John Roberts Warning

He is going to cuck the entire country and join the liberal justices in striking down the 2020 census citizenship question, I guarantee it

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Well yeah, he's kind of a liberal lock on the big ticket cases.

Kavanaugh is just as cucked FYI

Yet another fucking SCOTUS pick where the Bushes fucked us. He literally, actually cares more about protecting the Court as an institution than doing what the Constitution says, he changed his vote on the Obamacare case in 2012 at the last minute because he's SUCH a pussy that he runs away from any case where he might have to take a stand against the other branches of government

Roberts has cucked out several times over the past few years. No doubt he will side with liberal justices.

He is, absolutely. The SCOTUS is not as Conservative as the hyperbolic fags think it is.

What’s the 2020 census thing about? Just pretend I’m a retard and explain it in layman’s terms, please.

Every 10 years there is a census. Trump and Republicans want to make it so that one of the questions asks if you are a citizen or not. Basically it has to do with representation and federal funding. It's illegal to lie on the form, but you also don't have to fill it out. House seats are at stake and Demonrats are kvetching because they know illegals will not return the form out of fear of being deported and they will lose house seats.

Wilbur Ross (current Secretary of Commerce) wants to add a question to the Census asking about whether or not the person answering the Census is a US citizen. Leftists are trying to block this because they think it will scare non-citizens into not taking the Census, which means that Democratic states' population will go down, which means they will have fewer electoral votes and fewer congressional representatives


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The census is going to ask if you're a citizen or not. The census determines how much voting power a state has in the house of Representatives. States with a lot of illegals are butt devistated because they are worried that the citizenship question will make the illegals avoid the census. California, New York, Florida and Texas are the most butthurt out of all the states.

I'll never forgive Jow Forums for all the shilling they did for a justice who believes in a strong executive (will definitely bite you in the ass in the future) and doesn't give a shit about the 4th Amendment.

also this, electoral votes are at stake as well

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Texas has very strict voter ID laws. It's not going to change anything there.

Are you daft? The census has nothing to do with voting? It's a count of people.

I don't think Roberts will cuck on this one. Even the average person can cite that citizenship questions have a long history when it comes to census taking.

Woah what is going on in North Carolina?

Do you not understand how the House of Representatives works?

We're going to win this one. But yes he wlll cuck us on twenty other issues.

Wow, thanks. I wasn’t expecting serious replies. I appreciate the enlightenment.


Yes. The census counts people. The count determines how many representatives a state gets. Voter ID is irrelevent you low IQ double nigger.

Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court of the United States of America recently stated that ur butt smells.

How can it be so difficult to find a judge that isn't a complete fag?

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Gorsuch is the best judge on the bench right now next to Thomas. Both are based.

George W Bush was a fag so it's only fitting he has a fag justice. We need Scalia back, RIP.

According to the Constitution, the only people not counted are "Indians not taxed". House representation is based on the "whole number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years".

Illegal immigrants aren't "Indians not taxed". They are considered "free Persons". They get counted for the purpose of Congressional representation.

No voter ID + Motor Voter = a very inflated number

Perhaps you don't understand that?

Yes, but we just finished going to a great deal of trouble getting Kavanaugh confirmed, only for him to turn into Mitt Romney as soon as he gets in. I'm saying, how can it be this difficult to find an actual conservative judge?

You're right, but you forget that these illegals are living in fear of deportation. If the census asks them if they're a citizen, they will be spooked into not taking it.

This is the correct answer.

Don't like the fact that illegal immigrants count for the purposes of congressional representation? Well, better change the Constitution. Because as of now they do.

They are out there, but yes you are correct it is indeed difficult. Kavanaugh may not be perfect but he's good enough, at least until RBG dies. I don't want anymore whores but I have a feeling Trump will put Amy Coney Barrett in her seat just for the ez woman for woman optics.

Pryor Jr is good, maybe he will take Alito's seat if he steps down next.

You're dumb as shit. Get of Jow Forums you absolute moron. Serious if you can't comprehend how a census works you need to leave, not even joking.

Anytime you see massive numbers of illegal aliens outside of the big cities you can guarantee its agriculture.

The Constitution is pretty clear that everyone in an area gets counted.

Remember: southcucks wanted their non-citizen slaves to count for their representative totals, too. That's the way the Constitution was written, boyos

You guys are correct but it isn't about removing a 'free persons' right to representation, it's about discouraging them entirely from submitting the form, something that will hurt both red and blue states, but blue states more.

They going to allow hermaphrodites and trannies to count as two people on the census, which will give them ten votes—one for each gender—come election time.

Fair, but asking if they are a citizen is irrelevant to if they get counted or not. There's nothing unconstitutional about putting the question about citizenship on the census.

>He is going to cuck the entire country and join the liberal justices in striking down the 2020 census citizenship question, I guarantee it
No fucking shit. He literally wrote part of the Patriot Act and is a Bush Neocon cock sucking Jesuit.

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Exactly what was the point of the Census as written in to the Constitution my many chromosomed friend?

My bad I was thinking of Kavanaugh.
But Roberts is a fucking Neocon whore too.

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The entire point of a census is to survey the entire population. The census has a wide amount of uses beyond just counting citizens. Illegal immigrant children still go schools that citizens go to, they still use infrastructure that citizens use, etc.

Funding for these schools and infrastructure is often determined by population. By intentionally trying to get people to skip the census, you are only defrauding your fellow citizens who just so happen to use the same roads or live in the same school district as an illegal immigrant.

A census attempts to get all people to answer it. If it judged that this question was meant to discourage people from answering it, it very easily could be ruled unconstitutional or fall afoul of laws mandating competent use of resources.

I don't give a shit about illegals. Deport them all. Send their kids back too. Strip their anchor baby citizenship.

So I see what you are saying and if I am playing devils advocate (or just arguing my side, I want the citizenship question to be on the census) why should illegals get to have their cake and eat it too?

Why should they get to be represented when they are here illegally and unlawfully? Yes they are 'free persons' but they are not entitled to resources, and technically nobody is forcing them to skip the census, it would be their choice, regardless of the outcome.

>American education

or just round them all up Operation Wetback style

based and correct