@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
WH Public Pool/Schedule: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @WH Easter Egg Roll 4/22/19
>FLotUS Melania @WH Easter Egg Roll Reading Nook 4/22/19
>WH Easter Egg Roll 4/22/19
youtu.be/453B5V7oYws (Bunny Hop Stage)
youtu.be/Va5ap20xoSw (Reading Nook)
youtu.be/2FhGlbmp60A (EPAAdm Wheeler)
youtu.be/XJt8ZXupt9Y (PressSec Sarah)
youtu.be/67a3FVzjK2k (NSA2VP ArmyGen Kellogg)
youtu.be/3FuJhvKLtnQ (DepHHSSec Hargan)
youtu.be/OMMozdCxfzw (KAC)
youtu.be/d9JsYZVv0rg (USSurgGen Adams)
youtu.be/BbMIHyYTGUg (AssistEdSec Brogan)
youtu.be/9uy6ZBDuJ6M (VASec Wilkie)
>America1stActionChair LindaMac on FoxNews 4/22/19
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 4/22/19
>HHSSec Azar Press Conf on Transforming Primary Care 4/22/19
>CEAChair Hassett outside WH 4/22/19
>CEAChair Hassett on CNBC 4/22/19
>PressSec Sarah on F&F 4/22/19
>RNCChair McDaniel on FBN 4/22/19
>Giuliani on OAN 4/22/19
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo/SpecRep4Iran Hook/AssistSoS Fannon) 4/22/19
>StateDept Foreign Press Brief (AssistSoS Evanoff/AssistTreasSec Billingslea/Amb Sales) 4/22/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



lmao, you must have a lot of free time on your hands considering you consistently post these threads 24 hours a fucking day.

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Smells like a kotbaker bread to me.

Gee, I can see why the shills are so mad, after the DISASTER that were the town halls yesterday.

>Bernie: I want the Boston Marathon bomber to vote!
>Kamala: We will take your guns in 100 days!
>Warren: Lets put everyone even more in debt!
>Buttplug: I'm completely irrelevant, and a proud GAY CHRISTIAN

Absolutely ATROCIOUS

>inb4 awoo

Attached: ptg.jpg (890x1212, 257K)

A threadly reminder that when 2020 comes we'll finally grapple Jow Forums from your disgusting boomer hands.

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Be proficient at fighting and tactics for the sake of your country.

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Surprised anyone would watch political town halls.

Its only going to get worse.

>Smells like a kotbaker bread

So like shit amirite

Close the border.

You don't know what the word shill means, stop using it. You're always using it out of context.

>there are ""people"" in this very thread not drinking water

Attached: easter 2019.jpg (2500x1666, 1.64M)

Damn the Mexicans are getting tricky, derailed that immigrant Caravan, getting 300 of them to take a break separating them from a group of 3000 and then arresting everyone they can to send them back. Looks like Trump used the right leverage


Upon closer inspection of so-called zombies, you will quickly find out that these moaning, slowly moving, death-smelling creatures are actually just regular living niggers displaying typical behavior.

The niggers in Haiti have chopped down almost all the trees to make charcoal, which they use to cook delicious mud pies. Because of this, the country is 98% deforested and the soil is now largely infertile. The apes depend almost totally on foreign aid just to survive, as they could not grow their own food even if they wanted to. There is almost no tourism, little industry and epidemic levels of crime, poverty and AIDS (duh). Haiti is a perfect example that no matter where niggers are, whether in Africa or the Americas, if they are allowed to run things on their own, the result is invariably the same: EPIC FAILURE.

A wonderful, miraculous event occurred on January 12, 2010, when a 7.0 earthquake completely flattened half the country and killed--as of March 2010--around 230,000 niggers. Lulz were had as the world witnessed the chimpouts that immediately broke out before the earth even stopped shaking. Niggers wasted no time with the "Gibs me dat!", demanding that the rest of the world drop whatever they were doing to come rescue their useless asses.

Open-air dead nigger storage, courtesy of Mother Nature.

The earth-coon-ake produced classic TNB, such as: a nigger dragging a dead nigger out of a coffin in order to steal it, another nigger digging a 12-year-old sow out of the rubble and immediately raping her, and wild feral coons building barricades and road blocks out of nigger corpses. Haiti will continue being an incredible mess for years to come, except for the fact that the earthquake left Port-Au-Price looking better than before. That and all the dead niggers.

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>also Kamala: Reparations
0% chance of getting the nomination, she'll probably be VP on the ticket, being a stronk female nigger of color and all.

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We reduced the number of illegals coming in from 3,000,000 to 2,800,000. Still not tired of winning.

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It's honestly quite sad. Even if you hated Trump, you can't argue that the economy is doing well, and that's enough to beat the incredible lack of talent or interest in any of the democrat candidates.

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Who's in the bunny suit? Is that Jeb?
Also, I am drinking cold, filtered water from my refrigerator pitcher right now. It tastes cold and pure, like my heart.

Man, I love spring. The sudden sunlight up here in northern sweden really kickstarts the chemistry inside the trees, making them ready to produce the fiber necessary to build majestic crowns of green. Photosynthesis starts and, with that, insect larvae get to eating. They need to hurry, too, since the birds are in a hurry. It's been a long flight from the south and they need food and company.

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Trump wins 2020 by one vote, it was yours

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>You don't know what the word shill means

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Context: foxnews.com/world/migrants-anxious-after-mexican-authorities-raid-caravan
> Mexican authorities say they detained 367 people in the largest single raid on a migrant caravan since the groups started moving through the country last year.

>Lift skirt, its a bloody scar.
Lil Johnny going to get effed up

Did u mean person of color? And slip


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Niggers come in many different colors, user.


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>gay christian
that's the equivalent of the girlfriend(male) meme

Attached: anime tranny based.webm (720x540, 2.8M)

>Trans are real girls
>Trans should be celebrated as trans, not real girls

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David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

Attached: Jazzposting.webm (1408x788, 2.51M)

>dark niggers
>Jewish niggers

women ruin so many things

>pull cord
> my vagina fell apart
lift skirt

Is it okay if i down a standard glass of water for every coffee i drink? (coffee is black)

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real girls arent even real anymore, they are modern thots with no actual feminine skills

>grant us holes! grant us holes!

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You "people" (good goys) use the word to describe anyone who disagrees with your master, thinking that anyone that wants to liquidate /ptg/ is some sort of democratic conspirator sent to "correct the record." The word was primarily made for the JIDF when they came here to spread their influence.

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>the average person is totally disgusted.
eh normies suck

According to our Croatian regular regular black niggers are "dirtniggers", but we know what he calls the two groups of sandniggers.

So, is that like a metaphor for African migration to Sweden? The Swedish women (insect larvae) get to eating, and the birds (African predator invaders) are in a hurry as they have made a long journey from the south and need food and "company" (rape)?

Is milk ok?


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based and redpilled woman-hating crusaderfren

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So, the two new genders are "thot" and "useful?"

goat milk?

Haven't seen that one in a while


water makes the coffee circulate faster

look at the doll being both at the same rate as the shit-smeared ones

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>As the child stares into the opaque folds of Melania's dress, she comes to the realization that would shape her life for decades. Bubbles are fleeting

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I can already tell the topic of the article they made that art for.
>Japan's population is getting older and it needs foreigners (third world people preferably)
Am I right?

No cow

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Lynch knew there was a clown world just below the surface of what exists ..hence the freak carnival like atmosphere of some of his stuff

What the fuck? Someone actually got a tattoo. The stupidity of Americans never ceases to amaze me.

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I just wanted to appreciate the rite of spring and how beautiful our universe is, man.

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>cucked Rosenstein clean edition
>black dude
Yeah no thanks bud


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>assadpede shittershattered that /sg/ slid past page 10 AGAIN
stay mad, sandnigger

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God I'm old
what the fuck am I gonna do about all these really old fucks

One can only assume that Trump is the stupid one in this scenario.

take the goatpill

I am certain that if you spammed the tranny pics and videos all across America, how the process is done and the procedure by procedure pictures, the problem would be solved. I am also of the mind that the reason why the tranny movement was able to gain traction in this country is because genital cutting has already been normalized!

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Democrat's 2020 campaign slogan
>Imbeech Drumpf

It's going to be a fun 6 years.

Women didn't invent trannies, memeflag. (((Sandniggers))) did.

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thats deep man

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> Come now, I will give you a similitude19 for the life of man. Have you ever stood at the foot of a waterfall, and marked the bubbles rising to the surface and gathering into foam? Some are quite small, and break as soon as they are born. Others last longer; new ones come to join them, and they swell up to a great size: yet in the end they burst, as surely as the rest; it cannot be otherwise. There you have human life. All men are bubbles, great or small, inflated with the breath of life. Some are destined to last for a brief space, others perish in the very moment of birth: but all must inevitably burst.

"A new era requires an optimistic new model in Japan" op-ed

>The success or failure of efforts to inject dynamism into the country will affect the whole world

Top tier water supply choice fren
of course!
milk is for with meals or cookies xD

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I'm guessing it cost extra so probably not

Shoo shoo black Philip

Actually I think all generals should be removed from Jow Forums except for /nsg/. At lest /sg/ hosts actual news and political discussion.


think we're in for a breakout. Big earnings this week.

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>At lest
At least.

Seeing this again makes me think Trump is confident in the Citizenship question going through, such a move could destroy these cities, I mean even worse than just having 10,000 pablos dumped into them

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Man if you don’t like /ptg/ just leave the thread.

>we need to reduce population or global warming will destroy the planet
>bigots! you need more shitskins or your economy will collapse, whites and asians don't have enough kids

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Basudo and Redpilludo

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>No MAGA gf(nf)

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Fuck u yelling at me for ?

Whole milk is good for cooking, 2% is good for drinking.


What is it about money lending that triggers gentiles so much?

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but essentially yes you are correct, however it never suggested population replacement, just what's happening in japan


No cream
sweet Dreams

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Can we deport her back to Canada?

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Ever thought you shouldn't have kids because you wouldn't be a good parent?

Don't worry about it.

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The neo con shills and redditors that use Jow Forums for cheap laughs and gunning down relevant discussions need to leave or get redpilled.

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Milk consumption is white supremacy.

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