Why were his kids in Sri Lanka of all places?

Why were his kids in Sri Lanka of all places?

3 of Anders Holch Povlsen 4 children died in the Sri Lankan attacks. They are Agnes, Astrid, Alma, and Alfred. Povlsen is a Danish billionaire and Scotland’s largest private landowner.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (625x423, 75K)

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How to grow a manly beard like that? Is there no hope for us beardlets?

Attached: amQTrVI.jpg (853x480, 31K)

How does he own land in Scotland? In Denmark, foreigners are forbidden to own any land.


Half Sri Lanka's exports are apparel and textiles, and he's in the fashion business, so I'm guessing that's the connection.

Probably sex tourism

in sri lanka ? i highly doubt it they are really ugly there

>They are Agnes, Astrid, Alma, and Alfred.

Daddy probably uses the cheap labour there and sends his kids to be treated like Gods by the slave population.

good. fuck em. more billionaires should get bombed.

this is the modern 9/11
Mossad false flags and kills the relatives of billionaires
Then billionaires hunt sand niggers for jews

What is weird about that?

Their names all start with 'A'

clearly wanted his kids to come first

Great, 3 pieces of shit we won't have to endure in the future.

>Danish Billionaire
How much do you wanna bet he's an internationalist asshole?

Brenton Tarrantino's movie is pretty good. I love seeing it unravel.

he is also fucking stupid and has no real common sense

the jew is a great evolutionary filter, now matter how well you do in globo homo schlomo

Sri Lanka is one of the best surfing spots in the world. I see a lot of instagram whores I know posting bikini pictures from there.

Alright, kike. What is he did to you?

Attached: think pepe.jpg (278x320, 17K)

well at least they won't fight over the inheritance now, the 4th one gets it all. thats fucking shitty tho god dam, imagine losing 3/4 of your family to the same event


man imagine being born a billionaire just to die horribly in some shithole. They could have had amazing comfy lives.

Are you retarded? It's not

He's a capitalist, of course he uses cheap brown foreign labor

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yes you should just end it now Tysker. Sorry bro but you just didnt make it.


because Scots are idiots that have no problem selling their ancestors lands to foreigners.
And nej Tysker you wont get to buy our land anytime soon. Hands off.
yes it is you fucking idiots. Foreigners cant own land in Denmark. They cant even rent farm land if they do not live here and on the land and are part of the EU (They EU forced us to lax on it a bit).


Guess the muzzie did not like the designs

No hidden pouches for explosives.

Those children's names? Albert Einstein, Afolf Hitler, and Donald Trump. Still feel sad?

this. all spoiled little rats detached from reality.

That's so sad, no appreciation from Muslims

>bow to muzzies
>have lots of $$
>muzzies kill your kids
>still have lots of $$$
>you now hate muzzies
>fund a war against muzzies
>pillage their land for oil
>now no more muzzies
>more $$$$

but more than likely he will cuck out and donate to an Islamic charity or some shit and indirectly fund terrorism

Reminds me of the (((titanic))) and how the most prevalent outspoken people against the federal reserve were killed.

Talk shit get hit. Fuck this clown world

>3 of Anders Holch Povlsen 4 children died in the Sri Lankan attacks.
Well, no squabbling over the inheritance when the time comes then.

Historically, wealthy families only passed on wealth to the oldest child anyway. Don't want to diminish influence by dispersing wealth.

>Danish billionaire
>Scotland’s largest private landowner
Why is this even allowed? Buy land in your own fucking country, Hamlet. Gtfo of Scotland.

Who knows? It should be stolen and given to Scots.

Checked, toll paid

No "Adolf"

Central Happenings Network or CHN
Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason.
>NOW his Twitter was suspended for a BORAT video of throw the Jew down the well.
No strikes were given or warnings
>then his backup
Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!!
They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel.
We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!

Chaotic-Good Accelerationism


And Twitch BasedBellagio (((suspended)))

This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!!
>stream from Saturday morning

>This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags
What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.


Discord Trannys are targetting ourguys like Kommadante
>NPC meme series part 1
THEY fear the power of Based Bellagio's morale boosting skills1

He lost his children to islam, will it make him hate them now? Or you think he will cuck out and not use his money to kill them.

they go to these places where brown people are serving them like slaves then come home to europe and claim nonwhites are so nice and hard working.

He is only a billionaire because of Denmarks low corporate tax structure

Do you think he would use cheap white labor if he could or were you beta implying he is a racist?

>fully massacred
>by Captain Harlock
What publication is this? High Times?

>Why were his kids in Sri Lanka of all places?
well not 3 but 4 of his kids where there along with him and his wife.
They where on a normal family vacation and apparently he was also injured.

he did not send his kids anywhere. He was there with all 4 of his kids and his wife on vaccation. Guy is a normie boomer.

The miscalculation western elites did when (((they))) sold our asses to china is that their children are white too.

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If they were higher, he would simply charge the people who buy his products/services even higher.
Corporations don't pay taxes.

I dont disagree in general but I am not sure that he was that kind of guy.
The family was very private and only he is known. He has it as a vision to bring back the old Scottish highlands that was lost due to urbanization and he went with his entire family (wife and 4 kids) on a vacation and lost 3 kids and got injured himself.
Now not much is known about him but I am not just going to presume he is some idiot open borders guy as those tend to be very open about it.

because Scotland laws are retarded. Also he emigrated to Scotland and I think he holds a Scottish citizenship. He does not live in Denmark but Scotland and is only a Dane because native born Danes always hold on to that identity like jews.
His children would have been Scottish only (and yeah I know that they are still ethnically Danes but Scots and Danes are pretty fucking close).

whats his views on politics in cuckland and has he donated money to (((globalist)))/liberal parties there?
also he looks like a nonce, a genetic one

Not anymore lmao

>whats his views on politics in cuckland
nobody really knows as the he never speaks about it. But he has stated that he had a 200 year vision for bringing back the old Scottish highlands and turning much of his lands in Scotland in to nature. He was hoping his children would follow in those footsteps but it appears the mudslimes had other place.
Part and parcel bong

Right wing soros when

Normie vacationing ... in Sri Lanka?