I had a crush on a guy for 7 years, from when I was 11 to when I was 18

I had a crush on a guy for 7 years, from when I was 11 to when I was 18.
We had something going for a bit, but then it died down and he got a girlfriend. I was dying for him for years after that. I moved on eventually and started dating someone else. We broke up a couple months ago.
I'm 24 now. The guy I had a crush on for years asked me out. I don't feel strongly about him now, and I'm scared he'll throw me away like he did before. It happened 10 years ago tho.
I'm really confused about what I should do.


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I also have a crush on a guy for 7 years now too since 6th grade and Im 18 so this might be useful later on I mean not trying to be delusional....
Btw OP what made your feelings for him go away?

1. Blocked the guy I liked out of my life. No more hanging out with him, blocked him on all social media, told my friends to not mention him or I'd stop hanging out with them
2. Started dating.

Eventually I met a guy who made me feel butterflies in the stomach. We dated for 5 years, it was good. We didn't want the same things long term (I want children and he understood he doesn't) but it was a good relationship.

can you be thrown away? are you just garbage or a human being worthy of love? if you don't want to be with someone that's fine, but to live as a passive plaything that life just happens to is heartbreaking. don't go out with your crush if you're scared. if you are more complex though then talk to them about your fears. No one ever really gets their shit together, that's why people can be on top of the world and still blame other people. You can make assumptions all your life, but more data leads to a better predictive model.

wow that really take guts I bet anyway when you said earlier you're scared he'll throw you away like he did before what do you mean?

Honestly if he knew already that you really liked him years before why on earth would he only take your feelings into consideration now? There has to be a reason

When we were younger we had a thing going for 3 years. We were very young so it was so innocent and cute. We used to kiss, hold hands, cuddle. He'd come to my place every day after school, we'd study and snuggle for hours. I have the sweetest memories of this.
Then when I was 14 a cute girl at his school hit on him, promised him easy sex and he just dropped me. I felt... disposable. They dated for 2 or 3 of years, she cheated on him with whoever.
At that point when they broke up he went out with another girl, and I realised he wasn't coming back and I moved on.

He's the best friend of my best friend's brother. We met at my best friend's brother wedding. He asked me to dance.
I don't know why he'd take my feelings into consideration.
Maybe he changed? He dropped me 10 years ago after all, I'm definitely not the person I was at 14 and I'd suppose neither is he.

Replying 'cause of yer dubs. If you don't do this, you're gonna keep wondering what if. Go for it.

Will he think I'm psychotic if I ask him about what happened 10 years ago? And what made him change his mind?
I genuinely moved on, but I don't understand why he's acting this way.

Go for it, 10 years is enough to change a person but it isn't enough to make someone forget, but since there were an instance where he left you just for someone who offered him easy pleasure then be ready and be protective of yourself and another thing is always plan ahead, men are easy but being together with one is hard.

Better to try and fail then to post on Jow Forums wondering if it could have been good
All of my relationships are a result of trying and trying until it worked

>I genuinely moved on
You have not if it means so much that you want to ask about it. You have dated since then, you've fucked men since then, you're even.

If he thinks that then he isn't worth it and he didn't really change, if he was able to take into consideration your feelings for him years ago he should be able to take the unanswered questions he left you with when he just suddenly replaced you for easy sex.

probably regret, disgust, and pity for himself made him go back to you but that should not be enough reason to make you want to take him back.

>men are easy but being together with one is hard
Lol, that's very true.

I didn't think about him much for years. I definitely felt tingly when I met him again. We shared this dance and it felt magical. My best friend was screaming about it all the way back home, lol.
I don't know man, I'm conflicted. I will never forget how awful he made me feel 10 years ago.

I was over him. I didn't think about him almost at all, was in love with my ex, it was good.
I also don't think we're "even" in any way. He dropped me as soon as he found someone available for sex. I waited around for 3 years before even deciding to go on a date with someone.

I feel a bit silly about bringing it up, even.

Bruh at 14 I and every other guy on the planet would literally do anything on the planet for sex. The hormones are too crazy at that age and everything is confusing. If you're interested in him then go for it if not then don't. I think you're being a little weird about judging this grown ass man the same as when he was 14 years old. I'm only 20 and I don't even remember what it was like being 14 anymore.

>I was over him. I didn't think about him almost at all, was in love with my ex, it was good.
>I also don't think we're "even" in any way. He dropped me as soon as he found someone available for sex. I waited around for 3 years before even deciding to go on a date with someone.
I had something to say but said it better. It's not his fault you pined for three years. I don't blame my first love for MY waiting for her while she went off to uni and dated a shitton of men. That was on me for waiting like a dummy.

I genuinely don't think that he is the same person he used to be 10 years ago. He's 26, he's obviously not the same.
I just felt really hurt and it made me feel bad for years. I jut want... closure about that? An apology? I don't even know.

It's his fault for dropping me the second someone wanted to suck his dick.
I don't blame him for the years I spent pining after him, but for ghosting me one day to go fuck another girl.

I think you should let him alone. This is a touch obsessive.

What? Lol.
An user said this:
>It's not his fault you pined for three years.
And I simply explained I never blamed it for it, and the only thing I'd ever want apologies/an explanation about is him ghosting me.

Do what you will but my recommendation is not to engage with him. All these old feelings will mess up your relationship as women tend not to drop these types of things. I would just start fresh with a new guy. Plenty of fish in the sea.


holy shit it's just a date