
How do I know if I've got Autism/Aspergers?
I'm 22 years old, mixed-raced, I've never kissed a girl, I have one true friend who is diagnosed with Aspergers.

My sister thinks I'm totally normal, but she might have a little bit of Aspergers as well.

My white family has members with diagnosed Autism too.

I notice that almost every single human being I encounter is different from me. They're more immoral. They have no imagination. They steal, fight, and lie to further their own goals. They can catch balls easily and they are coordinated in the sense that they can make their body do whatever they want like a gymanst.

Is having autism just the opposite of this?
I bounce when I walk, I have a monotone voice. My face is typically very flat and emotionless. I can't couch a ball, and sometimes I rock back and forth.

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You fucking kids need to stop self diagnosing and stop worrying about oh I think I have this or I’m gonna attribute my social ineptitude to this or that!

Just grow the fuck up and exceed your limits. You would think talking to today’s youth that 95% of them have some sort of mental illness by just how often they throw these terms around.

You probably just lock yourself in your room all day everyday and then wonder wow why am I so socially retarded.

But the difference between me and others is that other people my age aren't locking themselves in their room all day.

They are partying and having sex as has been done for thousands of years.

Incorrect. I locked myself in my room and didn’t talk to anybody until I was 18 and had to go to college. Once I was forced to leave my comfort zone and actually engage with people I found it easy.

You actually have to leave your comfort zone...yes some people are naturally more extroverted but that doesn’t mean us introverts have mental illness lol. Actually make an effort you fuck, I can tell just by reading your post that you don’t even do sit around and never talk to anybody and wonder why you have no friends and nobody invites you to events.

It is very unlikely that you have autism. You are simply using it as an excuse for your anti-social behaviors which are completely of your own doing.

>Once I was forced to leave my comfort zone and actually engage with people I found it easy

I already tried to engage with people.
It was never easy for me. I fumbled constantly.

Just the fact that you didn't speak to anyone until the age of 18 is conclusive proof you are a mentally strong, normal person.

>It is very unlikely that you have autism

How do you know?

>How do you know?
Autism spectrum disorders usually manifest in ways which hamper easy communication and understanding, as well as containing difficulties with dealing with outside interests. You not only write in a manner which is understandable and not stilted, but you OP post actually focuses on perspectives of others, which is consistently difficult for people on the spectrum to handle.

Obviously without a full psychological inventory, one cannot be certain, but there is a far more parsimonious idea here. You have issues with people, and instead of facing them head-on you are attempting to side-track them by creating a scapegoat in the form of a common and trendy disease. Take ownership of your life without excuses. Even if you were on the spectrum, so what? It doesn't remove your responsibility for making your own life better.

You misunderstand me.
I only know what I know about people because I've reverse engineered them as material out of necessity. I also read Mein Kampf, and Adolf Hitler explained how people think to me. Adam Lanza told me how women think, and he was right.

The more feminine a person is (exposure to prenatal estrogen), the less capable they are of disconnecting from reality. The less imagination. Less capacity for problem solving.

I can't live my life ignorant.
That will hurt me.

Alright you dingus. I’m humor you, sounds like you might have a case of the super what? You continue to sit in your room and hate yourself or you make an effort to surpass your limits and actually become somebody? It’s an easy decision.

Socializing was not easy for me, I spent a lot of time in a corner at gatherings not saying a single thing. Through trial, error, and general practice I managed to get better. You aren’t going to wake up and all of a sudden be a social god, these things take time and effort for some of us. Don’t be a pussy ass defeatist and change your goddamn attitude peasant.

You say that, but I think you always had the power inside of you to be sociable. You were always connected to the outside world and others, but you were never in the right frame of mind to exercise your natural talents. You also had no real goal oriented behavior, so you were fine with silence. When you got older, you became more frustrated, so you involved yourself in social events.

You also probably exposed yourself to alcohol/became sedentary, therefor lowering your IQ and making you more connected to your surroundings.

You took the experience from these trips, and you built an understanding of others from it.

You became a sociable person because you are built to be a sociable person.

Trial and error had nothing to do with it.
Only time.

>I also read Mein Kampf, and Adolf Hitler explained how people think to me. Adam Lanza told me how women think, and he was right.
You should try Ted Kaczynski next. You'll fit right in in Jow Forums, aside from being mixed-race. I'm sort of inclined to say "so what?" Various authors can bring up good points, but they also view things from a certain lens which informs their beliefs. There is more nuance to the world than that.

>The more feminine a person is (exposure to prenatal estrogen), the less capable they are of disconnecting from reality. The less imagination. Less capacity for problem solving.
This is mere conjecture. I think you'd be hard pressed to substantiate this hypothetical.

>I can't live my life ignorant. That will hurt me.
Considering you seem to be overgeneralizing conclusions on scant data you seem to be reveling in it.

>This is mere conjecture. I think you'd be hard pressed to substantiate this hypothetical.

It's hard to prove it, but it's definitely real.
Women are incapable of disconnecting.

They are tuned that way to assess mates and care for children. It has probably been this way for millions of years.

Once again incorrect. I’m still incredibly antisocial and the only people I talk to are my coworkers, I never leave my room otherwise. Besides that fact I have had 2 very outgoing gfs. My current roommate is my true only friend and yet I never talk to him and stay in my room watching anime and playing games.

My point I’m making friend is that the life is out there, despite how fucked socially you are. There are always going to be people like you out there but you have to actually try to meet them, they aren’t going to come to your room.

If you still have no faith just go to a doctor and have them tell you that you’re completely normal.

But the fact remains.
You built an understanding of peoples out of something that already existed.

You got women, and that stopped you from continuing your social life as your end-goal was received.

The truth is life is only out there if you are fit for life. There is nothing you can do to change who you are.

You can go right back to being sociable if you desire it. I can't begin.

>It's hard to prove it, but it's definitely real.
Women are incapable of disconnecting.
How do you define "disconnecting from reality?" By what metric do you evaluate it? "I just know," is simply a vapid response which doesn't warrant further discussion.

>They are tuned that way to assess mates and care for children. It has probably been this way for millions of years.
Ancestral humans which could actually be called human likely only existed in the last 200,000 or so years You have a break in your chain of logic because you aren't demonstrating how the concepts that you are trying to suggest, such as attachment to reality/focused intellect and mate-selection are actually connected. You are only making inference.

Female and Male has existed for 1.5 billion years before humans ever came to be.

It's all built off of an old form.
That's evolution.

>By what metric

Women have more friends because they see them as parts of themselves.

Women become angered if you attack something they believe to be true because they see it as an extension of themselves.

Females are the feeders of offspring. They need to know when the offspring is hungry, full, sick, bloated, etc, or their progeny will die.

Women are weaker than men. They aren't built to kill.

Women do not master because they have no true desire to master, so they go through men to receive his mastery. The sense of self in their brain that says "I did it! I've beaten it! I'm not where I once was!" is greatly diminished in females, but it's still there.

There's no way to quantify it except for a survey, but women are so dishonest because they have no strong connection to themselves that such a thing would be pointless.

First of all the easiest way of knowing for sure you have either is just to ask a doctor the next time you go for a check up and what not, just ask to take a test. They'll likely refer you to someone.

Another thing that autistic people have a problem doing is going along with unexpected change (we all do to some extent). But I don't mean big things like being forced to move in or out of a house, I mean simpler things like for example: Some children with autism will refuse to sit on any other color chair but red, and if they are forced to do so, they will have a very long tantrum.

About your family member diagnosed with autism, autism is not genetically transferred so I would say you have nothing to worry about there. Scientists mostly agree that autism is sometimes caused by what the mother intakes during pregnancy. There are many of these including excessive drinking of coffee or alcohol.

The age of the mother and/or father can also lead to physical birth defects as well as Aspergers/Autism. But if you mother and father were both under the age of 40 (roughly) you shouldn't worry about that either.

Hope this helps you :)

My dad was 40.
My mom was 25, but she was an opportunist. A poor Nicaraguan immigrant.

Here are some studies on Autism risk with increased age of parents it you were curious about the numbers. From what I've gathered, with a father over 40 there would be about an 11% chance. I'm not sure how a mother of 25 would effect the percentages but I would assume it would lower.

I think it was the prenatal testosterone and the white intelligence that gave me an autistic brain.

My forehead is very low.
It's built for someone with an IQ of 75-95, but my IQ is 113-133, so I have a lot of issues in life.

I don't know if it should be called autism or not, but it seems to be that I have all of the symptoms of autism except for sensory sensitivity and number affinity, but I think those are for people with higher levels of prenatal estrogen.

Look up The Aspie World on youtube. His videos are usually long and they're almost all saying the exact same thing stretched out with product promotions so they hit the 10 minute mark and he makes some cash. However, watch 2-3 of them and you'll see his quirks and twitches/stims. If they look familiar try a few online tests. Also take a Myers Briggs test. I scored 2-3x the threshold for being on the autism spectrum on every online test I took, then did a Meyers Briggs and scored INTJ. Turns out their typical traits align with Asperger's, which triggered a search to find if there's any correlation between personality types and disorders, and this drive to research is a trait of both INTJs and Asperger's. Never got formally diagnosed but the first few sites on Google with resources that help people with Asperger's adjust to the world have been invaluable for me to fit in more.

Your IQ is relative to others in the same age bracket as you were when tested, with 100 being considered average. And 113 to 133 is a huge range. Either get tested officially to see your true current IQ or take a shitload of online tests and average them all out for an estimate.

I got INFP on that Meyers Briggs

I have a friend that got INFP, and he was professionally diagnosed with Aspergers when he was 2.

I get 113 when I am sedentary and dehydrated and stressed.

I get 133 after I have just exercised/hydrated/fasted all at the same time.

Everybody's IQ works like that.
There are times when you can't think, and there are times when you're incredibly fast.

This is why you get nations with incredibly low IQ, but then their slightly mixed diaspora get 85 IQ when they're collectively nourished better.

>I notice that almost every single human being I encounter is different from me. They're more immoral. They have no imagination. They steal, fight, and lie to further their own goals. They can catch balls easily and they are coordinated in the sense that they can make their body do whatever they want like a gymanst.
the word autistic gets thrown around a lot here. after reading this thread, you sound neurotic and obsessive .You are smart, I get it but get over your arrogance. Stop trying to analyze people and also yourself, people arent robots. go out and meet some people and drop the deep thoughts for a few hours. stay logos

>People aren't robots

But that's exactly what they are.
We are just a highly evolved computer built of material designed to reproduce.

Some are functional, some are worthless.

I'd say rather than autism, narcissism mixed with teenage arrogance and angst, and a huge helping of "thinking one is smarter than they actually are."

Just because you would be an arrogant narcissist with 130 IQ doesn't mean I am.

People are different.

Talk to a psychiatrist. Get their opinion

>slow clap....?

I have asperger's myself and sometimes I am able to know if someone has it too, but I need to know that person before making any conclusion. If I were you I'd visit a therapist or something like that

Autism isnt real

down syndrome is retard disease