie detected

>"used to describe a conspiracy theory"
Because when the people doing something say "yeah, we're doing this thing. Here's why we want to do this. Here's how" it's just a foilhat theory amirite? Fucking wikipedia kikes, every time.

How man churches got destroyed since Christchurch massacre? Seriously interested. More than 100?

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They're the 'weakness' muslims are told to find and exploit to conquer nations. Taqiyya quite literally includes 'until weakness is found and exploited' in many definitions. So they found it. They exploited it. Now they can attack freely and are defended. Taqiyya has won.

Literally EVERY Tarrant thread is made by a kike.

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> why I felt bad about Christchurch
Because you were still human at that point. Now transformation is completed and you become a worthless subhuman Jow Forumstard. I grief this loss of one of our brethren to Jow Forums.

What a useless bugman of a human. He knows nothing but sating his emotions.

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Interesting that this never happens when literally dozens of white people are murdered by muslims who have no business in their countries. I LOOK for shit like this every time a truck of peace or "lone wolf, unaffiliated with any cause" attack goes down and at most there are a couple of them on facebook like "oh that had nothing to do with me though lol sorry bout that tho"

Why do Jews love the "white supreeeeeemist" flag so much?

Waah waaah wahh we're the real victims! I wanna be a victim too! Mommy it's not fair!

Suck a goat dick, Muhammed.

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At this point I'm just waiting for somebody to make the call.

>brown people nowhere near me are worth every bit as much as people like myself!
>i have no idea why i'm even on Jow Forums i think it's just the same when brown people kill each other where they've lived for generations or travel huge distances to kill whites who pay their way in life!
What's it like being retarded?

>gets blown up in a massive terror attack
>"Oh is baby gonna cry about it? lol pathetic"

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yes, Muslims are at war with pretty much everyone, even themselves. if only they were smart enough to realize it's all bullshit and superstition.

>it's all bullshit and superstition
It's not. It's conquest with uniform tactics from the same manual every one of them have. They may think they're doing things "for allah" but whether a given jihadi really cares that much about it or not they're effectively invading every place worth having and they're set to succeed.

The schitzo in your last video also visited Israel. What's his point?

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thanks for the daily dosage of blackpill you disgusting kike

>the omnipresent omnipotent jew the post

Don't feel bad user, they did far worse than that. We should kill all the kebab, jew. We should also stop being xtian as being emotional about the enemy will only serve as their downfall.

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Ashkenazi Jews are White Southern Meds

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Good goy

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Just saying, that this has nothing to do with Christianity, but with Western Civilization and culture in general. If these filthy kikes use muzzies to destroy us, OP is indeed right to stop muzzies from doing so and climb up to the top (kikes) and cleanse them from this planet as well.

Spotted you shlomo. Kikes and Muzzies need both to be exterminated.

They're focused on protecting the Anzac Day parades on the 25th April