You caused $70 trillion in damage with your denial

No one can defend this. Global gdp is $80 trillion. All of this is about to be wiped out. Can this board finally agree they were wrong about global warming?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No. ) ) /

Go talk to China and India. North America could go 100% green tomorrow and it wouldn't change a damn thing ecologically.

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I thought the melting permafrost was supposed to release so much methane that it would almost be an ELE.

>On the current trajectory of at least 3C of warming by the end of the century, melting permafrost is expected to discharge up to 280 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide and 3 gigatonnes of methane, which has a climate effect that is 10 to 20 times stronger than CO2.

>This would increase the global climate-driven impacts by by $70tn between now and 2030. This is 10 times higher than the projected benefits from a melting Arctic, such as easier navigation for ships and access to minerals, says the paper.

>It would also add to global inequality because most of the economic burden – equivalent to almost the entire world’s current annual GDP – is likely to be borne by countries in warmer poorer regions such as India and Africa, which are most vulnerable to a rise in temperatures.

>“It’s disheartening that we have this in front of us,” said Dmitry Yumashev of Lancaster University. “Even at 1.5C to 2C, there are impacts and costs due to thawing permafrost. But they are considerably lower for these scenarios compared to business as usual. We have the technology and policy instruments to limit the warming but we are not moving fast enough.”


We have to act, NOW! The entire global economy is at stake.

global warming is a big lie, or noble lie...
There's nothing we can do to change the weather. Yes, it might be getting a little warmer, however, we are rapidly running out of fossil fuels, so the long term threat is minuscule.

>this board
Even scientists call it climate change not global warming warming has been proven wrong

Fucking discord tranny sleeper

Thank you based Frog-bro.

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You are not going to get a carbon tax. I am not going to stop driving my car to work and to the store. Also, I could not give a goddamn.

>plea for $70 trillion gimmedats

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Global wut ?

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Besides throwing money at shit skins, what are the actual proposed solutions to climate change? I haven’t heard any.

Global warming is a hoax

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There is none it has always been about throwing money away

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so you sayin the artic be needin gibs and shit?

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Guess not

We could just get rid of the shit skins?

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You're retarded OP.
That's a load of bullshit.
Earth has had more CO2 in it's atmosphere while sustaining complex life before.
Mankind has lived on Earth with more CO2 in the atmosphere than today.
Global warming is a natural cycle that we need to learn how to live with or control and emissions controls aren't the way to do it. The planet itself releases more greenhouse gases than we do.

>Pay 70 trillion dollars and all will be fixed, goy

I guess we have to pay up then.
No other choice.. I'm sure there are organizations that will take money to solve this problem

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - *fart*

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>It would also add to global inequality because most of the economic burden – equivalent to almost the entire world’s current annual GDP – is likely to be borne by countries in warmer poorer regions such as India and Africa, which are most vulnerable to a rise in temperatures.
Based global warming. May it kill every fucking shitskin

70 trill paid for what? to who? oh nothing and nobody its just a random statement. there is no real way to undo this by humans. its the magnetic pole hanging position that is causing it

the earths north pole has moved closer to russia. this directs energy from the sun to the earth and between the 2 is the jet stream. russia gets warmer air and north america gets burst of colder air

seriously look at the weather channel or current temperature map for america come like 12 pm at night you see the oscillating cold front smacking america. mid west to north west gets hit then later north east gets hit

i have been keeping track. they cant plant in this shit. come nightfall shit suffers some thermal shock and its not a single cold snap. its been going on for about a month

>Can this board finally agree they were wrong about global warming?
no. stop believing agenda driven liars you idiot

Truth. When countries fail the Paris agreement and they are foced to pay a fine (disregarding for a moment this will do jack shit), who exactly collects?


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Global warming.. from the same people who brought us NASA.

Excellent, time to jump on board

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climate change is the biggest psyop in history

I've made this point on Reddit, and they still blame the US for the pollution in those countries

turn off the internet, pc, tv and all other electrical devices. tell all your other leftwanking reality denier.
and only eat what you have in your own garden. remember jeans are bad too, cottonpicker have to make it for you and ship around the whole world.

Is this the same as when they said we would be underwater by 2010?

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>Headline and article all about giving money to globalist billionaires and how it would cost trillions if they don't
At least they're being honest about it now.
It's all been a money making scheme from the start.
Now they're using mafia-style tactics to get it.
>Give me billions now or you'll have to give us trillions later. It's a good deal.
All they're missing now is a good "do it or we'll kill your family"

>melting ice will increase the (((bill))) on climate change
fuck all kikes and muslims

Not for everyone

>white people will gain from global warming
>white people need to lead the charge against global warming because desert countries will become more deserty, and already underwater areas will be... deeper under water

>Look at this entirely natural cause of climate change
>This somehow supports the idea that humans cause climate change

How much environmental impact does each one of my farts have? What about on a windy day?

>arguing with people still plugged in

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>because desert countries will become more deserty
Except the Sahel and others are becoming greener

>(((Climate bill)))
top fucking kek

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It would be worse if we gave the government the ability to manipulate it.

If we're wrong and sea levels rise, at least it will wipe out all the elite leftist coastal bastions in tghe country. There will be some losses, but still deliver a major (if not fatal) blow to left wing to justify. Win win.

They stopped even guessing dates, huh? Makes sense, it was making them look silly.

2019 version of this:

wuhitey sweatin on the beach

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Hal Lewis:

Patrick Moore:

The Global warming/climate change science is flawed , the video i have posted gives an in depth explanation as to why.

>You caused $70 trillion in damage with your denial.
My dick is unbelieably hard now.

Carbon sequestration.

>Besides throwing money at shit skins, what are the actual proposed solutions to climate change?
Throwing lead at massively overpopulated 3rd world shitholes.
>Thin out their numbers. With bullets.
You never throw money at shitskins. It just makes it worse.

Pure BS.
Screen cap this and post it every year.

Thats all the evidence I need

LOL...running out of fossil fuels. Are you retarded?

I duno, back in the 1990s we were told by the experts that by now, most seaside towns in Europe would be flooded due to the melting ice caps, yet nothing happened, not even in Holland.

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I don't know why this is dismissed, presumably because these brainless drones haven't been told how to respond so they just say nothing

The Jew. Nothing really goes into improving anything. It's basically like you putting a dollar in a swear jar whenever you swear, but it's the Jew is the one who keeps all the money. This is why that Paris agreement shit needs to end. To deny the Jew of another shekel stream.

...Ooooooor we can build an umbrella in Lagrange 1 for a billion and call it a day.

fucking based

Climatology is a fucking pseudoscience. It's so unpredictable that you can twist it any way to fit your political agenda.



she'd be wearing a hijab and you know it

what is the carbon cycle...
the earth has been naturally sequestering c02 into ocean sediment for billions of years.

Okay, ban import of Chinese plastic. :)

Geologist here.

Anyway you look at it, it's too late to stop global warming.

If everyone disappeared today it would take 3-5 million years for the c02 levels to return to normal.

It's also unknown exactly what the affects will be, but much wetter seasons is a good bet.

Best option is to start taking matters into our own hands either with injecting sulfur into the atmosphere or carbon capture and storage

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No one cares about your fear porn.

>globalists replace us
>we melt the ice caps and destroy their coastal liberal hives
It's very simple user

It's the perfect jew scam.
>take gibs to "fix" the climate on a geological scale
>don't actually do anything because you can't change the planet
>problem gets worse
>blame goyim and say they're not giving enough


Hey nigger, go make your doomsday prophecy's with all the other Y2k and mayan 2012 and other religious nuts who are always wrong and then proceed to state their next prediction is accurate after the date comes and goes.

Central Happenings Network or CHN
Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason.
>NOW his Twitter was suspended for a BORAT video of throw the Jew down the well.
No strikes were given or warnings
>then his backup
Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!!
They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel.
We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!

Chaotic-Good Accelerationism

And Twitch BasedBellagio (((suspended)))

This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!!
>stream from Saturday morning
>This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags
What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.


Discord Trannys are targetting ourguys like Kommadante
>NPC meme series part 1
THEY fear the power of Based Bellagio's morale boosting skills, , ,.,.,.,

I don't believe in climate change it's all propaganda and I don't give a damn anymore what the greens think. Let the carrot throwers go mad like ants in the sun screeching 'muh climate' with their hilarious protests. It's entertaining but I've got lots of other things to concentrate on.

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I remember writing a research paper on co2 emissions and it led to the same hypothesis.

When Anarctica melts and reveals the real history of our world, you will be thankful.
>Can this board finally agree they were wrong about global warming?
Jow Forums is never wrong.


This. The entirety of the West could completely stop using all fossil fuels tomorrow and it would barely make a dent. China burns so much coal that even according to the "official" government stats, an eighth of their population has COPD (which of course means its much, much worse).

Remember when we were going to give China trillions of dollars as a bribe for them to "stop" making CO2.

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In the 20th century an art student led the genocide. In the 21st century it will be an environmentalist who leads the genocide.

Do these people not understand how capital is created? If it costs 70 trillion it's going to generate twice that.

>OK Shlomo you have successfully convinced me to not breed, give you all my money and, get replaced by shitskins. I can't believe it took me this long to see the light. Surely this will be the end of Trump's campaign.

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Hitler was both an art student and an environmentalist, you asshole.
He was a great man. Not perfect man.

Kek tells true

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$70 trillion? How much do they want?

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They are SJW there religion is literally white men are the problem.

>No one can defend this
I can. Equator niggers BTFO. I'm going to enjoy living in the tropics.

Eco-socialism aka "Watermelon politics"

No no theyre poor stupid 3rd worlders. They cant be held liable like a valuable 1st worlder can. First world lives matter more. Bomb more shitholes.

Add Saudi Arabia and shipping industry burning mazut.

> Study says

This. You telling me trade is gonna be better except the equator nogs get BTFO’D BASED AND REDPILLED

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Sorry it should be " bunker fuel"

Just print 70 trillion more money

Define normal co2 levels, faggot

"return to normal"

Fucking Goldilocks.

>co2 return to normal

stick to rocks, you're not a climate scientist

Remember when China demanded all the monies or else they would intentionally release greenhouse gas?

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no, actually the elite caused it in their quest for
power by blowing nukes up to punish eve. faggots
are going to burn for this. you guys realize earth
needs salt cause of all that fresh water, to keep
the electrical system going so we don't all die.
but humans are made of seven pounds of salt
who is she going to go after first. lol bye bye
humans. eat eve and she will eat you.

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