Why does Trump hate Germany so much?

>starts trade war
>US industrial espionage in Germany is on an all time high
>US media attacking our main industries
>keeps demanding that we increase NATO spending when we can't afford it
>doesn't care about 70 years of friendship
>thinks it's ok to let Russia have their way with us if we don't meet some arbitrary spending target
>Germany is forced to ally with China and to create an EU army
Is it because we deported his great grandfather? Is someone making him to do it? Even Obama wasn't as bad for us. I just don't understand, we have been good allies for 70 years. Is that worth nothing?

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Stop sucking Muhammad dick

Trump's a Jew.

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2%gdp is too much?
Cut gibs.
Defending you is not cheap for us, you people are rich enough to do it yourself.

Hans, you cant afford NATO finances, because you feed niggers en masse. Stob it.

You either with us or with Russia. Stop playing your silly kraut games.

It's not trump. It's a conflict between American supremacy and European sovereignty. Trump treats Europe as a vassal and gets mad when they refuse to follow orders.

Not really, country of any size can very well stand for itself with somewhat competent foreign politics, by maintaining neutrality between stronger nations if there are any, or pitting them against each other.

Yeah... what exactly are you defending us against?

We might as well do that. Russia is an important trade partner and we're living on the same continent, after all.

Yup, pretty much. On top of that, the USA are angry that we don't blindly follow them into their middle east warfare bullshit.


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Germany is really cute when she's sad.

Also, Germany is surrounded by friendly neighbors. Let's assume we say fuck it and leave the NATO. What would happen, realistically? I really doubt that Russia will invade us, those times are history.

>doesn't care about 70 years of friendship
there is no friendshiep


>can't afford NATO spending.

Sounds to me like you can't afford universal healthcare and refugees bitch. Cough it up. You owe nigger. You owe.

>there is no friendshiep
Who can afford to be friends with Germany? Us Americans have been the same assholes for at least 100 years, you Germans can't say the same. Who knows who or what you'll be 30 years from now.

You still have energy problems. You used to have nuclear plants but you shut them down and replaced them with coal. I normally find you a logical people almost like vulcans but I can't compute that move herr fren.

They will subvert your German society and corrupt your economy. Russia is ruled by the oligarchs who only seek ways to keep stolen money and legitimize stealing more by getting recognition from the European elites. Don't trust Putin and his clique they already fucked their country don't let them do the same to you.

>Russia is ruled by the oligarchs who only seek ways to keep stolen money and legitimize stealing more by getting recognition from the European elites.
Yep not like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi who only make $100k a year but are both worth over $200 million due to their husbands insider trading with their knowledge which they passed a law against and then exempted themselves against face it democracy is the god that failed.

INB4 this thread gets archived for too much truth

>Why does Trump hate Germany so much?
why not. Merkel does literally everything to reach that goal. and if i were an american i would hate muslim countries too

>insider trading
Let me guess your source is RT lol.

You can thank our energy industry and their lobbyists for that. Most of the nuclear plants which got shut down were long overdue anyway, but got lobbied into staying online with the threat of higher energy prices which would affect the economy blah blah.

There are plans and projects to "go green" for decades, but instead of putting some effort into that the industry treats those like an unwanted stepchild and instead lobbied for coal because they already have the infrastructure for coal mining.

>I really doubt that Russia will invade us, those times are history.

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East Germany is the only good Germany.

Why does Trump hate Germany more than Britbongistan who is way more cucked in my opinion.

>I make $100k a year
>I started broke
>I have worked 20 years
>I am worth $200 million now
Wow those must have been some amazing real estate investments Miss Clinton.

i know you might find this difficult to believe but trust me, i hate your country even more than you do

>We we we we
There is no "we" only (((them))). Germany is not german anymore. Don't trust our government, brothers

>Conquer Germany
>Puppet it
>control it's foreign policy for 70 years
>still militarily occupy them
>this is your fault
Dude I have 0 love for the krauts but srsly fuck you.

Bump member berries when Merkel explicitly asked Obama to stop spying on her and he didn't and got caught again and they had to throw out the top representative of America to Germany? Scandal free Presidency amiright?

Trump is the biggest cuck in politics, so he should like the most cucked nations.

>checks flag
>May posting
Is this UK posting that I've heard of? You're supposed to be witty and full of banter right?

Based USA. Fuck the Krauts.

Ask Merkel