A Tribute of Brenton Tarrant/Real Life Australian Shitposter
>"The Great Replacement":
>Archive of 8/pol/ thread where he announced the shooting:
>Kiwi Farms thread with live coverage:
>Direct download of manifesto and livestream: Shooting.torrent

Attached: Brenton Tarrant Doom Assusie Shitposter.png (504x378, 329K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stay mad. Niggers will replace you.

fake and gay

Attached: Polisalwaysright.png (1277x707, 1.53M)

Attached: Australia and Germany Polandball.jpg (900x2682, 329K)

bruh you really from Saudi Arabia?

Attached: Pepe killing bowsette.jpg (768x1024, 187K)


>ebba look out

Attached: 1555840238520.jpg (500x651, 92K)

thanks my aussie overlord I am just a leaf

Attached: black sun rising.png (846x1145, 1.17M)

The only thing keeping the Chinks from eating all you low-IQ shitskins is white civilization.
It's hilarious to watch shitskins dig their own grave.
Incredible how stupid double digit IQ races are.

Basedton Tarrant

Attached: 9df.png (845x472, 602K)



He's responsible for Sri Lanka, he was trying to insight retaliation

Muslims were responsible for Christchurch then, with their Bataclan, Nice, Stockholm, etc. attacks.

Attached: 1b02a7eb9e3a075f2a0d5d1e01d40f9f7d9442cd1a3b55ca06fe9ebafb7b1598.jpg (1151x768, 147K)

Any updates?

Attached: IMG_20190423_huh.jpg (294x800, 67K)

Those are all hoaxes

People like you don't believe that rain is wet.

You're a hoax.

Attached: Party.png (2208x3847, 649K)

this kid deserves to have a bullet put between his eyes

Attached: quran shoe.jpg (2328x3104, 1.89M)

Attached: 13008.jpg (660x663, 228K)

Attached: 1555973811446.jpg (1024x576, 151K)

Another The Great Replacement direct link:

Attached: spyro.png (1140x1140, 527K)

Attached: 1553763309864-1.gif (661x800, 166K)

Attached: honk honk gf.png (4012x3148, 911K)

Attached: d8a81d4df0672193f705b5f2830e44c6ada7fa25f68ec579f9e47d0fa3d93bc8.jpg (599x713, 107K)


Does anyone have a playlist of all the songs he played in order (or maybe a list of names in order)

Attached: Anarcho-Primivitism in a nutshell.jpg (960x598, 42K)

Attached: 1555530562902.jpg (724x401, 74K)



Attached: Letter_to_Brenton_Tarrant_.jpg (800x600, 44K)

Why do spam threads like this stay up?

You deserve to be rounded into a corner with all your shitskin buddies in a pile of your own cowards piss and shit and have an entire mag dropped into the lot of you