I love this girl so much. She has psychologically abusive parents, and I take care of her, I'm there for her...

I love this girl so much. She has psychologically abusive parents, and I take care of her, I'm there for her, I help her navigate all her issues, and she tells me that I'm the only one that cares so much about her in her entire life, and she can only be vulnerable with me.
I asked her out because I genuinely thought she loved me back, but she said she never saw me that way at all, and broke my heart. Then she says, "Please get over this fast", I need you as a friend. The balls on this girl.
So I promised myself I'll help her get out of her house, and help her earn some cash with a little affiliate marketing that I do, and I'd teach her that.
I don't deserve this anons, I think I deserve better. The one girl who's made me smile in years, wants me to be her best friend. Help me anons, is there hope for me? I'm genuinely sad with myself.

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lol beta stay getting used faggot

It's not about getting USED fag. It's about loving someone, which I bet you've never felt. It's about not being loved - it's rejection.

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>I-I like being used so she’s not taking advantage of me!!
>I-I bet you’ve never loved someone
Fucking ghost her bitch. Unless this is some girl that’s been a big part of your life for at least a couple of years then you have nothing to lose. You wanna just watch her fall for someone else while you provide emotional support?

Okay you make a fair point here. I'll take your advice and ghost her. Completely ditch the girl. I've known her for about a year now, and she's never given me as much as I've given her.
I'm sorry for being a pussy user, I'll ghost her and get over her.
There's no hope for sure right? Just asking because I'm a little hopeful. You destroy that for me and I'll owe you my happiness.

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There’s absolutely no chance. Life is not a romance novel and there are no happy endings. The only time a woman will come back is when she feels guilty and as soon as that’s satiated it’s over again. Good luck but GHOST that ho my nigga

Call her bluff and propose.

Thank you sensible user. I understand life is shit and I'll find someone better one day. You're amazing for helping me here. Can't thank you enough :)

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It could be that she doesn't have the self esteem to believe somebody can love her

Maybe true user, she always has a Fake it till you make it idea of everything. Maybe inside there's nothing, it could all be bluster and show.

She won't fall in love with you if that's what you want. There's a chance you can get some sex and attention out of it if you get more emotionally distant for a bit but that's not gonna last and you're not gonna be comfortable with it anyway if you really feel strongly for her.

But you have to put your own happiness first. Having been in this kind of situation before, I understand that just being friends might be more trouble for you emotionally than it's worth and going no contact might be the best option. But at least tell her that so she can get a little bit of closure on the matter. And if straight up no contact is too much and you're not sure if it's the right move, just tell her you need some time to work through those feelings before you're ready to be friends again.

Yeah, I love her so much that I can't even imagine myself having just casual sex, makes me feel put off about myself. I just spoke to her and I've decided we're going zero contact forever.
I told her directly that I can't care for her so much and watch her fall in love with another guy, and that it would hurt too much.
I refused to be used anymore and I want to reclaim some of the self esteem I have about the value I add.
My only question is this, WHY doesn't she love me back? Is it something I did wrong? How do you tell someone that they've been the only person who's cared for them, then tell them that you don't love them at all? Is it just a game for them? Or is she unable to feel love? Please if any femanons has an answer let me know. I'm just curious - it'll help me get closure on my own self worth.

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What has this girl done for you to fall in love with her? You certain she isn't just using you?

>Then she says, "Please get over this fast", I need you as a friend. The balls on this girl.

i feel for you, and I feel for her and her situation.

but you need to fucking check her attitude.

She doesn't get to dictate the terms of your friendship alone. Period. You dictate them together.

Shes using you for emotional support until she comes across a Chad who'll plow her for a couple month then realise shes an emotional wreck, then he'll cheat on her, she'll run back to your beta ass after her pussy has turned wider than the pacefic ocean, use you again, until she comes across another chad or that cuck will come back and yoink her again from you, you'll turn into a cuck, watch blacked porn and be femanized, so to be short and helpful: Ditch, her, while, you, still, can, she, is, using, you.

She's just like me in a messed up way, I was an outcast, still am, and she's like that too. Because she's been through the same shit as I have, she's the only one who has been able to understand me completely. So the only person I'm happy with is her - that's why the affection.
I can help her because I found the solution to it, I'm able to numb myself to any sort of external judgement and just rely on myself. I'm making a ton of money, none of which I spend on her, so she just wants me to teach her how to do that.
I gave her an choice, can we go out and I'll help her make money, or just teach her how to do it and I'll be done with her.
She cooly said, help me make money but I need you as a friend, so I know she just wants that help and I have no chance with her now. I just want to teach her everything, and then leave her so she understands what she's missing.
She's most likely just using me, but she's been my best friend since I met her, because we've synced so well, and I started making money recently.

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I made this very clear to her, and she's okay with me just leaving now. It hurts a little to be just thrown away like that.

I understand user. I'm almost done ditching her today :). Thank you for showing me how much of a pussy I had become.

God speed user. I was in the same situation as you, ditching her ass is the difficult, but only solution. Before you make another thread.. No, it doesn't get easier very quickly. I still miss her too.

If she's not giving up the pussy than you're just wasting time.

Pussy is the world's oldest shit test. If she isn't giving it up to you than she may as well be giving it up to somebody else because that's what everybody is going to end up thinking anyway.

Honestly, you should be more worried for your reputation because that bitch sounds like a straight up loser.

I am in a very similar situation.
Though I never asked her out, I realise I could never be the man she needs and deserves. Our friendship was just her phase during a very harsh time she has been going through and now that her darkest times are but blown over she is going to drop me soon.
It's killing me but I know I have to let it go.
Though I am afraid to end the friendship myself since she was the best friend I have ever had.

Well, a few things.
>I refused to be used anymore
You're thinking in black-and-white, all-or-nothing patterns here. For you, if she doesn't love you romantically, you think you mean nothing to her. This is why you feel used. But the reality is it's not like that at all. You mean something to her, in fact I would guess you mean a lot to her and that she does really value your friendship. If she led you on in some way, it would be different. But it doesn't seem like that was the case. If all she really wanted was to use you, she would have let you take her on dates and spend a bunch of money on her before telling you she doesn't feel strongly for you.
>and I want to reclaim some of the self esteem I have about the value I add.
1) She's already admit that you add value to her life, 2) Why was your self-esteem based on how she feels about you? Why should it ever be based on how a woman feels about you? Rhetorical questions here, because it shouldn't have been, and it shouldn't ever be.
>WHY doesn't she love me back?
None of us can know that. Only her, and I doubt you'd get a straight answer out of her. It could be any number of reasons.
>Is it something I did wrong?
Not to her, but as far as the situation goes, you should try asking a girl out before you fall head-over-heels in love with her.
>How do you tell someone that they've been the only person who's cared for them, then tell them that you don't love them at all? Is it just a game for them?
She never said that she doesn't love you at all, just that she doesn't love you in the way that you love her. If you're not cool with that then you have every right and reason to walk away from it, but it's not like she didn't care about your feelings at all.
>It hurts a little to be just thrown away like that.
You are literally the one who decided to throw her away because she didn't fall in love with you.

You don’t deserve anything.
Only because you’re a good friend does not make you entitled. If it’s a hassle to be there for her, quit.

It's a shitty situation but honestly what you have to do is cut all contact and occupy your mind elsewhere. Don't let her guilt trip into helping her again, no one is owed a savior. Tell her you looked at her differently and it hurts you to be with her and cut contact.

I'd recommend fucking a whore too to have a less idealized image of women, too.

fucking pussies in this thread, everyone needs a bro, start treating her that way, she could be the best wing man, creeps can't hang with women so you have the ability to talk to anyone with her there

>I love this girl so much.
Oh no, here we go again... Is OP going to be one of those beta orbiters?
>She has psychologically abusive parents, and I take care of her, I'm there for her, I help her navigate all her issues, and she tells me that I'm the only one that cares so much about her in her entire life, and she can only be vulnerable with me.
Oh, she's actually your girlfriend, my bad user, why else would you go further and beyond for her? What seems to be the issu-
>I asked her out because I genuinely thought she loved me back
Oh no, don't tell me...
>but she said she never saw me that way at all
pic related
>"Please get over this fast", I need you as a friend.
pic related
>is there hope for me?
pic related

Congratulations retard, you're being used.
I would normally not jump the gun and just say that you were trying to be her friend instead of her lover so it's your fault for being a faggot with 0 game, but this «Please get over this fast, I need you as a friend» is straight up manipulation, she only cares about you for the benefits you provide her and she very clearly outlines this in that statement.
Tell me user, what does she do for you in the same magnitude of what you does for her? She literally just implied distancing herself if you couldn't fix the minor inconvenience of liking her.
Having gotten out of high-school and got to know older women, more level headed women I can most definitely say that if you're in a relationship, regardless of whether it's romantic or just a friendship, and there's not something close to a 60/40 ratio of give and take with the implication that they can be there for you when you need it then you're very much being used. Lol at going above and beyond for a girl that just exists and never does the same for me, most of us learned that the hard way and it's about time you learned the same.

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