Well, that escalated quickly

The Sri Lanka bombing attacks were "retaliation for Christchurch", AFP reports the country's deputy defence minister as saying.

Sri Lankan police are questioning 40 people about the Easter Sunday attacks on churches and hotels, as the toll from the coordinated bombings rose to 321.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Muslims are easily upset. Hmmmmm...

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If they didn't have that excuse they would have used another

>religious subhumans killing each other

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Imagine reading stuff news in 2019

They didn’t just kill each other. They targeted hotels popular with Westerners—though only a handful of Westerners died. They went after churches to ‘get even’ after the Christchurch shootings. Brenton Tarrant couldn’t care less about the people slaughtered in this incident, he’d see it as nothing more than the price of accelerationism. He’s wrong though. The only thing achieved by this tit-for-tat is suffering and ruin.

about time

This just in: Tarrant believed responsible for inciting violent attacks against Christians over the last several decades. There is no need to question this, white people are responsible for Muslim violence.

Also killed some billionaires kids

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This is the obvious next step to ferment the war between Muslims and Christians for the benefit of the ZioCunts

Is it ever a good thing to kill when it’s unnecessary and serves no purpose?

This is actually what's going to happen and the Aussie will have his accelerationist ideals fulfilled.

Kids of a billonaire who is pushing islam into the west.
So yeah, it served a purpose.

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>christcucks and mudslime subhumans killing each other
abrahamic scourge discrediting itself every day, until it gets the final blow

The Sri Lanka bombings would have taken months of preparation. So essentially the "response to Christchurch" was actually the mudshits doing what mudshits do, and the media is blaming whitey after the fact.

Billionaires name?

fake shooting hoax combined with literal mossad false flag bombings in Rothschild tea plantation child sex slave factory and Jewish hideout remote base of Mossad ops Sri Lanka whats not to love?

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Suffering and ruin is the goal of Islam. Their pedophile prophet personally beheaded over 100 people, and that's the guy they're supposed to emulate.

A C C E L E R A T I O N is the purpose you daft fucking unbred. Whites will no longer be altruistic. Remember what they took from you.


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Daily reminder that Jews want Whites and muzzies killing each other.

And that Jews are almost certainly behind these big events.

I'm not letting muzzies off the hook. Just saying keep in mind who is ultimately responsible.

Anders Holch Povlsen

Called it.
So, anons. Who can top the Sri Lankan score? Maybe someone should open up a thread and make a highscore table.

>Police knew about the attack 10 days in advance
>They literally did nothing to prevent it
>President was confused about it then silenced
>3 days after the attack
>I-it was the Muslims goys, they killed Christians in retaliation to Christchurch

Next false flag will be against Muslims in Ramadan

Keep falling for it you dumb pawns. JIDF were sliding hard the threads about how the authorities knew about the attack in advance, and now they are spamming this shit.

I'd like you to say that to a bunch of Muslims on their face. We rape your women in your own fucking cities and you watch helplessly.

This is your ""position"". Rotherham should happen again.


Sage this shit. They are trying to lure you into a vendetta with the islamists so that (((they))) can brand you as terrorists instead of a political movement.

They have Always called you extremists and terrorists. If you fall for this shit they Will brand you as terrorists and you will never get the right to exist ever again.

Always Sage this shit and stop listening to these people.

stay mad sandnigger

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I’d rather you use a memeflag, otherwise I’ll have to call the RSS on you.

It was coming either way. It's just that this is the cheapest of cheap shots in a desperate attempt to show white people are bad because apparently all whites are Catholics/Christians.

Defense Minister just said this in the Parliament and the live feed was abruptly cut off when he did.

How is this not big news? They just killed 300+ people in retaliation to Christchurch.


Ovendodgers detected

t. Islamic Filth
I think we went past vendetta after the 7th wave of invasion.

Guess you guys finally got the holy war you always wanted.

>only a handful of Westerners died
What? Read the article faggot.

it isn't big new since it was a retaliation you gigantic nigger thus they can easily blame it on white people lol the more interesting news is the someone funded them but who???

Just ky!

So this means we are allowed and justified now to retaliate for Moskva, Berlin, Paris, Nizza etc.? Time to nuke them into stone age then

Sri Lanka bombings ‘retaliation’ for New Zealand mosques massacre – minister

> The serial bombing of Christian churches and hotels in Sri Lanka may have been an act of retaliation for the gun rampage at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, a Sri Lankan minister said citing the initial investigation.

>Two domestic Islamist groups, the National Thawheed Jama’ut and the Jammiyathul Millathu Ibrahim, are suspected by investigators of orchestrating the Easter Sunday bombings, which killed over 300 people, Ruwan Wijewardene, Sri Lanka’s junior defense minister, told MPs.

>The initial investigation has revealed that this was in retaliation for the New Zealand mosque attack.

>Wijewardene also confirmed the latest death toll from the violence, which currently stands at 321. There were 38 foreigners among the victims. The minister said more than 500 people were injured in the attacks.

This guy gets it.

no because it your fault lol

Looks like pewdiepie just learned some pol lingo. Good one faggot. Come back to me when you're ready to fight for your nation and your people.

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Sage for double post.

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Kek the absolute state of buttmad muslims. More offended by this than people killing over 300 innocent people in the name of your god. The absolute pathetic filth you guys can be never ceases to amaze me. Civilize yourself.

>Jow Forums

>Attack Christians for a non-Christian taking revenge on countless terror attacks.
Islam rots the brain.

I actually think jews funded them I wouldnt be surprised


What about Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Libya? We killed millions of people and caused the migration crises to Europe.

>german missing the point of all this

Yeah but if you brand yourself and every rightwing organisation on this world as a international terror organisation it will be even worse.

Not even Nigel Will have the right to speak in the European Chambers of this happens.

What about Constantinople, Egypt, Visantija, Old Jerusalem, Greece and so on? If you wanna talk about historical wars there are even more reason to destroy muslimes

>still not mentioning islam

go back

You cant fight for your nation by becoming a terrorist organisation.

Based and redpilled

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Its funny cause i do this all the time. I hate you muzzie bastards.

>We killed millions of people
Good. Haven't killed enough apparently.

we should go to war

To what?


>[reddit space]
>hurr if u kill ur enemies they win
Do you know how fucking stupid you sound?

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reminder that to get rid of mudslimes we need to support Israel to the fullest

Funny how the German occupying forces called Milorg "terrorists".

Maybe not enough, but certainly the wrong people. Invaders are more deserving of being shot in order to repel them than mudslimes in situ no matter why they're invading or what their sob story is. Why can't armies be directed to do that?

>1 post by this ID
If these attacks were retaliation for Christchurch, then what were the other dozens of sandnigger attacks done this year for?

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By just looking at your posts everyone on this boatd can tell how new you are. Stop embarrassing yourself.

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>"retaliation for Christchurch"
Is Tarrant OK?
I mean, he should be in jail somewhere in NZ or AUS right?

>muslims wiped out the entire family of a leftist billionaire


You should probably stop comparing this world with a world that existed 100 years ago dumbfag.

The germans had an army and they were fighting against armies. Norway would never had made it if it wasnt for others.

I Will Sage you now. You are eighter a leftist, liberal, globalist, shill or a kike.

No serious rightwinger on this planet want to be branded as a terror organisation becouse everything is lost if thats happening.

ANZAC day approaches

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We are already at war user

You reddit space and post on cuckchan you fucking queer. I only come to this nigger infested board when the other /pol isn't very active. You're fucking retarded for thinking that accelerationism is a bad meme. The only way whites will survive is if we start fighting back. But looking at your flag, I'm hardly surprised that you're such a cuck. Take the honk pill and enjoy the ride faggot; it never ends.

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Everyone calls freedom fighters terrorists. Not like you'd fucking know, Mr. "Neutral".

makes you think

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>retaliation for Christchurch
top kek shitskins killing eachother in their lands
how does this affect us?

>I will sage you
Fuck, I can't believe I took you seriously. Have you ever even heard of the third position you fucking retard? Sage is not a downvote either fuckhead. Go neck yourself.

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yeah its better to get cooked slowly while getting that pension and being comfortable , right you boomer faggot?

I’m 24 years old. I recognize that Islam is, by its nature, is somewhat at odds with Western society. But a lot of innocent lives will be lost in the crossfire if things accelerate.

I remember those assassinations and the Western (Rothschild) media apparatus were all like 'nothing to see', 'job done', 'file it away'.

Fuck you, muslim scum

>muh innocent lives
And what about Europeans? What have they taken from us over these short decades? What more will they take? What could have been? Gradually, I began to hate.

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Are you saying that the only way to maintain our free way of life is to oppress?

Europeans have dug ourselves into a hole and we need to dig ourselves out of this hole. Nobody will offer us a helping hand. It is up to us. It really is a do or die situation.

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Low effort bait

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I'd like to see you say that to a cow, and start eating hamburgers, Mohamed.

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You are all disgusting

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It's not nice to talk about dead kikes like that user

>Tarrant causes a holy war in Poo-rusalem.


Is the attack on Sri Lanka evidence of an attempt to consolidate the Islamic world?

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Here comes the damage control angle the media is told to push
The ol Hillary Clinton 'blame righty' for Bangazi trick.

maybe you shouldnt have bombed every supply train and truck in the country stupid fucking burgers

>“If you kill your enemies they win!”

Yet you love Stalin and he killed just as many of you jews

Abrahamics - just can't stop em from killing each other. Such a violent religion.

>retaliate by bombing a country of shitskin indians which nobody cares about

>We rape your women in your own fucking cities and you watch helplessly.

Are you proud of this?