Change my mind
Noguns are cucks
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I'm working on it, jeez.
>Change my mind
can't. fucked and cucked. have any nations re-free'd their gun laws after cucking them? I though Brazil were going to do that, and somewhere in the *east* said something similar
What are you looking at getting?
Finland makes some really nice guns.
We got rid of our long-gun registry a few years back and the party most likely to win the election in October has a pretty nice firearm platform.
Brazil just recently legalized civilian firearm ownership, too.
Jow Forumsk/a/?
incoming "guns are for pussies" - man who was shot.
Toggle lock is truly the white man's action.
>But user, the police will magically be there when you need them and be 100% competent and brave!
>What about the time the cop just hid while there was an active shooter on campus?
As aesthetically pleasing as it is, the P08 is kindof a mess.
This is what the fucking sideplate looks like inside. There are more operations in this thing than entire slides.
Hello Jow Forums
what the fug
r8 my first gunz
Rollins would like to have a word with you
I bought my 1st gun at age 27, it changed my life
Yeah, I'd have flipped my shit if Bill handed me drawings for this shit and said "figure it out".
This is the fucking extractor.
CZ makes really nice guns.
It's more of a general mental illness than just being a cuck.
leave it to the germans to make an overly complex pistol since time immemorial. I shudder that the thought of taking apart my HK P7 and trying to get it all back together.
Also, the guy with a helmet on is behind cover. The two guys exposed have no helmets. Wat.
Forgotten weapons has a great video that breaks field stripping the p7m8 down pretty good. You should YouTube that shit.
Licenses are for faggots. Hello, mr Jew, let me tell you exactly what kind of guns I have and where I keep them...
If you own a gun, it just shows that under the law
you are recognized as a pussy.
Real men don't need guns to prove a fucking point,
I'm so damn tough that my two fists could make more damage than any pathetic weapons you faggots have.
20 gauge, 10 year old boy. Thanks Dad. And I'd like to point out the gun grabbers that in 28 years of owning that shotgun, it has still never killed anybody.
I want to see you go head to head with the ravenous pit bull in my neighborhood.
> your two fists
> a pack of niggers
have fun getting your ass kicked.
Pit bull? Are you serious?
I've taken on a NUMBER of pit bulls and they're only intimidating if you radiate a pathetic aura about yourself.
I could easily wrangle the pitcucks in your neighborhood to be loyal, subservient dogs.
If you shoot them they win
Antifa,, is that you?
It's called "strategy" son, something you need to learn.
I remember one night walking home from the bar and I made a turn down an alleyway to cut through to to my apartment, and this gang of ruffian niggers attempted to subdue me and rob me, and mind you, there was about twelve of them.
I immediately deployed a superior fighting stance and quickly and quietly incapacitated all ten of those niggers and calmly continued my trek home.
see sorry bud
Oh you're lucky you are on the other side of the country. That pathetic aura is actually Sith health drain aura. Also, you can't turn them into subservient dogs they are dead now. I just walked out and shot them in between posts.
I'd post a picture of Dominican trash, but it would only further remind you what a waste of space you and your entire family of knockoff spics feel like.
Yeah, pretty much.
>Sith health drain
I kind of like you.
I like you too fren
I won't try because I fear you'll shoot me.
>tfw yesguns
Glocc is for Nigg
Why not be super strategic and carry a fucking gun that makes fistsfights pointless
Licensed firearm owners in Canada have the lowest criminality rates in the country.
banning guns wont do anything. just buy a 3d printer and print your own gun
It was joke about that it's stupid to argue with gun owners because they have way more power.
Sure, but why wouldn't I take the chance to educate?
Can you get semi auto in Finland?
Sure, after a few hoops.
Yes, they can.
Not big enough.
Which one are you getting?
Too early to say.
Probably some basic bitch 1911, since I fell in love with them back in Texas.
There's a reason why they are popular.
I have one from my dad - the colt commander lightweight. Shoots pretty nice.
I'd reccomend an HK or FN pistol since I hear Europeans get them cheaper
If youb can't get 45 in Finland, I recommend getting one in 10mm
Private Gunownership is a racket just like any other racket that they use to sell you toys and keep you consuming.
Except for that based Kiwi i can't think of a single legal gunowner that did anything usefull since forever.
>Except for that based Kiwi i can't think of a single legal gunowner that did anything usefull since forever.
Then you were born yesterday.
Haven't you seen any of those webms of niggers getting ventilated in the middle of robbing a store or robbing someone at an atm? Or stories of people defending their homes from criminals?
>m......muh gunz
I am a black belt in Judo, purple belt in BJJ, and have years of boxing experience
Guns are for dicklets that cant use their fists to defend themselves
The crime situation would not be so out of hand if guns wouldn't have been as easy available in the first place this is a simple fact of the physical realities. Criminals in the UK for example have a much, much harder time to get their black hands on a gun then your average hood nigger from baltimore for example.
And second to that defensive violence is mostly just nullifiying the crime in process while to fight crime realy offensivly you had to go in with some death squad and cull the demographic that spawns criminals, but people don't do that. So you can buy your legal gun and simply wait for the criminal to make his first move like a sitting duck.
Only thing your fists could do is fisting faggot ass till they prolapse
arguing with your toy articles i doubt you can use your fists either.
People want things easy way your martial arts training means nothing against firearms
Yes we know that.
ask your average criminal if he would rather be chased of at gunpoint or get his ass prolapsed.
>The crime situation would not be so out of hand if guns wouldn't have been as easy available in the first place
This is toothpaste that can't be put back in the tube. So you have just be pragmatic moving forward, accepting the situation as it actually is.
i don't disagree with you here but we probably have different ideas on what the situation is. At this point armed camps have been established and the solution to crime is simply offensive violence against the probelamtic demographic untill their communties are more afraid of armed vigilantes then they are afraid of the criminals they are hiding in their midst. But that won't happen. And the situation now is just bad and going nowhere.
is that a famas
It has always been the mark of the free Germanic to carry weapons. Why do you not want to be free?
because its not the germanics who will carry these weapons if you make them legal. Go to any shooting ranch in germany and all you find is shithead babyboomers. Do you think these people will defend anything? The people who will buy guns will be the foreigners who live in big, large, family clans and when you have a family where some shitskin has four to five brothers and then more cousins you just need one legal gunowner among them who hands out boomsticks to the rest of them. How many brothers do you have? Serious question. We don't need guns we need gunmen.
> We don't need guns we need gunmen.
>without guns
smart. The people you talked about already have guns. Our federal police, the BKA, says that while we've got 6 million legal guns in German we got about 15-20 million illegal ones.
>We don't need guns we need gunmen.
I would say we need both.
Remember, thumb outside the fist comrade.
I'd say Hi Points would more be a nig gun.
>not a based Fünfling
No they have not.
The BKA numbers are outdated bunk and they won't tell you that most of that shit is owned by boomer collectors who do nothing with them then touching them while jerking themselfs off into some DWJ cataloges.
We need fighting men more then guns. A killer will kill with or without guns introducing guns just lowers the bar and makes it more accessable to criminals who now simply have to do breakins like they always to and now get some guns.
Guns won't save you.
>Guns won't save you.
Never said they would. Yet I still am in favor of Europeans owning guns. What is your point?
My point is that you won't do shit with them. Its just more therapeutic garbage consumer culture and it kotzt mich an.
>I don't like it and therefore nobody should have it
One of the reasons why Germany is so shit right now is people thinking like this.
If you live in the US you literally have no excuse not to have a gun. Used Hi-Points go for like $150, you can also get a 10mm Hi-Point Carbine if you need something stronger. There's always cheap AR15s as an option as well.
Ich hab nen jagdschein du trottel. Look at the average idiots that walk around here liberal gunlaws are a waste on these people. For sure it would be a waste on you.
you can build a psa for like 500$
cuck states can order P80s
get fucked you coward fucking faggot
>Jow Forumsk/a/
Based and Welkpilled
Four great things in one!
>I am better than you
>because of the privileges granted to me by the state
Typical German cuck
You are correct. Man has carried a weapon at his side since the begining of time.
If you dont own a weapon, you might as well be another soi boi
kill yourself
Good point Klaus
Old shitty things taking the dust in my attic counts ?
Yeah i'am better then you but not because of some privilege granted by the state because you simply want the same privilege you just want it easier.
Decent enough, and pretty good starter. how many mags did you buy for it and do you have a holster + mag holder? Did you get enough ammo to train with it? Finally what cleaning supplies are typically available in italy?
>doesn't understand the difference between privileges and rights
You don't understand this or otherwise you wouldn't even waste your time with your impotent demands towards the state but simply do what you want. Might is right and everything else is error, especialy faggy gunrights activism.
I did not demand anything from the state. This state to be precise. I just talked about a policy I would like to see implemented. I am aware that this state will never do it. Nevertheless I am philosophically of the opinion that a free and moral people ought to have arms. Legally.
Stop pretending to know it all and being an asshole.
and where are these free and moral people?
and by the way i made a hunting loisense in the first place because of this libertardian philosophy in the first place until i got more contact with reality. Now i don't even have a WBK because i never bought a gun anyways. Wanted to wait and not buy some crap from eGun but in the meantime i was rather redpilled on this whole gay, faggy and therapeutic gunownership issue. Its a waste of time and money and the average german is not fit for any "rights" nor does he has use for them.
Far in between