Should women in the workforce be forced to wear the same dress code as men so they stop complaining about the fucking air conditioning?
Should women in the workforce be forced to wear the same dress code as men so they stop complaining about the fucking...
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Yes. I will Never understand the things women do in the name of fashion. Is it that hard to dress for the environment you will be spending half of your day in??
it’s hard to be sluttier than the other women you have to spend your day with
Bad news, dude. 50 year old women are going to complain about the air conditioning no matter what temperature it actually is.
Why are women so entitled. I didn't hear men complaining while they worked in caves mining all day or when they were out at war. Maybe women just ain't fit for the working environment
>thinking women will stop bitching ever.
Women's skin temperature is typically 2-3C colder than that of men. Unfortunately there is no solution other than for them to stay at home.
Uneven dress codes are stupid and unfair. Hold women to the exact same standard as men for the sake of proper equality. Problem solved
You want to work like a man?
You should have to dress like them.
Fatasses should be forced to lose weight so they stop complaining the air conditioning isn't cool enough.
>Hold women to the exact same standard as men for the sake of proper equality. Problem solved
Fresco was a good meme, how come he got forgotten?
>Should women in the workforce be forced to wear the same dress code as men so they stop complaining about the fucking air conditioning?
No, men are not allowed in workplace:
"Let’s start by asking an important question: Is it even natural for men to be in the workplace in the first place?"
In workplaces where everyone can wear t-shirts women still complain about it.
Excuse me whaaaaaaat
Women have slower basal metabolic rates than men and will always be slightly colder than a man of equal size wearing the same thing. The only practical solutions are segregated work spaces or no dress codes
Makeup should be banned in the workplace, as should heels & cleavage.
Cunts should not have jobs or wear clothes.
Women should work for real so they would have less time to bitch about irrelevant stuff.
I work from home now. Enough with #metoo and office thots
Everyone should just wear leotards to work and save the company money on air conditioning.
Walking into work like
Dressy, tasteful receptionist wear
You want to see the 50 year old lard asses wearing that all day?