Why do Americans think Poland is the 'savior of Europe' and that they're actively out to rid the continent from Kebab?
Don't you realize they're literally just the edgy kid that wants to be left alone?
Why do Americans think Poland is the 'savior of Europe' and that they're actively out to rid the continent from Kebab?
that's still better than the rest of europe
Not an argument
They are alright now.
Poland is progressive now.
Yes, very progressive.
>EU flag
Why do British people hate Polacks more than Pakis
Statements like the one you replied to aren't meant to be argued, retard. He was just stating a fact.
They send their worst.
Poles commit more crime in my city than Pakis and niggers.
We Polin now!
we aint getting rid of kebabs
we just arent letting them in. lmao
>we just arent letting them in
Jemu nie mówcie.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
Since 1918.
Actually second republic was a masonic creation.
Pity that war ended it (war of course is Poles fault).
Luckily, soon it will be as things should've been.
You're right, we're not saviors of Europe. We can't save your asses nor do we want to
It's not like you can save your own too...
Poland is indeed pathetic.I mean, did Poland ever save itself? No, it always relied on foreign nations to save their asses.
>says fucking UK
>F-fuck the k-kikes..
oh nononononononooo...
>the edgy kid that wants to be left alone
This is a nationalist board. Everyone wants that
Your point being...?
>Poland is progressive
Pic is of an actual margarine brand in Poland.
we are amused. keep beating that jew.
The Eu is tucked m8
Pay up or else. ;^)