Would I come across as a bitch if I threatened to sue guys for sexual harassment for peeking glances at my breasts...

Would I come across as a bitch if I threatened to sue guys for sexual harassment for peeking glances at my breasts while we're talking? My chest is well above average, runs in the family. Thanks Mom, Grandma, my great-grandmother who I know nothing about but might have fallen victim to this as well... I don't know how many generations back this curse runs, but I HATE IT. I don't want to be a cunt, but after so many years of this happening I'm losing my patience. How do I get guys to stop staring at me like dogs looking at a bone?

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Chop your tits off. Or wear clothes that cover you more. And yes you would come off as a major bitch if you shouted that at every dude who may be looking at your tits.

Getting this in before the thread devolves into a shitfest

I have a pretty modest style of dress. My clothes usually aren't baggy, but they're long-sleeved and I don't wear V-necks or anything skanky like that.

>Would I come across as a bitch if I threatened to sue guys for sexual harassment for peeking glances at my breasts while we're talking?
>How do I get guys to stop staring at me like dogs looking at a bone?
Cover them up or chop them off.

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What sort of tops do you normally wear? Are you that far outside the norm? If you want to threaten to sue someone, then yes, you'll come off as a total bitch, even if guys tend to be jackasses. If you have physiological issues from it, then you could have a reduction. That said, be careful thinking the grass is greener on the other side, as visual appearance is correlated with success and that just so happens to be a strong one regardless of morality.

Turtlenecks are my favorite kind of upper clothing and the type I wear most often.

Something like this, basically.

Attached: splen2013312867_q1_2-0._UX357_QL90_.jpg (357x633, 47K)

You'd deserve to get the shit kicked out of you.

It's not like I'd actually sue them... how would you feel every woman you spoke to - girl after girl after girl after girl - stared at your crotch without even trying to hide their desire for it?

I don't know if there is going to be an answer that you are going to particularly like unless you feel like basically wrapping or corseting your breasts on the daily. This is ingrained in human nature, and is part of mate selection. I'm not going into the right and wrong of it, but this is reality. From what you've said it seems like it goes beyond just being looked at, but do you feel devalued from it as well?

Pretty good. Remember, you're complaining that you're a valuable commodity. That'd be like complaining you're rich. And also remember that this place gets spillover from Jow Forums, so this is kind of like if someone went to a homeless shelter and complained about all the gold diggers who only dated them for their money.

Being treated like a sex object makes me feel like a slut, even though I'm actually very prudish. I usually have to date a guy for two or three months before I'll even kiss them on the cheek.

There's probably nothing you can do. Im a 6'4" black man. 35% of people who see me stare at me like Im gonna simultaneously steal their wallet while raping their daughter. Shit sucks sometimes, cant even buy milk with out being stared at by shop owners ; Ive mostly just learned to block it out. There's, an up side tho. No one starts fights with me and girls who aren't afraid love the height.

You just gotta play the cards you're dealt I guess. Society is shitty. At least people arent terrified of you.

Dream come true

I'm so sorry user. Neither of our situations are desirable, but you're right, I'd rather be undressed with other's eyes than stared at with unjustified fear...


I really can't imagine what sort of impact that would have on you if it persists throughout long periods of time. Has this affected relationships, jobs, education, etc.? It must be hard to have people view you in a way which isn't congruent with who you really are. Does this even extend to close relations like friends? I imagine it would be hard to make male friends especially from what you are saying.

You don't understand but men literally can't help it
You don't want to look because you know its not right, but your eyes betray you and you have a little glace. I feel like a prick every time I hate it but it can't be helped. Your best bet is just wear something baggy if it bothers you that much

You don't understand how biology works. Males want to impress females and get their attention. Females pick from the males, this is why you don't like men staring at you but men would be happy with women staring at them

yes you dumb fucking whore
guys will always look at your tits fucking deal with it

>I don't want to be a cunt
Too late

Attached: 2749265-screenhunter_1047may.jpg (787x449, 48K)

>help help
>i'm too attractive
>make it stoooooopppp

Women doing what they do best: complaining

you're just a hole, learn to deal with it, the sooner, the better. quit deluding yourself and enjoy the ride


The only thing you can realistically do about it is get a reduction or basically bind them with pretty restrictive sports bras - both come with their own risks.

What size are you and where do you buy your bras btw? My wife is like a 32G or a 34DDD and my eyes were watering the first time she told me that she spent FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS on bras because you can't just go to Target and buy random underwear when your tits are like that. We spent like 6-7 hours over the past two days shopping for brassieres (and some other clothes) and it was torturous.

If you do it out of the blue, yeah, most likely.
A lot of guys are just spergs and uncomfortable with eye contact (I try to look to the side to avoid misunderstandings for this reason), but that of course doesn't excuse the perverts.

Based. You don't treat yourself like a sex object, which is what really matters.

To deal with the guys who may or may not be degenerates, you can try reminding them "my eyes are up here" initially, and if that doesn't work, then be a bit more direct like saying "you're making me feel uncomfortable". On a third strike, it's almost entirely on them if they're continuing, and going into "bitch mode" is fully justified on your part. On behalf of introverts and the socially retarded like myself, though, please try to be understanding that some of us don't mean anything by it.

It hasn't impacted me too much yet because most of my friendships are with females, but I really feel sorry for the tomboy type whose friends generally consist of guys. Making friendships with guys is more trouble than it's worth; a few of the guys I've been friends with since childhood are genuinely in love with me, and that presents its own share of annoyances. The only male friendships I have nowadays are with guys who I befriended before I realized how much of a pest guys are on the whole. No offense intended to decent guys like yourself.

36E, 5'5". I buy mine from ThirdLove.com for about $70. I hope you mean that her shopping sprees add up to $400 in total, not per bra. ^^;

Can’t be done. Just understand that it’s part of nature and you cant change them. You can however dress differently. Not saying it’s cool, just an option.

Yeah. Post your tits so I can have a peeking glance at them. Thanks you're hot shit btw.

>I usually have to date a guy for two or three months before I'll even kiss them on the cheek.
No wonder you can't get a bf. No self-respecting guy would put up with that.

No manwhore would, but if she's waiting until marriage, she's doing nothing wrong.
Also, note how the post implies she HAS dated people long enough to comment on.

No self-respecting guy would ever date a girl who wants to wait until marriage.

>36E, 5'5".

Attached: Kornheiser Titties.png (297x380, 199K)

kys degenerate

Shit sucks, but there's not much you can do about it. All I know is, anyone who threatened to sue me is someone I would never willing go within 100 meters of ever again. That's some serious shit to throw around, and being that quick to jump the gun reminds me of the kind of person that would prefer to use violence if they felt they good get away with it.

You know you've just described a super common male fantasy, right?

Most men love their own cock, when it isn't betraying them, and wish women would love it half as much as they do.

I'm way past angry too OP but nothing really to do about it unless its guys at work and HR can take care of this quick. However, the guys go cry to everyone so the best is for them to be transferred or I have to change departments.

Ah but the fuckers on the street that stare. Probably like you I matured early and my nasty brother always stared and tried to touch them so I would say loudly "what are you looking at or why are you touching my breast or stop staring at my boobs". You do that one time and it stops and I carried this tactic to school, the workplace and in public. There was a guy with his gf or wife during a fireworks display on the 4th that kept inching close and rubbing his arm on my boob and I said loudly "If you want to feel my tits use your hands instead of your arm". His gf/wife pulled him away bitching at him.

Then with this, I rest my case.

people would kill for that

You guys are missing the point. It's not being viewed as sexually attractive that is the issue for OP. It's that this attraction completely overwhelms who you are as a person in most interactions. Once you guys realized that the only thing about you which seems to interest others is your dick, or your muscles, or what have you, you'd be miserable. You'd be alone, and even worse, you wouldn't know who to trust--even with those who *might* have seen you for who you really are, you can no longer be sure of what they think because it's drowned out by all of the superficial attention.

It's like a yandere gf. It seems great on paper, someone obsessively in love with you and you alone, but in practice it'd be horrible. How can you ever know the mindset of someone who is by definition mentally unstable? Can you even call it 'love' when you can't even fathom how they think or what they see in you?

guy here, we don't do it on purpose. maybe it's because i'm taller so my neck cranes, maybe it's something genetic, but whenever i'm with a women for the first few times i just subconsciously looks at their tits. this goes for any women and it's completely non-sexual and happens even when i talk with 60 year olds. if someone is talking to you and their eyes just kind of steer down they probably don't mean to stare. unless someone is giving your tits a death glare just don't worry about it

No one ever said fantasies have to make sense.

I get it, really I do.
The struggle for women is to distinguish themselves because they are only valued by society for what they were born with, not what they can accomplish.
The struggle for men is to distinguish themselves because they are born worthless and are only valuable if they can accomplish great things.

And because most people don't understand this biological rule, we have men who complain that women "don't know how good they have it", and women who don't understand the male pathological need to compete and prove themselves as valuable.

It's all so tiresome

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>no you don't understand
>i'm literally so pretty that people treat me like a golden statue
>it is physically impossible for me to interact with the other gender because they either orgasm instantly or try to fuck me
>also, i'm so shallow that i cannot even imagine why people would interact with me outside of sex
>this one guy (well, 12, same thing) actually didn't seem to care that much, but i'm pretty sure he's playing the long game
this is quite possibly the strongest humblebrag i have ever seen

jesus i hate males sf much sometmes

literally can't even wear a modest dress befeore guys start catcalling its fucking disgusting.

my solution isn't really a good one but i decided just to dress differently. no way am i showing a bunch of skin in the ghetto where gross old guys and druggies are going to hit on me. fuck that. if you dress a certain way you're gonna get preyed on and thats how it is. it'll be another 100 years before men learn how to treat women with respect its definitely not going to be in our lifetimes though

Yes that would be bitchy.

It’s literally a natural reaction. Guys aren’t actively choosing to stare at your tits and imagining fucking you (at least most aren’t). It’s just something that subconsciously attracts the male gaze. When I was a teenager I’d often realise that I was looking at my Mums tits while she was talking. I have never felt any kind of sexual attraction to my Mum. It’s just how the male brain works.

It’s really not something to be upset over.

I love this pic so much. I used to have the version with spikes of butthurt on all the stools, but I lost it in a harddrive failure.

>Would I come across as a bitch if I threatened to sue guys for sexual harassment for peeking glances at my breasts while we're talking?
Yes. I’m not sure you’d have grounds for winning either. Have you never stared at someone you found very sexually attractive? Have you not considered they find almost all women do that to them? Do you think they should sue you?

im barely even a 6/10 and i feel harassed by guys i can't imagine what a girl with big bewbs feels

why can't guys stop saying 'hey lady, love, beautiful'. do not draw atention to any unmutable characteristic about me upon meeting you. i can't help my gender, race, religion etc etc so stop using those things to get to know people its sf rude and obnoxious

the guys you're talking to are trash how hard could it be to just not look

is that the same image or am i autistic
physically impossible hard, it's instinctive you dumb cunt.

Harder than you'd think.
It involves a lot of time wasted beating your meat into submission on the toilet before hand, and not everyone has the time or energy to do that consistently.

try to look androgynous a bit? make people confused

Yeah i hate it when people address me with “hey man, guy, fella, handsome”

Wait I don’t..

Unwanted attention sucks. But society would be pretty dire if no one could say pretty much anything personable to anyone without feeling they did something wrong. I’m a bitter turbo virgin though, maybe I’ll just never understand what the shoe would feel like on the other foot. Random people complimenting me on my sexual attractiveness would be a dream come true to me.

better idea: buy one of those fake bulges and keep refering to yourself as a special girl

while you may try to pull the "I'm different" card, everyone goes through tough shit.
if you don't think you're a sex object then be stern about who you are and don't forget you're more than a walking pair of mammories.
just don't fucking threaten to sue someone over looking in your general direction because you're already damaged enough from your cynical mindset it seems to actually ask a question like that.

Post your tits and then I can give you a much better answer.

>no way am i showing a bunch of skin in the ghetto where gross old guys and druggies are going to hit on me
This is kind of fucking obvious.

I don’t walking through bad areas showing off expensive watches, laptops and phones either.

I'm in love with OP

I'm a male, faggot. And I assure you, I have nothing going for me in the looks department. I'm not saying that being physically attractive is undesirable, but I am saying that the over-the-top responses to it can be.

Would I come across as a dick if I threatened to sue girls for sexual harassment for peeking glances at my crotch while we're talking? My dick is well above average, runs in the family. Thanks Dad, Granddad, my great-granddad who I know nothing about but might have fallen victim to this as well... I don't know how many generations back this curse runs, but I HATE IT. I don't want to be a dick, but after so many years of this happening I'm losing my patience. How do I get girls to stop staring at me like dogs looking at a bone?

>like dogs looking at a bone
Didn't you already say women were looking at your dick, though?

Attached: well.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Wear something like this. Don't show skin and don't wear skintight anything.

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That wonan doesn’t have huge milky backbreaking tots though.

It's your best option unless you wanna wear a burqa.

Attached: original (1).jpg (700x933, 129K)

I now have an image of a big burqa straining to keep unnaturally huge milky tits inside. Just bursting to get out.

I commend you OP for trying to dress modestly, but I see you are getting a lot of retarded responses saying "It's totally naturally for men to stare!" or "We can't help it!" This is all false. As a man myself I assure you that we can in fact help it and even think it's wrong to stare. A lot of men have become porn/sex addicts and as a result of that they cannot even go 1 week without some sort of sexual release unless they break the addiction. It's not wrong for you to look down on these type of weak no-willpower men.

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>mfw I'm now having that same image

Attached: time to fap 1.jpg (460x667, 50K)

hey op how about instead of whining about how 50% of everyone acts maybe try to stop giving a shit? stop being so fucking melodramatic about it "reducing you to a sex object"
why would you whitenknight this badly when you're anonymous?

didn't >shad do a comic about that

That's not how it works.

It's normal for men to glance, at the very least. I would definitely say that this is a large enough phenomenon that it could be equated to nature. Can we be mindful? Of course. You always show people respect, but there's just going to be times where you're doing this shit subconsciously, or even unintentionally. Like sometimes you just want to look at other people's clothes to see what the fuck they're wearing, but you can't do that to women these days, because all the trash they were are all these skin tight sport clothing that hug their bodies tighter than my underwear hugs my fucking ballsack. That agitates me for a huge number of reasons, the least of which not being that I can't look anywhere other than your god damned face without feeling like I'm molesting you, or seeing every literal crack in your body. To make matters worse, a lot of these stretchy fabric clothing is actually LITERALLY FUCKING TRANSPARENT. So no only are you leaving nothing to the imagination, but I can literally see the design of your panties and bra through your fucking clothing. Those issues aside, for fucks sake. You live on the planet earth. You know there are shitty people. Don't. Fucking. Enable. Them. If you're going to dress in a provocative manner than leaves little to the imagination, at least be fucking smart about it. Do it in semi-private engagements, don't fucking walk around like that, you're just asking some fucking degenerate assholes to come and give you trouble. These fucking women, they think so little of their own safety. It's fucking agitating.

If you're going to wear a dress or something, wear some fucking shorts under it. I don't care how you like how the wind tickles your little lady ballsack, be smart and keep your clothing functional. Also, fuck your high heels. Not literally, but fuck those disgusting shoes. I want to see some fucking runners or flats on those fucking feet. If you can't even fucking walk, good luck running when you need to.

My imagination cares not

Well fuck, dude. What is the average person to one another anyways? Fucking NPCs. It's no fucking surprise that some might view the opposite sex as more of an object of lust, like what the fuck else are they supposed to see you as? They don't know a thing about you. You have to get to know somebody before you can read your mind, otherwise it's just suggestion.

When I look at a fucking dog, I go, "Oh shit nigger, that's a fluffy fucking dog, yo. I wanna pet that shit" I don't stop myself and start contemplating how shitty it was of humanity to rip these fuckers from nature, forcibly breed them over 100 years, and then shove them into a fucking hot room all day where they aren't even able to piss and shit at their own leisure. Fuck that, dude. I just want to pet a dog, OH BUT THAT'S OKAY, RIGHT?

Better fucking start praying at the next stop sign you come across, and take a moment to appreciate all the effort that the miners, refiners, transporters, designers, painters, installers, and funders of the sign put in to get it there. Nah, you fucking stop, you dork. It's a fucking stop sign.


Think about something else instead. Here is a picture of a bear.

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are you high?

Do I look like drugs to you?

Embrace Christianity and use The gospel as a sword against immorality.

Attached: jesus.png (400x560, 184K)

As much as you want stop men to look at you at your figure you cant stop them. Its natural. But the worst people were the ones who catcall and the one who implies they are literally looking at you. Im not good in fashon and shit but maybe you can remesy those with non wrapping type clothes.

i just hate that people are allowed to say hurtful things to me but i have to sit and smile and be pushed around im so sick of it. i can fight kick scream and bitch back to. 4 chan is my only place i can say what i want. im not an evil person for saying what i want

im so incredibly fake in real life thanks to customer service sucking out my soul that i feel like a shell

What kinds of hurtful things do people say?

i apologize for the shitty stuff i said yesterday about how men are trash for looking

i dont actually think that i was just frustrated

most women have to understand that guys naturally will look so dont take shit too personally if you're an incel and reading this

yesterday i was at anime expo and i saw a guy look me up and down but i instantly didn't give him a weird look because to be fair i was basically wearing a bikini to the expo for fucks sake.i could tell he looked out of instinct and didnt want to be rude cause he immediately left me alone cause i was a stranger.

if you're in something like a really revealing outfit then you have to be forgiving if they glance

if they outright stare and start touching you then yeah obviously thats bad.

hey the other day there was a half naked guy walking around the expo and i had a really hard time not checking him out but lets be real he knew people would check him out he was buff and he was just really nice to look at when i saw him walking around i even saw a bunch of dudes rubber necking him.

have you thought about being proud of what you have. you know how many free shit you can get with big boobs?

This picture gave me lupus.

For one, get the fuck over it. I can put myself in your shoes and I can see why you’re upset. But, you have the gender equivalent problem of a hot, rich guy that acts like a gentleman. Every girl throws herself to him and he bitches that he can’t find his wife.

Solution: when the guy looks at your tits you can say something bitchy. But, you should practice what you’re going to say so it’s not so bitchy where you can’t come back and be nice later. Secondly, why don’t you try and conceal them? I can’t tell you how many’s girls I met that wore dark colored sweaters, slightly oversized shirts and other high cut items.

Lastly, don’t be so unforgiving. As a man, it’s difficult not to look at your tits. We are wired to an overly sexual mind evolutionarily speaking. Some men are better than others at controlling it.

Let me see your tities!!

I wish I had a wife with big tits like OP

>I feel sorry for the tomboy type whose friends generally consist of guys.
In my experience, I've noticed tomboy types at least appear more comfortable since sexuality tends to be more open and at the forefront. Though you might know more about their inner thoughts.

>a few of the guys I've been friends with since childhood are genuinely in love with me, and that presents its own share of annoyances.
I don't really know your social history with them, but what do you think caused this? Is it based on your physicality or do you serve a need for them emotionally?

>No offense intended to decent guys like yourself.
I'm just as human as anyone else. I have a bit more advantage with age, being 30+ and also having a bit more varied interests in relationships such as D&s which focus more on intellect than simple visual appeal. If I was in my teens or twenties, then you'd probably get the stock responses that you've already had in the thread. It is part of maturing.

From the sounds of everything you said, you simply want respect, and I can't fault that. Having physical features take the place of intellect or value in peoples' minds seems like a hard road. I'd honestly find it enraging.

Have you seriously considered a surgical reduction? No, it isn't fair, but one has to balance the weight of the psychosocial damage which you seem to be expressing long-term.

She doesn't dress THAT modestly. She wears turtlenecks, which are very tight and form-fitting.

>I don't really know your social history with them, but what do you think caused this? Is it based on your physicality or do you serve a need for them emotionally?

It might be a mix of both. I'm very affectionate both physically and verbally, and I try my best to be the most loyal and supportive friend I can be.

>I'm very affectionate both physically and verbally
This is one of those areas where it can be easy for someone to infer meaning where there is none, especially with single guys who probably are kindling a small flame for you. It can be a tricky areas of interpersonal relationships, as you can be excruciatingly explicit about your true intentions, but it'll be read in a completely different manner. Emotion beats reason any day of the week.

>and I try my best to be the most loyal and supportive friend I can be.
That's how you should be as a friend, though many people fail to meet the mark. If you are as endearing as you seem to portray, it would be little wonder that you'll have male friends crush on you. Despite popular conception, young men are rife with insecurity, and a female relationship offers a measure of safety regardless of maternal intent. Just look at how many /soc/ or Jow Forums threads involve guys desperately wanting Mommy gfs.

This probably did sound a bit like apologietics, but you likely have some people who do value you for you more than you'd expect. I know it sounds like shitty advice, but sometimes the only possible change is how one mentally frames things. Peoples' reactions aren't going to change, but if you can move beyond the random riff-raff and acquaintances then you might find more purchase with those who are closer, and can at least partially see beyond physical natures. Well, there is that or start wearing burlap.

You have definitely provided me with a new perspective though, as I don't think I've considered how complex of a situation the OP actually was until starting to ponder how people act and the difficulties in changing those actions.

Boobies are beautiful. They are there to feed children and for the enjoyment of others. You should accept this.

Exceptions are outright staring. In which case, imagine what a man would do in response to a female crotch watcher, which does happen.

Obviously yes. Looking at someone's breasts is *not* sexual harassment. What *is* harassment is shouting at someone and threatening to sue them for being human. If you can not handle men looking at your breasts, stop going outside and become a femcel. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

The sudden realization that all women with big tits just use them to be a bigger bitch

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threatening people, particularly men whom are already being set upon for being men, for looking at you is something that.... will only win you certain kinds of approval from a certain group of people.

You are being very judgemental, also, by making the assumption that because they glance at your anatomy they are always either doing it consciously, or that it is an indication that they would ever want to do anything to you.

If you are utterly uncomfortable with any sexualized acknowledgement of yourself and are trying to discourage it, then it goes beyond >a pretty modest style of dress.

Its a style of dress whos purpose is to conceal sexuality.

So are you saying she doesn't dress modestly?