My gf of a year just says she wants to be friends...

My gf of a year just says she wants to be friends. Says we’re not on the same maturity level and that it wont work right now but there’s a possibility in the future. Main reasons for this is her father died (they were really close) a few months ago and she says I was unable to support her like she needed but she said the only person that could was her sibling so it wasn’t my fault, but she says it made her feel misunderstood. Also she says she feels like she needs to care for me since I’m so immature and that I can’t handle my emotion she well (which is true). She isn’t a whore and I know she’s being genuine and not leaving for some other guy. I just want her back.

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If you want her back then you have to show her that you've matured into a better person. Time to work on yourself user.

Congrats, she's inviting you to be a walking wallet and gratis therapist.
What a privilege.

Sorry for all the typos guys, I’m distraught.

How do I do that

she no longer respects you since she experienced something negative about you. if i was in your place, i'd actively sort it out right away or just dump her. you dont want to string along with someone who clearly doesnt share the same desire for involvement as you do.

work on yourself, get more mature and try to branch out to other girls since i doubt you are pathetic enough to not get someone else. if you did it once, you can do it again, unless it was some struck of luck which means you didnt deserve it in the first place

She lost respect for you because you can hardly lead yourself, let alone lead her. Women want to be with a stable and competent man. Cut your losses and do some self improvement. Gym, financial and career focus, spend time with friends. And don’t be a defeatist pussy about anything. Pick yourself back up and be a man.

Don’t do the “just friends” bullshit. Men and women being “friends” with eachother in general is not genuine. There is always an ulterior motive, whether it be one secretly wanting to fuck the other, or using the other as an emotional/social prop for validation.

You two will split up and you’re going to tell her that you don’t want to remain in touch with her, okay? That’s how it should be.

Respect yourself, man.
Do NOT be that guy who's on someone's beck and call.
If she's willing to 'just be friends' over that, and in just a year of being together, man you're better off looking for someone else.

Do NOT stay in the relationship just because it's convenient.

She's fucking her brother.

Nobody is special user, just your parents and your childrens, go find another grill