My girlfriend just ended up to be forced to give a blowjob to some guy...

My girlfriend just ended up to be forced to give a blowjob to some guy.She went to a party of a one of her friends and got drunk after that she ended up to do this and called me all crying and scared, this is first time when such stuff happens.I don't know what to do into this situation, at the moment I'm far away from her and I'm all full of anger and I plan to put that guy on the hospital bed and humiliate him, I don't know if I should dump her and take my revenge over him somehow I want somehow I don't want to dump her or just take my revenge and continue to be with her...Please help me I don't know what to do and how to control my anger and excuse my grammar mistakes I can't even concentrate to write properly by how angry I'm.

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If she was raped, you should go to the police.

LOL ENJOY BEING A KEK FAG. You seriously believed that fake crying?

Why dump her

You seriously believe you mother sucks cocks in hell

that's what im going to do after i traumatise this guy
i just feel like maybe i should do it, i told her to do not drink next to people that she doesn't knows and she did, the only one that she knews was the girl of who had the birthday party and that's all.

>that's what im going to do after i traumatise this guy
What if it was consensual?

>forced to give a blowjob to some guy
Call the cops.

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I don't think it can be since she came crying and all scared first seconds after this ended but if it was both are going to pay

No you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. No one will ever listen to unless they can relate. Now she won't do this again. Or you can look for another girl and hope she already understands the dangers of strangers.

If it was then move on, what the fuck. A sicko hurts your girl I get. If your girls a hoe then it could've been anybody and you should just get out of there.

I just don't know what to do, I'm with nerves down all what I know is just that I want to see the sole of my shoes printed on his face

Have you told her to call the cops yet faggot?

Comfort her, you think you feel bad. Imagine he made you suck his dick and then your girl just disappeared. She needs you

Daaaaaaamn bro. That shit sucks. But yeah call the police and press charges on this dude first and then decide if you're breaking up with her after. I would say don't even think about your relationship until you're finished with that guy so you can see how you feel afterward.

she doesn't wants to do anything involving cops or anything that could make her parents to find out, she is very embarassed, yet she agreed for me storming this guy's house

At the moment that's what I'm trying to do, she seems better feeling now but looks pretty traumatized by what happened

>went to a party
>got drunk around strangers
>""""forced"""" to be a whore
Dump her. The guy's guaranteed to be a piece of shit, but your gf is not worth going to prison over.

You're missing the part where user goes to a degenerate party knowing full well what kinds of things happen there. It's not like his gf was just going about her business and a dick materialized in her mouth.

Beat the shit out of the guy and then post pics of his poor face.

She wasn't actually forced to do anything, she's just a slut and only called you because someone you know was at the party and saw her whoring out.

>commit a crime and then post traceable evidence of said crime
Not sure if you're a fed or just retarded

Lol your bitch was riding some cock and lied to you. I bet her pussy is full of spermies.

You’re a grade A cuckold now, bitch.

Dump her, unless you live in a 3rd world country I wouldn't believe her.
Why would you let your girl go to a party without you anyway?

Private parties aren't safe. Tell her to grow the fuck up. Bitches walk around imitating idols like their goddamned Salomi right in the presence of fiends and savages. Today's generation is just waiting to fuck itself. God bless and stay away from the house of the wicked

S E E T H I N G - cuck lmao

Yeah sorry this is definitely a red flag.
Whenever a girl says she was raped but refuses to let you involve the cops it seems far more likely she did it consensually but then was overwhelmed by guilt so needed a good excuse to give to her boyfriend. Ask her exactly why she does not want the cops to know about this, and if the excuse is bullshit then dump her.

>she doesn't wants to do anything involving cops
Because she wasn't forced into anything.
>or anything that could make her parents to find out
Because they know when she's lying
>she is very embarassed
Because someone you know watched her go full slut and she couldn't hide it from you
>yet she agreed for me storming this guy's house
Because she's trying to deflect your anger from her to him.

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Hard truths

She's a nasty slut. The fake crying is to keep you emotionally invested in her. She enjoys the stability you provide. She wanted extra dick and got it. She wasn't raped. She wasn't forced. She liked it

OP we both know she wasn't forced to give a blowjob. She got drunk and had a lapse in judgement and gave some guy a beej and now she regrets it.

no she didn't believe him
if she did she wouldn't have gone
you don't go naked downtown because you believe the cops will get you, people go streaking all the time

the real reason you're getting all this bad advice is because these jealous fucks what you to suffer for having a GF never trust anyone who doesn't have it better than you

Next time you're in town if she refuses to go to cops, call her and tell her you got a gun and you're on your way to shoot that guy in face and turn yourself in. Tell her if she doesn't agree to go to cops with you then your life is effectively over. If she goes to cops great. If she is willing to let you ruin your life dump her. Don't mess up your life by assaulting or killing this guy.

>just let your gurl suck dudes' dicks op
Yeah, totally it


LMAOOOOOOOO NIGGA NOOOOOOOOOO. That bitch wasnt gargling his spunk by accident. Dump that slut

She was drunk, incel. She cannot be held accountable for getting drunk nor whatever she does while drunk retard

How the hell does anybody force a blowjob from a girl? Like if I was a girl and some dude forcefully tried to stick his cock in my mouth I would bite that thing clean off without a seconds thought.

She was drunk. She had no agency

>she isn’t responsible for her own actions because she didn’t know her limits and got too hammered, and she isn’t responsible for that either for some reason

lmao keep rationalizing bro. Hope her kisses aren’t too salty

There is always agency lol unless she was literally black out drunk but even then how the hell does she get put in that situation? Why is she with people like this? Where are her friends? Something doesn’t add up.

I got a blowjob once. Didn't like it. Can't imagine I'll ever accept one again. Anyways OP your wife is a hooker or something


Call the police. It is often rape victims don't want to call them because they are traumatized or were threatened not to, also because they could feel shame or guilt maybe because they enjoyed it or because feel bad for being violated so brutally. This is a common phenomena with rape victims because it fucks their brains up bad. With all this said, you still shouldn't rule out the possibility that she just did it consensually and is lying because this isn't unheard of. You need the cops to investigate and this guy to brought to court. If it is discovered she was really raped, you should stay with her and help her or else she'll turn into a raging druggie whore has most rape victims do. If she's a lying whore you could probably take her to court for compensation unless you live in a super liberal state, then kick her to curb.

>often rape victims don't want to call them because they are traumatized
or they don't want their bfs to find out it's made up?
Don't break up with her yet, OP.
Be more distant and careful. I wouldn't trust a girl in the first place that likes to go to parties especially if the boyfriend bis nowhere near

You should read my whole post where I said that

Personally, I'd leave her and let the dogs have her. She should have been smarter with her decisions because for me that wouldn't inspire a lot of trust in her.. who knows if she'll make another risky decision like blacking out with strangers and cheating on you. Luckily females can pull the rape card no matter what so she should probably take that route. As for you, sorry if it was a long term thing or you really liked her, but you seem like am alright guy and could find someone new. Personally I would be careful with revenge especially on such an emotionally heated topic, don't want to catch a murder charge yourself for some cheating future roastie

> forced



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OP she is obviously lying...

So here’s what you got to do.

Force her to go to that guys house. Tie the both of them up, make her watch you blow him, to completion. No one will believe such a thing happened, and they will both be to ashamed to call the police. Then and only then will you have gotten your revenge.

And if they call the police, you know she was lying.

she did it willingly dude, she's just selling you the rape story in order to keep you orbiting

This op, you must deepthrout him to be sure, make sure to massage the balls

Also you slut gf might have cried but that is only because she feared losing your gullible ass


this bro this

Call the cops. If you don't legally punish the rapist, he'll do it to other girls in the future. You have a chance to prevent that from happening. Take it.

dis is obvi bait. nobody could cuck this hard right?

>She obviously got herself "drunk" and was "forced" to give a blowjob
Leave that hoe
> the guy
You must teach him a leszon maybe crack one or two bones and that will teach him

Good luck user!

Is Jow Forums really this stupid and susceptible to bait? This is fifth time I've seen almost this exact post, and every time, the girl refuses to call the cops, which no one would ever refuse to do after being raped, and yet everyone thinks its completely earnest every time.

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yeah lol

Dude she literally sucked some guys dick and felt bad about it. No rape occurred. She’s playing it off as rape because she’s guilty and doesn’t want to take responsibility. Don’t fall for her bait. She wasn’t forced she was drunk and being a girl and feels bad about sucking some dudes dick and cheating on you. How much of a beta fucking idiot do you have to be to fall for this shit. Dump her and kick the dudes ass then move on with your life.

This, that and that.
She willingly sucked that dick and then realised what a bitch she was.
Sorry OP but it is what it is.
Also don't beat that guy up to get into trouble ain't his fault is your gf's!

>that's what im going to do after i traumatise this guy
dude please don't do anything like that, dump her for sure but fucking leave town right now, go to your parents, friends whatever and tell them about what happened and blow off some steam before you come back. Do not make decisions in the state you're in you're going to end up ruining your life over some stupid relationship drama.

Bro..why would you date someone you don't trust? In the age of MeeToo and internet only a retarded trash would lie about having been raped.
And why would she lie if she were cheating, she could've easily hidden that from you. Go to the police and support your gf, instead of ending up in prison yourself and making your gf even more traumatized

Cause she knew the risks and got drunk with strangers. That is not a quality you want in a girlfriend. That means either dump her or live the rest of life with anxiety and worry.

Can you hear it?
Your gf blew some random guy, it really happened. Lmaooooooo

So somebody forced her and doesn't want cops to be involved but she's okay if you bust his head and end up in prison, right? How can you be so naive.

Jesus, after reading this thread, my advice would be to never seek advice on Jow Forums again.

It's a tough situation.
A lot of rapes/assaults go unreported. A lot of women say they feel guilty, like it's their fault, and so on, and so forth.
So it's wouldn't be unusual, if she didn't want to report it.
But this poses a problem for you: you have to trust her word. You don't know, whether it's true, or if she did it consensually and is now feeling guilty and trying to hide her tracks.

>Pic related

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>she was for-
>she was drunk so it doesn't count
drop the cheating bitch op

Can someone explain to me how you can be forced to suck someones dick? Not a rhetorical question I really just don't understand.
Like with being raped you just sit there and take it, but sucking dick is an active choice. Unless a gun or knife was put to her head I don't see how this wasn't just "I sucked a dick while wasted & now I regret it so I was raped.

Also I would never date a girl who would get that drunk around strangers.

Because me and my boys will fuck you up
Sucking a dick is always easier than a beating especially when you are a weak bitch

I suppose it wouldn't be her fault if she got into a car and killed someone while drunk? Get your bullshit out of here