This is Syria in 2017

What happened?

Attached: D4ugF3qUcAA5RI_.jpg (739x960, 65K)

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If she’s Syrian, how is she white?

>If she’s Syrian, how is she white?
Because syrians are white.

Attached: 1556013511480.png (782x684, 127K)

I know this might be confusing for you mutt but not all Syrians are arab shitskins

You can't just ask someone why they're white

That's the refugee I'd take



>What happened?

The PetroDollar.

That dress is way too short

the most american post of all time

Assyrians were blonde. Its like going to 2400 AD, Berlin; and asking why are some Germans whitish,.

No, they are not. You are looking through shitskin eyes. Pic related are syrians and they look less white than even a spic.

Attached: 123939371_6ab5f08d-a4c4-4e53-ab07-2bbf59a85500-articleLarge.jpg (600x357, 44K)

Jews. The answer you are looking for is jews. They fund the islamic groups like isis and they position them in areas in which they want to operate. Want to operate in syria to destroy it, place isis there and now you have a pretext to operate in syria based on the fact that you are fighting isis.

Virgin fag.

Most canadian post of all time

Attached: Canadian nutrition tips.jpg (621x223, 28K)

Syria has a stargate the same reason we invaded Iraq.

Attached: 20140221000239d36.jpg (474x640, 197K)

ISIS even apologized to Israel after mistakingly hitting them. The US probably sent Canadian officers to train them

They're absolutely whiter than you nikker

Attached: Muh kicks gots termites.jpg (469x871, 41K)

What's a leppo?

nothing happened, you can still see this in syria
-no they weren't
-Syrians aren't direct descendants of assyrians, who were mainly centered in iraq


many of them are. Kind of like jews which they are very closely related to. Both northern semites.

its only a sizeable minority that look white, most syrians are very much arabs, the white ones are more closely related to the lebanese, kurds, druze, samaritans, jews and assyrians. There's also a circcassian/chirka diaspora in syria

and don't forget the western intelligence agencies and other satanist/luciferian freaks like hilary. O9A/ONA is an extremist satanic cult with lots of military and spook members that infiltrated and influenced ISIS

>O9A/ONA is an extremist satanic cult with lots of military and spook members that infiltrated and influenced ISIS
and probably largely started and propagated ISIS its just that the bulk of the members are not satanists (not knowingly anyway). The egyptian goddess Isis probably has significance to the name as well as she actually has a dark, blood thirsty aspect and luciferians worship ancient luciferian deities. O9A are also dark goddess worshippers (baphomet which they consider a femnine entity).

I know it all sounds completely nuts but look into david myatt, his time as an islamic extremist and the 09A philosophy, particularly in regards to "insight roles".

this is fake has to be

Let me reach you since you are a little baby.
Nations left to prosper and build a civilisation invariably become more secular over time.
Although when they are invaded, they need an anti-imperialist rhetoric to unite the people and to push back invaders.
Normally this is religion. So you play to people's sentiments, rile them up so they become a rabid anti-imperialist fighting force.
This eventually cascade into a religious theocracy to dissuade invaders from ever coming back.

Violent, far right, xenophobicc, anti-intellectual religious sects took over.

Basically the muslim version of Jow Forums happened.

This. That was the beginning of Syria's downfall.

>what happened?
Islamic crusades you filthy fucking slidenigger.

I really like these cherrypicked videos and pictures from the wealthier parts of Tehran and Aleppo in the 1970's

Fake and gay. Is Persian.

Iran and Syria are perfect examples of what happens when the far right gets complete power.

Attached: Tehran, ca. 1960s-1970s (1).jpg (1521x1600, 801K)

Go look up how US and Saudi established Islamic extremist school all over Arab world which ultimately destroyed the Arab countries.

all the syrians i have ever met are jews.

I'm glad there are still few Jow Forumsacks who knows the history

Central Happenings Network or CHN
Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason.
>NOW his Twitter was suspended for a BORAT video of throw the Jew down the well.
No strikes were given or warnings
>then his backup
Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!!
They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel.
We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!

Chaotic-Good Accelerationism

And Twitch BasedBellagio (((suspended)))

This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!!
>stream from Saturday morning
>This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags
What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.


Discord Trannys are targetting ourguys like Kommadante
>NPC meme series part 1
THEY fear the power of Based Bellagio's morale boosting skills

There's a documentary about this. Basically Bashar and his family have blood lines from the North. Countries like Armania that are mountain regions. I think something like 25% of Syrians have these genese. Its the same situation for white Iranians, Blue eyed Afghans, and light skinned turks. Their dna comes from that region.

But the Shah was Conservative in the literal sense, you faggot. And no, not in the Republican "neo con we like corporations but also spending tons of money and taxing small business" type of idiots.

Fast forward now, you have a theocracy with socialist tendencies

Can you imagine if american women were as thin as this? Why is it so hard to find thin women who stay thin? Jesus Christ, I'm not asking for much. Just give me cute babies and stay in shape so my dick wont want to wonder. JEEZUS WHY?

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Did you forget your VPN?

They are all from original Aryan race of whites. Some migrated Europe, some south some East.

Iranians lived like utter shit under the Shah
The Theocracy oversaw a massive upswing in living standards
>socialist tendencies
Giving your citizens piped water is not "socialism" you idiot

this is probably the most american post on this board atm