Post your rare Moot photos. We need him to be fired from Google so he can make Jow Forums great again

Post your rare Moot photos. We need him to be fired from Google so he can make Jow Forums great again

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Isn't he living under a bridge in San Francisco now?

Yeah he gave me a handjob in exchange for a cheeseburger. Sad times.

Queens of /Jow Forums/.

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ah. degenerate in chief.


moot no longer exists, once you work for the kikes at Google you are basically reprogramed into a leftist robot.

He sold the site for about a million dollars, which he used to buy a small condo in Mountain View where he commutes every day like a wage cuck to Google because that's what he wanted after he failed to monetize this site and screwed up that Canvas app.

He's a complete normie who can't function or think outside of the norm and it's quite sad because that's how he was raised and programmed to behave. He had ambition and creativity but threw that all away for the comfort and safety of a stable job at a large company. He literally sold his golden goose just so he could attain an above average quality of life.

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He's working for Google Maps and Living in Japan for a long while now.

Now we have an ugly chink in chief

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moot went from having /b/ to being a transgender googler faggot.

sad desu

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moot despised the site towards the end. He would never come back, and I fail to see what good he'd do even if he did.

His hatred made it stronger

he went from one of the "edgiest" sites to a corporate cocksucker at the most liberal company on Earth.

he didn't sell Jow Forums. he sold his soul.

Well for starters, he can get rid of /mlp/

After he got publicly cucked and became Jow Forumss punching bag it was over.
He had to sell, his shame was too great. The pressure was coming in from everywhere.. Ben Garrison, the law, anons..

I think he did the right thing. Trying to turn a profit from this site was beyond his capabilities anyway

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Say what you will about him, but he brought us all together and I miss him. I even named my dog after him.

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You think this site is beneficial to us?
Uhh boy

he is a faggot


If only Jow Forums was as based as kc

This is the result of 20 years of indoctrination. To be a wage slave cuckolded NPC.

Moot had spirit. He had ambition. He HAD a heart. But people GUILTED him relentlessly. He hated himself and who he was. This is no different than what ((they)) are trying to do with white men everywhere. Make them ashamed of themselves. Moot is a perfect example of this. He ONLY hated this site because others told him to hate it. They told him it was evil and bad because a few autists harassed a few people in power. They told him that he was evil just for allowing such things to happen or exist, WHEN THE EXACT OPPOSITE IS TRUE!

He sold his soul to the devil because he didn't want to try hard enough. They made him cower in fear and gave him a cheap promise of safety and comfort. Guys, he sold his soul for a cheap condo in Mountain View, California. He folded under minor pressure.

For me, that is not the life I'd choose. I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

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and now moot is a good goy in a Google(tm) office paid to promote leftist ideology for money.

pretty sad.

This really hits home because I know so many people out there who ditched their passions to pursue a shit career, all for some minor comforts. It's fucking pathetic. Moot is no different than these people.

I understand there are dumbshits who smoke weed all day and pursue a music career. Well, monetize it then. Try, try some more. Don't let the Jew tell you monetizing things is bad when they do it all the goddamn time. Moot is so fucking pathetic, failing just twice. There is literally nothing wrong with that. Try, try again, try a hundred times until you succeed. But I guess failing a few times was enough for that cuck to fold.

Who will be remembered in a thousand years? George Washington? Or Moot?

better to try and fail than be just a random fucking number at a random company.

no one will remember moot. most newfriends have no idea what "moot" is.

He's getting mad pussy at Google. The chink, gook, and pajeet diversity bitches literally throw themselves on the moot pole.

but sjw cunts are all whales.

Fome back sweet prince...

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Rest In Peace comfyposting ;(

>implying they hire women from India
Nearly 100% of all Indian H1B imports to the US are male.

coppercab legit looks scary lol

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