Niggers are at it again

niggers are at it again

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Toll status?


it's like they don't learn

Don't know what they expected traveling to Nigeria in the first place. Western women seem to think the whole world is full of tolerance and fairytales.

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no sympathy, sorry
European women should not travel to Africa alone under any circumstances
their husbands (or fathers), if they were present, should either accompany them or stop them from going

>Holiday resort
>In Nigeria

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what the fuck was she doing in a shithole like nigeria in the first place?
you are less likely to get killed if you stay out of shitholes

inter-continental high-five

probably for the nigger dick

Imagine going to Nigeria

i've been
about 3 times
family friend who works for chevron has a comfy holiday house

they exist hard to believe I know haha

I guess that’s what you get for giving aid to savages.

b-buh-but not all niggershitholes hashtag

is she jewish?

young white people need to go to africa to build wells and shit.

'cause nogs are too dumb to do any kind of construction project.

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she looks like a jewish coal burner

>tfw they do it for (You)'s

This shit pisses me off! They have all this empathy and drive to go to another continent to help subhuman savages with everything, yet can't be arsed to fucking start a family and create communities here at home. Fuck these traitorous hoes. They all get whatever toll they have coming to them.

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Neither can you to be fair. Who would want to reproduce with a complete loser who squandered his opportunitiesh.

That nose

Shut up bigot. It's obvious white men were to blame for this.

Not him but holy shit the projecting from this post. I want to die too my friend.

>build well
>warlords take it over or just outright destroy it
>leftists don't care because they still got to virtue signal on social media
like clockwork

>They have all this empathy
Biggest lie of the modern world desu


This, it's not empathy, it's virtue signaling for their social media followers.

jesus look at the size of that nose

Nah bro. I'm married. Just had my first kid 7 months ago. Going to be working on my second pretty soon. I'm just very disappointed at the current state of modern women and their utter contempt for traditional gender roles. It's disgusting. I was fortunate in marriage, but many of my friends are getting the raw end of the deal and some have even been divorce raped.

The situation for the white race looks bleaker everyday and instead, we scoff at the "loser men" who are already disenfranchised with roastie whores and sugar daddy uncle Sam. No fucking wonder dudes are checking out or an-hero-ing. Sad.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Another traitor bites the dust! Fucking beautiful!

It's accelerating.. Can you feel it?

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Thread theme

they realized how ugly she is without the makeup


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>"Aid Worker"
>organizing "Hate Speech Hackathon"

your wife will leave you soon after your kids are out of the house

Somewhere there are housecats starving in a filthy apartment

Why aren't they building them in Flint?

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is she a jew

ah, i love good news. may all british bitches
get raped while their men can't save them.

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What kind of a fucking retard goes to vacation in Nigeria? She could have just stayed home if she wanted to get raped and killed by a shitskin.

I bet her dying thoughts were intense worry about racism her death might cause.

> beautiful beaches covered by garbage, tar sands and feces
> amazing architecture of metalsheet and straw roof mudhuts
> incredible cuisine of rats and other urban bushmeats deep fried in transformer oil

If you ever meet a chick that has traveled alone to Africa, steer clear. They HAVE TO hook up with someone, at least for protection, or they will be killed & raped (the order doesn't matter). I've been to 9 countries in Africa and it's always the same.

S to shit on the kike's grave.

Everyone who tries to help those monkeys deserve the same fate, maybe some gangrape, too.

>European women
That's a Jew, brainlet.

Haha, PAID.

Just another episode of "How I met your fucking retarded mother."

Funniest thing about this story is finding out that Nigeria has holiday resorts. Who the fuck would want to that shithole for a holiday?

who cares? the woman has done all she needed to do, which is passing on her mate's genes.
nobody cares if the parasitic whore were to leave after the children did

>Who the fuck would want to that shithole for a holiday?
A dumb fucking cunt trying to "find herself".

That shnozolla.