How do I stop incel shit from making sense to me?

I feel like I am vulnerable to incel shit. For example, statements like "Women have it far easier than men when it comes to dating and online dating." shit like that eats at my mind because I know its incel shit but it makes sense. Its harder for me to write off things that are logically correct or at least sound correct to me. How do I prevent shit like that? I just hate when shit makes sense I guess. I don't want incel way of thinking to fuck me over and like make me bitter and jaded. I am trying to move away from that.

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It's repetition. Surround yourself with the ideas you value, only those ideas.

>Women have it far easier than men when it comes to dating and online dating.
It is something incels say, and it is something that's true too.
It's a pretty NPC thing to do if you disagree with something just because it's often said by a certain group of people. Change the context and it sounds even sillier.
>wow he made a good point but I'm never gonna agree with a libtard k bye
See how ridiculous it sounds?
You'll never fully agree or fully disagree with a certain group of people.

Women having it easier in dating is not incel shit, it's a basic fact about human nature because men are so desperate.

Dont use it as a cope.

Incel shit is essentially true. There are exceptions obviously, but for the most part its all true.
Media has had a really bad effect on people.
I am attractive and have seen firsthand that women will dump people who are not attractive when they encounter somebody that is attractive.
To put it simply, one should avoid relationships. This goes for both men and women. There is a possibility that somebody will come along one day that you can interrogate the shit out of and they will hold up to it, but unless that happens you're going to ultimately be another casualty of this modern age.

There's some truth to some "incel" ideas. Humans have a kind of dark force undergirding sexuality. But we also have a very beautiful capacity to transcend it.

Also, "Incel theory" is pretty unsophisticated and uncritical. If you want some seriously dark and penetrating insight into human sex, then look into Freud or Greek literature. It's almost heart-breakingly bleak, in a way that makes incel ideas look happy and nice.

Anyways don't focus so much on our darker nature. We are between angels and demons.

Always try to love... love yourself, love others. Forgive them their imperfections. Don't try to possess them or absorb them. Try to take joy in their presence, without expecting something back.

People who act like this, with a genuinely selfless kindness, are attractive to be around. Sooner or later (and it could be 10 years!), someone will love you.

Love is hard. It's painful and beautiful. Only disciplined, self-giving people can endure it.

t. Just found a wonderful girl to love after 7 years of being lonely and trying hard to always do the right thing without expecting to be rewarded or noticed

Psych fag here.
Just remember. We designed the scientific method because we needed a system that counters human thinking, because even when it comes to our best and brightest minds and researchers, "what makes sense", "what seems right", and "intuition" are all usually very horribly wrong because of our biases emotions and how we react to ideas. Our brains are kind of dumb, essentially.

>t. Just found a wonderful girl to love after 7 years of being lonely and trying hard to always do the right thing without expecting to be rewarded or noticed
Which explains why you are preaching all this lovey dovey shit. Just wait until she crushes your heart under her stiletto.

Idk incels are pretty stupid so if u rly fall for all that yikes
Why does it bother u so much if women have an easier time online dating? All that bitterness is pointless and it’s not like women have some global conspiracy to make online dating hard for u. Probably just a grass is always greener situation.
Think about how u would look at an incel as a woman. It’s obviously terrifying and repulsive, which is why incels stay incels

you just confirmed incel theory, woman.
learn to type three letters instead of one