Any point in talking to a girl with BPD? She is extremely philosophical, introverted and artistic...

Any point in talking to a girl with BPD? She is extremely philosophical, introverted and artistic. I think she may also be schizotypal. We no longer talk because she ghosted me due to her disorder but she's still in therapy. Is their any point in talking to her again? I keep thinking that she's going to turn out to be this massive slut with no identity but at the same time I can clearly see she is intelligent and had these traits before I met her. She is just emotionally childish.

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Rule #3: Because I know you're going to ignore these rules and stick your penis into crazy anyway, don't come back here in a month crying when crazy is pregnant and is threatening to cut your dick off - because you were fucking warned TWICE not to stick your dick into crazy. You will deserve what happens to you and we'll do nothing here but point and laugh at you.


Go get you some sane poon. There are plenty of thirsty cats out there who don't have mental disorders. Find one of them.

schizotypal girls do the most degenerate stuff in bed, I love it you should hit her up again and tell her you want to fuck

Go for it pal just dont get to invested and dont blame yourself when she leaves you to fuck her coworkers and everyone else

Do they always cheat?

Don't get involved...


I dated a bpd girl for a few years... The damage is mostly resolved but it took almost five years to recover psychologically and get my life back on course. The sex might be mind blowing but it's just not worth it.



dont do it
there is no shortage of people who can tell you horror stories about bpd girls. i dont have time to tell mine, but suffice to say that i have been permanently changed by the experience, and not for the better. steer clear of this girl, user

She was very manipulative. Caring about me, then leaving me, than wanting me back and obsessing about me, then leaving me again. Never knew what she wanted because she didn't either. I loved her and thought I could fix her emotional issues but nope.

But yeah the sex was passionate as hell I and she was great to be around at her best.

Why did it end?

She left for another guy eventually. She "loved him more" but I think he just provides a bit more stability. She is going to get bored of him at some point I almost guarantee.

Ah damn, unlucky my dude. makes you see the world as cut throat, must've hurt a lot.

This guys an idiot. Literally always stick your dick in crazy, always the best sex and never a dull moment.

I think it comes down to never DATE crazy.

If you’ve never stuck your dick in crazy then you’re seriously missing out.

Yes but honestly at the end of the day the experience with her was worth it.

unless you impregnate her, in which case your ass is stuck with crazy for the next 18 years of your life.

Don't stick your dick in crazy, OP. Let people like ruin their lives for some cheap quick sex.

I think normal girls can offer great experiences too...but there's something within a man that makes him want a BPD woman, it's probably paternal

Nigga just pull out lmao

that's why there are so many single white mothers, because niggas don't know that this isn't a full-proof plan. Pre-cum's got sperm in it too.

Apparently pre cum sperm is more potent too

The real problem is you, she fucks you over and "it's cool it was just the bpd" why should she learn to keep her shit under control when so many men she fuck let her off without consequences. She's even going to say it's not her fault it's her disorder because that's what every thirsty boy is telling her and when she drops you for good it's because she has 3 dudes that are more passive to baby her and let her get away with more games.

Dunno. Like OP said my girl had alot of good qualities and the good times she was the best girlfriend I ever had and I really miss her. Extremely good at sex and very affectionate. Easy to talk to ect. But she was also a complete bitch sometimes and used me for emotional support and dropped me when it wasn't convenient for her/she changed her mind about what she wanted in life.