I have really saggy tits that aren't big either, and I have a 5/10 face, and an average ass even though I lift weights...

I have really saggy tits that aren't big either, and I have a 5/10 face, and an average ass even though I lift weights. I'm also not that young, late twenties

Can I still find a boyfriend? I've been unsuccessful so far

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Exercise is a plus. Are you fun to be around? If you have nerdy hobbies you can cast a really wide net since there are less girls there.

I'm not that fun to be around, I'm a stick in the mud

But people do like it when I'm spontaneous and impulsive, which I can be at times.

Don't worry, at least you weren't born a male.

Most males have been more successful than me in this area.

Well that's fine too I guess.

I'd recommend putting on some makup and taking some nice pictures of yourself for a Tinder or whatever profile. You're bound to get a good amount of matches, then you just sift through the shit and hopefully find yourself a decent man, then take things forward. If you want some general tips:

- Men almost never get complimented so if you like a guy throw him a complimen, he will love it.
- Men usually have to do the legwork, so if you make his work a bit easier by initiating some dates he'll appreciate it too.
- We like it when girls banter with us so don't be afraid to say some edgy or out there shit, we find it endearing

>I'd recommend putting on some makup and taking some nice pictures of yourself for a Tinder or whatever profile.

Already did that

> You're bound to get a good amount of matches

They all just want sex, no dates. One of them even asked if they could pay me to massage my feet.

I just cried and deleted the app.

dancing lessons

If you don't shave that's a plus, too many girls have bald pussies and many guys prefer a hairy bush.

I'm pretty sure you're bound to get someone who wants a relationship. As I told you you're going to have to sift through a lot of shit, but be happy you can get to do that.

I think okcupid has less of an emphasis on sex and flings so maybe try your luck there?

I tried okcupid and a bunch of other apps too, no luck.

My girl here you're in the right place. Here on Jow Forums the neckbeards are ready to pounce on anything that moves.

Just get on tinder and enjoy the free ego boosts. Literally ANY girl does well on tinder, even the fat black deformed ones

Pick an Idol to emulate, their fans will think you are the tits.

She's looking for a date. You don't show your cunt on the street to find a date worthy guy.

Not untrue, but who would want to date those people?

>One of them even asked if they could pay me to massage my feet.

You're one of us as well you narcicisstic tit

Not really. I wouldn't pounce on anything that moves.

Yes date more

>I wouldn't pounce on anything that moves
>is a gril who comes to Jow Forums looking for dating advice
really makes one think does it not?

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I dunno I ask this question often. I dated a guy a few months ago that I had liked for some months. I was pretty fucking surprised he asked me out. A month later, he dumped me with some weird ass bullshit excuses and just kept acting weird about it. Took 6 months to get him out of my life but I'm still stuck with this crushing loneliness and this horrible rejection. Only real relationship and I'm in my 30s now.

I have nerdy hobbies. I talk to a lot of guys online through one of those hobbies. Few guys I've known irl like to talk to me. But no one wants to date me (had guys that just want sex, too). I'm at a loss and I can't figure out what makes me so fucking defective.

OP here, I sympathise.

I don't get it either, other people seem to be swimming in dates despite having innumerable physical and mental flaws.

Where can loser men find girls like you with low self esteem to ask out?

Dating is hard, you have to care about another person. I assume your ex didn't have much experience. You might try an older man. Also could be your location.

>she (he) said
>on Jow Forums

I have nothing really to add but I've been thinking about saggy breasts a lot lately

I quite enjoy them

For real advice, I'd say you focus too much on looks and there are guys out there that focus more on other traits than just your breasts or face. These people might not be in the social groups you surround yourself with though.

How does your social media accounts look like?
Do you post NPC tier stuff and are a facebook activist?

I don't have social media accounts, I use whatsapp to communicate with people

>I have really saggy tits
Pics and bra size plus country

That's fine then. A lot of women basically talk themselves out of being seen as anything other than a wet hole by posting retarded shit online and acting as a child.