What the fuck is this shit? Any Nazbols lurking wanna give a quick rundown? All I get is its communism but nationalist which seems like a contradiction.

Attached: 1200px-National_Bolshevik_Party.svg.png (1200x800, 42K)

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>wanna give a quick rundown?

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Its kinda like national socialism, but you know, its more of a national SOCIALISM

communist nostalgia often found in ex-east bloc countries that limit themselves to re-instating communism in their own country for their own people without trying to convert the world

Arent these the bad guys from call of duty?

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basically north korea without kim

nationalism and communism are not contradiction you dummy what do you think the nazis are

Russian version of NatSoc under the other brand to affect the masses

>All I get is its communism but nationalist which seems like a contradiction.
It's not

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We are Left wing fascists. We believe in preserving our race and our culture whilst also riding the state of the degenerate capitalist dogma. We wish to expel the Jews that occupy the most powerful positions in our nation and we want to get rid of the businessmen that aided them. We do not believe in internationalism and we do not believe in Lenin or Karl Marx, they were only serving their own internationalist interests

Nationalbolsheviks believe in the core-tenets of leninist-marxism, reaching communism through the actions of a political vanguard and establishing a dictatorship of the working class which in time will dissolve itself into a stateless society (therefore marxist communism).
But nationalbolsheviks place a heavy importance on nationalism as a means to reach these goals while also defending things which are considered reactionary by most other marxists like patriotism and traditional living as an important tool against the degenerating effect of bourgeois living. Homosexuality for example was considered a symptom of bourgeois societal decay and would disappear after the world revolution.

In practise there are quite a few similarities between nationalbolshevism and the so called "leftwing" of nationalsocialism (strasserism). The german nationalbolsheviks actually tried to work closely with the strasserites in the SA and the Hitler-youth, which was their end since the leftwing-natsocs were purged ultimately.

Attached: ernst_niekisch_nazbol.jpg (350x444, 160K)

dont ask here anythink, to many brainlets and kids. I read only one book of Nazbol writer Eduard Limonov "Another Russia". I strongly advise (dunno is there is a translation) book is super good. Limonov wrote it when he was in prison. in essence the book explains the doctrine of Nazbol very well. (also you can check his "Anatomy of hero", basically a book how to get a man, not your Jordan Peterson type, he was a volunteer in yugoslavian war on the serbian side and was fighting in the Abhazian conflict too, somethink like this)
I cant give a quick run down but i can certanly tell that these people are retarded morons talking out of their ass

how to be a man*

State Socialism, but ethno nationalist, without the international elements. Scaring both the jew and Porky. An actual workers country , but without the autism of anarcho communists.
The woker must never be disarmed, and the state's role is to protect the country.
Unironically, this is the best chance against neo liberalism and capitalism, also against white genocide. The best aspects of the left, but national and without the hippie bullshit ? sign me in.

also, don't use russian nazbol as reference for the whole ideology. that one is messy and broken

Just Nationalist Tankies

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Nazbol is an attractive ideology in many ways, but I still can't fathom how so many of its adherents unironically admire figures such as Marx and Lenin. Those were poisonous kikes and enemies of nationalism. Why not Bakunin? He was a revolutionary who despised Marx and warned about his Jewish plans.

>I cant give a quick run down
>certanly tell that these people are retarded morons talking out of their ass

>What the fuck is this shit?
Nazbol? its an ideology for schizophrenic people that belong in mental asylums

What did you read from the literature of the National Bolsheviks?

*gets deplatformed
It's a free market, make your own platform *sip*

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Get some Bookchin & co in there too my dude theanarchistlibrary.org/library/murray-bookchin-libertarian-municipalism-an-overview



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I personally prefer the flag of the strasserists than the National Bolshevik one. Is there really any difference between Nazbol and Strasserism? Or are they basically the same thing

There are some. Strasserism is more of a guild socialism, plus very environmental friendly (to the point of eco fash). Strasser also believes that the state should be formed of a council , rather than one leader having all power.

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Interesting. What is your personal opinion on which one is better?

I'd argue more with Strass, but ideally, a combination of both. The native workers should own the means of production, as long as it's in the nation's interest, while the State exist to protect that. The abolishment of large businesses would be immediately, small ones happening gradually, as we achieve full on state socialism.

So something similar to National Syndicalism where workers manage their own areas? That sounds interesting. How would the members of the main council be picked and would there be elections?

Just admit your no different than a stalinist.

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A Stalinist would not let the workers manage the means of production. A Stalinist would not praise ethnic-nationalism or traditions. A Stalinist would not have a main council, it would have an absolute leader

Summed up from Otto Strasser's "Germany Tomorrow"

>An 'authoritarian democracy' with three tiers of power. A Reichspräsident, elected for life, as supreme representative of state authority. Below him, a Great Council (made up of provincial presidents, ministers, and a presidium from the Chamber of Estates) who elect the Reichspräsident. And below that, the Chamber of Estates, a national corporatist body at the head of the nation's Estates (corporations).
>Rejection of 'Jewish Roman law' in favour of 'German law' based on folk principles and the Natural Order.

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Pretty much what british user said here

Well to be fair, Stalin was not technically an absolute leader. He just became the defacto leader of the council. To think something like that would not happen in your syndicalist commune or national socialist bolshivikism would not happen is ludicrous.

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Stalin and most soviets before him disarmed the workers. We believe the citizen should always have the right to armaments, hence the american 2nd amendment , should the State ever be hijacked or corrupted.
Every quote on quote "socialist" that wants gun regulations is a threat.

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Realize that the most deadly enemies whites have are the well off bourgeoisie. As long as they can live in their wealth bubble they couldn't care less what happens to other classes of whites.

White bourgeois and white liberals are the ones that enabled jews to subvert white nations.
Traitors are the worst type of enemy.