If white women are considerd the most attractive. Then why does brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia have the best looking women in the world
And the uk has the worst
If white women are considerd the most attractive. Then why does brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia have the best looking women in the world
And the uk has the worst
>what else does one want
Both of my kidneys and not to be dragged into a favela and executed
>posts picture of white blue eyed woman
You're looking at things from a Niggers perspective, user.
ps. get the fuck out of the UK
You do know that they are mixed and have white dna? Especially the one in your pic. Brasil chicks got nice facial properties from europeans, and fat round asses from niggers.
what the fuck is a beach vibe?
They don't.
It was probably a survey in US, where even the 56% has nigger tastes.
Imagine thinking it's not the Spanish, instead of Inca/Aztec blood
Most of the pretty women in here are either full whites or at least 3/4 white. Gisele Bundchen being the foremost example. Look up Ana Paula Arosio, Marina Ruy Barbosa, among others. Be aware, you will be left astounded by their beauty.
UK definitely has the worst, but lately n American women look like men with implants.
Scandinavia and some of the slav countries have the best looking women in the world and that’s a fact
Denmark isn't Scandinavian geographically. Also they seem very based and uncucked
They have the largest number of cosmetic surgeries per capita in the world, with whole peoples lives riding on their ability to be models and other such.
That some people subjectively see fakeness as attractive is irrelevant to just about everything.
There are pretty mestizo women, but it is still a social sin to have children with a woman who isn’t your own race. You have to look out for your own kind and in order to do that, you must not go after women of another stock.
Dutch women.
Anglos aren’t white
They meant a bitch vibe, because they are always in heat.
>Ana Paula Arosio
My god it's Laura Flynn Boyle all over again. Damn wall you scary.
Also, our women are shit, both in mind and body. Our country wants to sell itself on the basis of sexual tourism and our women being hot (read self-proclaimed). This is mostly bias on the basis of the image our board of tourism along shill media sites taking our self-declaration as truth. It is notable that no other country proclaims such, rather, they try to do actual productive things.