How should i respond?

So one of my Dad's boomer friends sent this out on a e-mail chain. How should I respond anons?
>How Did We Survive?
>We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, locks on doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes…Though sometimes we had baseball caps not helmets on our heads.
>As infants and children, we would ride in cars with no car seats. No booster seats, no seat belts, no air bags, bald tires…and sometimes no brakes. Riding in the back of a pick-up truck on a warm day was always a special treat.
>We drank water from the garden hose, and not from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and no one actually died from this.
>We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and bacon…Twinkies, ding dongs, and Kool-aid made with REAL white sugar. And we weren't overweight. WHY? Because we were outside playing and moving around.
>We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. No one was able to reach us all cell phones! And you know what? We were okay.
>We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's and X-boxes. There were no video games, no 150 channels on cable, no video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's! Something as simple as going out for ice cream was an event.
>We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents.
>We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever.
>We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays, made up games with sticks and tennis balls and, although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes.
>Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!!
>The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law or got in trouble in school was UNHEARD of...They actually typically sided with the law!

Please pol help me put the boomers in their place!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who put the childproof locks on the medicine bottles? Who mandated that kids had to wear bike helmets? Who mandated that babies and toddlers had to ride in carseats? Who replaced the genuine sugar in good with HFCS? Who handed out the participation trophies, not because the children asked for them, but to assuage the egos of the parents?

Let's see, that'd be...boomers, boomers, boomers, boomers, and boomers.

good give me more
>we ate things with REAL sugar and werent overweight
flash forward now all the boomers are obese, have diabetes and heart problems, costing billion to the medicade system

Every man today is a pussy.
Except for me.

>boomer logic

He's right though. Modern generations are fragile little faggots who get triggered when someone assumes their gender.

Of course, it was the boomers bad parenting and bad governing that led to this.

Then again, it was the "greatest" generation's bad parenting and governing that gave us the boomers.

No one is softer than a boomer.

>He's right though. Modern generations are fragile little faggots who get triggered when someone assumes their gender.
Are they really objectively worse, though? Are you old enough to remember how ass-pained a boomer got if you got the salutations "Ms." or "Mrs." wrong? Do you appreciate how triggered boomers get today if a cashier or customer service worker neglects to thank them for shopping, thank them for dining, thank them for entering into any voluntary transaction they actively sought out and initiated?

The arbitrary social mores are different in specifics, but in substance I find it hard to see how one is any more valid than the other.

>replying to an email chain from 1999
holy fuck zoomers are scary dumb

Yes it is objectively worse.

I can remember one incident in my whole youth where a boomer woman reeeed out because I held the door open for her. Now people are getting their bank accounts shut down or getting swatted or having their careers destroyed because some random snowflake got triggered over the shirt you were wearing.

I want to reply to all his shitty boomer friends at once and btfo all of them. trying to craft a somewhat eloquent response is proving challenging

My mom sent this out a while ago and this is how I responded:

This is exactly the problem I have with Boomers. They believed all of these things were bad and changed it for my generation.

The Boomers generation decided that 10,000 years of moral development was constricting, so did away with them. It was great for one generation; like a hit of cocaine. Now, later generations have to deal with the addiction and recovery.

Hence our comparatively conservative values and return to orthodox religion.

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Have you read the newest from the author of OP’s pic related?
It’s required reading for any 30yr boomer

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Send him this:

Jesus, look at all the useless faggots in this thread. Every generation has fucking tyrants and life-phobes who trade freedom for perceived safeties. Ignorant whiney bitches complaining about previous generations and blaming them as a whole are certainly not any better than the members of that generation who call out the whiney little bitches.

This is an important distinction I don't see often enough. For how awful boomers can be we have to remember the so-called greatest generation raised them.

>The arbitrary social mores
They aren't arbitrary you mongrol. Social niceties are integral to a civilized society and it goes a long way towards making the world just an overall nicer place to live day to day. You sound like a chink who just disregards manners for robotic, insectoid pragmatism. I hate boomers too but manners are not something we should throw out with the bath water.

Don't go for eloquence man that will make you appear to be the supplicant. They will see it as a sign of weakness and will only hammer you further. You need to come at them with brashness and confidence. Like an adult you stupid zoomer fuck.

it matters not how you say it. if you criticize the boomer in any way they will get super butt blasted.

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Ask them how based leaded gas and second hand smoke was.

Greater men were in charge during his youth than those in charge during ours.

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All that fake politeness is bullshit constructed to keep Americans docile and weak.
Have you ever actually read How to Win Friends and Influence People?
It’s total pap that centers around platitudes, flattery, and not advocating your own interests. That book shaped Americans social interactions in the 20th century and it’s cancer.


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>Have you ever actually read How to Win Friends and Influence People?
a book that made generations of weak men that allowed women to run thotty

it's just a boomer jerking themselves off in order to bury the fact that they were the ones that implemented all those items and sold their children's future to immigrants in order to keep their opulent lifestyles. Say what you want boomer, you have been in charge the last several decades and haven't done fuck all about this, all you have done is let in more spics from spicland and niggers from niggerland. I'm sure your great grandchildren will thank you for that.

your right, no matter what, the boomers don't think they did anything wrong


Any of you li'l shits born in the late 80s and early 90s are all soft little faggots. Spoiled rotten little brats whining and crying about ĺhow it should be."

>oh, my school debt us too much
>boo hoo i'm skillless but won't work a minimum wage job because it ain't $9001/hr
>my rent is too much and i don't have money for luxuries
>gibs me yangbucks
>gibs gibs gibs

Niggers. Every one of you. Niggers.

Is he still a degenarate and tries to cash in on anti whiteness? qrd?

Kill yourself

a lot of boomers also voted in RHINOS year after year after year, even though they are almost the same as leftists.

Can boomers be fully blamed? They only had the (((media))) to get information from back then.

QRD here

How about any memes instead of long winded response

Offer to bare knuckle box any boomer that wants some.


He's not completely wrong.
The source of the problem tho are women, which try to convert the world into a retard kindergarden, and the problem is 'men' who allow this (and allow them control over society in the first place).

Wrong. That book improved my social interactions tenfold.

In fact, it’s the jews who advocate a relativistic morality for the goyim so they can subvert Christianity. That’s how I ended up discovering Dake Carnegie in the first place. His words helped me overcome my destructive, selfish, Machiavellian, atheistic tendencies I’d learned growing up that only caused me to alienate myself and act like a total degenerate.

It’s basically a “how to deprogramme my Jewish Marxist brainwashed upbringing for dummies” book.

>total pap that centers around platitudes, flattery, and not advocating your own interests

Properly applied, it’s exactly the opposite. It’s about getting what you want without losing the respect of others. It’s about learning common decency and basic respect, even if you don’t agree with the other person. It’s about creating win-win scenarios through correct application of the golden rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you). It’s exactly the opposite of our current Jewish value system which teaches that morality is subjective and relativistic (“you can’t judge others, we’re all individuals - remember goy”).

You couldn’t be more wrong about Dale Carnegie. The problem is boomers didn’t heed his advice properly and allowed Jews to subvert our moral system.


>Most boomers are responsible in a large part for illegal immigration and H1B. Despite some minor complaints, they were largely complacent because paco mows their lawn for less money than the white kid down the street asking for $20.
>Most boomers are responsible for helping China become a super power. How? When they got replaced by poos, they instantly became traitors, stole IP, flew to China and started duplicating shit. This started a major trend thanks to boomer bullshit

Thank you boomers

>reading boomer chainmail
>caring enough to reply to boomer chainmail

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It was the lost generation's bad parenting and governing that gave us the "greatest" generation.

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Boomers gonna boom, when you're raised on talmudvision for so many decades of course you'll never be able to see the real truth

jews, jews and jews

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Not really. The wheels for mass immigration were set in motion decades ago. Jews had been planning the khalergi plan in the 1920s. After the defeat of Germany, the ascendancy of world Jewry and the rise of the communistic European Union it more or less became an inevitability. Blaming the boomers complacency only addresses the symptoms and not the cause. If anyone is to blame it’s the so called “greatest generation”. They completely dropped the ball by allowing Jews to destroy 20 million of our best European brothers and by helping the communists to take over Europe. That’s the true original sin right there.

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It's not fake you worthless animal.

>let's subsidize education so I don't have to pay for my kid's school
>why are costs skyrocketing
>stop crying about all of your debt snowflake

It’s ironic that he exactly represents the Jewish subversion and sense of entitlement he thinks he opposes

Boomers lived in the world their parents created.
'we' live in the world the boomers created.

>Please pol help me put the boomers in their place!
Why? It's true? I tell what to tell him, ask him how in the fuck did a generation of supposed bad asses raise the biggest generation of confused pussies America has ever seen. The boys are girls, the girls are boys, you can your gender, but not your sex, I mean seriously blow it out your asses. A generation seduced by the beeps and boops and flashing lights of the digital devoid of anything beyond appearance no substance at all. They can all tell you Orwell wrote 1984 but maybe one in ten actually read it. If anything they watched the movie and will lie to your face about reading the book, but the movie ALWAYS differs from the books they aren't kidding anybody...a meaningless empty generation who has been lead to believe by reality television they deserve to be famous, that their narcissistic delusions can be the next Jersey Shore...

There is that ever present lack of personal responsibility. You don't live your life, your life happens because OTHER PEOPLE do shit to victimize you.

Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies
Fuck boomers
Fuck kikes
Fuck chinks
Fuck muslims
Fuck beaners
Fuck streetshitters
Fuck OP

>Our parents raised us this way
>We raise our kids to be pussies
>baka why are our kids such pussies

You think high fructose corn syrup is any better you literal mouth breathing retard?

Found the nigger

dont respond

Send him a picture of your dick

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you could write on as a caveman. we cooked on open fire no one was burned, we fucked every ho we could rape no one received an std, i clubbed any homoerectus a saw but wasnt called racist....ect.

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Mass immigration and niggers have made it impossible to leave your kids outside. Thanks boomers.

>we did a bunch of shit to our bodies that made our children autistic celiacs with crippling anxiety

>So one of my Dad's boomer friends sent this out on a e-mail chain. How should I respond anons?
so in your infinite wisdom you'd thought you'll share this fucking gibberish on pol?

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