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he's not wrong that the thought of all the greatness humanity has missed out on due to lack of opportunities can be a depressing one

there is alot of wasted potential but its definitely not in niggers

If they're so smart, why aren't they holding the whip or escaped?

My thoughts exactly, Israel

How many SSAs in Africa and none managed to outdo the mudhut? An Einstein in a cotton field is unlikely.

In a sweatshop, who knows. But who cares? Surely there were some Einstein equivalents sent to gulags.

Gould didn't have the brain to understand Einstein. He will be remembered as a (((fraud))).

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Too bad Einstein was fake and gay. In fact it only makes things worse, a jewish piece of shit is on a fast track to success on life and a lot of real people with talent get fucked hard.

What a surprise a fat kike who spent his career fabricating data would also make such statements.

How about the measurements of those skulls, Gould? you interested in those at all?

>le Einstein was a fraud meme
This is one of those things, like the "Kalergi Plan", that exposes wignats as just that. Jow Forums is so fucking dumb, Jesus Christ

Einstein was an absolute fraud.

Watch any video by Stephen Crothers you kike


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Thanks for your 2 cents, you're an irreplaceable member of this board and your opinions mean so much to us.


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Stephen J Gould claimed that a study of the brain capacity of skulls was tainted because the people who did the study were racists and probably squeezed the non-white skulls to skew the results. Those skulls were remeasured after his book came out and the same results were found as the "racists" found despite careful adherence to methodology. Gould did not retract his claim. The book contained other falsehoods.

Einstein's book "The Theory of Relativity" had no citations. Doesn't that seem a bit suspicous?

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Einstein cited Lorentz you fucking retard. That's how I know you're some retarded 95 IQ white supremacist retard with no achievement in life (that's why you cling to race) just regurgitating what you read in Jow Forums infographics because you're too stupid and lazy to read primary sources.

Wrong, you absolute fucking retard

It looks like he was referring to Gould.
Einstein was probably a fraud too, but that's not the point of discussion.

>because you're too stupid and lazy to read primary sources.
Nigger, most the BS they try to pass for science doesn't even have primary sources. You ask for fucking data and they cite the 'study'. GTFO you retarded kike.

And by 'study' I don't even mean the actual fucking study, but just whatever fucking news article they read.

Except the talent is what has led us here. "i could've if..." is the most inane statement a human can make.

Einstein was a fraud and that is the point of discussion because all Jews are frauds and all their science is BS.


Thanks for your opinion, Mr. Berg:


>why are you analyzing anything? just put the raw data on the internet so the brain trust at Jow Forums can tell you what it REALLY means
unbelievable that people as dumb as you exist.

Actually very unlikely and that's not because there are no blacks with einstein level intellects, there are. It's just they are exceedingly rare to the extent there's no historical guarantee there'd be one every generation. You're also selecting the bottom of society in slaves. Your leading black didn't end up sold to americans.

In asia you up the chances a bit but we're still talking sweatshop class. He'd probably try respond that socioeconomic status is just complete happenstance but that's been disproven so many times it becomes boring.

>I believe everything I read on the interwebs, exp salon and vox articles

>And by 'study' I don't even mean the actual fucking study, but just whatever fucking news article they read.
I was discussing Einstein's original 1905 relativity paper and you went off on some half-baked rant about news articles (???)

You can't even read you illiterate chimp. Why did you even bother responding to me?

>of equal talent
Somebody doesn't know what talent means.

>scientific journals are the same as salon
>Jow Forums shitposts are where the real truth lies
double kek

all the effort was spent on the niggers though.

>no citations
Are you fucking retarded?

I mean if you actually knew math you would see his equation actually makes sense
You are a retard

>REEEEEE! He's a kike! REEEEE!
Doesnt mean he wasnt right

He's somewhat confused, he seems to betray a belief that ability is significantly inherent, such that it can be disguised by circumstance. However his tweet also seems to suggest he doesn't believe these differences can be population scale.

So is it just scattershot individual variation? Is there as much chance that in twins one is a genius and the other a criminal as there are they'd both be smart? If he allows for family wide characteristics then why does that effect stop? A family shares genetic similarity but so does the extended family going all the way out to an ethnic group. It's no coincidence i have white skin as does some vaguely related scot.

Pick one

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there were no jews in gulags but i see what you're saying

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?! The nose knows!

The REALLY smart ones held the whip and convinced everyone that they were the victim.

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>....convolutions of Hitler's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.


To be fair, many are. The only reason theyre needed is for gatekeeping. It is expensive and takes multiple years for studies to be published and many go unpublished despite passing peer review and many published studies nowadays have run into the problem that they’re irreproducible

Impossible to prove a negative

The much vaunted kike IQ at work. This has to be one of the dumbest things ever uttered in all of history.

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fuck you im not jewish

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>"Some mute, inglorious Milton here may rest, some Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood."

Anyway, Gould was an actual commie.

>people with access to that level of education and stimulus were put into cotton-fields and sweatshops

fucking lol.

Look at the size of that nose!

Yeah, I was talking about Gould. I am not sure about Einstein. He was smart enough. Most of the guys who built the A bomb were Jews, also the H bomb. Maybe Einstein failed to cite some sources but not worth We Wuz Kangzing over.

What the fuck kind of rabbit hole is Miles Mathis??

Is it just me or is history not being kind to Stephen Gould? It seems like he's mostly known for accusations of prejudice. And that often misquoted Shakespearean line about protesting too much seems quite apt. It's apparent that Gould was accusing others of what he was latently guilty of.

Meanwhile you krauts are continuing to ruin everything.

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Ironically, menial labor like that frees up the subconscious mind to work out more complicated things. There was some famous guy who got a really good idea doing something like that but my constant multitasking and porn addiction have rendered me unable to remember the specifics of such anecdotes.

This. We’ve already spent trillions just trying to get nigs to be our equals.

Thanks for making it obvious just how angry and unstable that post made you. You look really smart.

> A specific claim purporting to demonstrate a mean genetic deficiency in the intelligence of American blacks rests upon no new facts whatever and can cite no valid data in its support. It is just as likely that blacks have a genetic advantage over whites. And, either way, it doesn't matter a damn. An individual can't be judged by his group mean.

>Not realizing they were slaves in the first place due to them being the most easily broken & lowest form of human sub species.

They were essentially grunt labor for a reason, Nosenburg. I love how when they find a handful of smart outlier ones they try to apply it to the entire race of "what might've been". We saw what might've been: pack mules.

>Admitting Einstein had the mind of a nigger

He has a point you are just too retarded to see it

before they lived and died in cotton fields, they lived and died in mudhuts in subsaharan africa, folding spacetime with their minds, traveling to Arakkis and beyond.

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Imagine being as smart as Einstein but not being smart enough to figure a way out of your shitty situation

>You have a great brain
>Therefore you have to dedicate your entire life into doing something about it
And that's how the Will Hunting movie was made.


"great ingenuity", kek, what a faggot

>As for the new finding’s bearing on Dr. Gould’s reputation, Dr. Kitcher said: “Steve doesn’t come out as a rogue but as someone who makes mistakes. If Steve were around he would probably defend himself with great ingenuity.”
>But Ralph L. Holloway, an expert on human evolution at Columbia and a co-author of the new study, was less willing to give Dr. Gould benefit of the doubt.
>“I just didn’t trust Gould,” he said. “I had the feeling that his ideological stance was supreme. When the 1996 version of ‘The Mismeasure of Man’ came and he never even bothered to mention Michael’s study, I just felt he was a charlatan.”

Einstein was a thief who most certainly stole, via his wife at the time, the research that granted him his sole Nobel Prize. The question is how much and to what extent did he actually contribute to physics.

the only take worthwhile itt

There's barely any with 130+ which is basic bitch high IQ. We don't know Kikestein's IQ but if he really was a high IQ person (160+), there's basically no blacks with that IQ. These graphs are usually normalized and don't show that whites (especially the males) have a fat tail distribution in their IQs. Other races cluster more heavily around the mean. A white male is 10 times more likely to have an IQ of 130 or higher than a black person. And the higher the IQ you're comparing the more pronounced this becomes.

Kek, what a lying kike. Even if he made that statement in the 1970's there was 40 years of IQ data at that point.

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equal talent, kek

The polymath hole. His IQ is off the scale.

>implying only black people do manual labor

the thing Jow Forums and most of modern civilization doesn't want to realize is that you need people of high intelligence doing all levels of work, even the most mundane, because all of it is important and if you leave any of it up to nothing but idiots you will end up paying for it sooner or later

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He's not wrong since Einstein was a patent-stealing Jew.

He's not wrong per se

But if he's being a nice honest scientist, knowing what we know about the racially biased distribution of IQ, + the distribution of geniuses by race + the fact that there are more smart men than smart women (higher male variability), then really what he should be saying is
>I am, somehow, less interested in the social justice, how immigration "isn't a bad thing", and the convolutions of feminist 4th wave intersectional theories, than in the near certainty that people of equal talent to the numerous great white male scientists, composers, and generals of the past will never get a chance to be born, because their positions are given to women, and their countries are filled with non-whites

But yeah sure lets complain about the minute chance some random field nigger was once very smart. While true, it is honestly a more minor problem, and is merely indicative of inequal opportunity as a result of random chance.