How do I live with the fact that women live life on easy mode...

How do I live with the fact that women live life on easy mode? Imagine never being alone and being desired and protected. Don't have to sign up for the draft but can still become leaders and politicians. Yet they still complain they have it worse. I fucking hate them

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> don’t have to sign up for the draft
Do you live in North Korea retard?

I think you're the retard here friend, sorry about your stunted intelligence

Being a woman is no easy task either. Especially if you’re ugly. Can you imagine being the ugly girl in the group? All your friends talk about their boyfriends and mushy shit and you’re sitting there listening to it all and haven’t been in a relationship ever. Ever seen the chick flick called the “DUFF” Dumb Ugly Fat Friend. It’s gotta happy ending but that shit is real! Now, think of the hot friend. Every guy wants to fuck her and she pressured to do so becuase she thinks that’s what will attract good guys. Guess what? She becomes the community whore and can’t figure out why she only dates pieces of shit. The worst part is that women constantly talk about other women and men. Women like people. Men like things. It’s a big difference between the genders. So shit like this super matters to them.

Also, have you ever noticed that men dominate the political and business world? Ever wondered why? It’s not because they are marginalized! It’s becuase A) they aren’t wired to be want to be in those environments (look at the most egalitarian societies in the Nordic and most women choose a stereotypical female job), B) they suck at those jobs! They make shit political in a company instead about the profits. They are too prideful because they think they need to take a stand by being a woman in a man’s position. So they are incompetent for lack of a better term.

Women are never alone because women love talking to other women about other women and men. Women are also crazy with their friends. Do men have “friend-enemies”? Fuck no! That’s some fag shit to be fake like that! But, it’s common for women.

In short women have problems too. Quite frankly, the more responsibility you take on the better your life will be. It will give you meaning and a higher sense of purpose.

I don’t think it’s women I think it’s attractive people in general. I’m a 7.5-8 6’1 fit guy with good genes and I feel kinda bad sometimes I feel like my life is way easier than someone less attractive

>I think it’s attractive people in general
Part of that is gender-specific notions of attractiveness. Women are a lot pickier than men, so if we base things off of who's seen as attractive by the opposite sex, women will naturally seem like they have it easier.

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Wow this is really interesting it’s not often I learn something on Jow Forums!

>Imagine never being alone and being desired and protected. Don't have to sign up for the draft but can still become leaders and politicians.

I know exactly how that feels because I am not an incel and have a girlfriend. It feels pretty good mate. You should try it too.

>Don't have to sign up for the draft
>because I am not an incel and have a girlfriend
Personally, I thought the policy of sending the unloved to die in war was a little cruel, but if they survive they can be war heroes, and girls love war heroes.

Absolutely everything you complain about is either untrue or as a result of men's decisions. You're not nearly as smart as you think are, OP. Get over yourself.

Nigga nobody in the free world HAS to sign up for the draft and any country that still has mandatory conscription has shit living conditions for women anyways.

Also Trump dodged the draft 5 times and still became president so you cannot argue that you need to to become a politician or leader.

>nobody in the free world HAS to sign up for the draft
All men in the United States have to sign up for the draft. If you didn't, you're breaking the law, or underage and need to come back when you're older.

>Also Trump dodged the draft 5 times and still became president
That's easier to do coming from some money.

I said free world. Also women can also fall under that same conscription "law".

>women can also fall under that same conscription "law".
Voluntarily, unless you mean trans women, who are required to sign up. It's not hard to google this, you know.

Wow you are right Googling that was not hard at all. Kinda proved my point instead of yours though. Thanks Google!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-05 US conscription laws - Google Search.png (638x130, 62K)

Women have life on easy mode only when regarding relationship and sex. Both genders have their pros and cons

I'm going to assume you're just a lame troll, no one has reading comprehension skills that poor. Get a better gimmick.

it lends credence to the idea of female sexual selectivity driving evolutionary factors.

you live with it because you fucking have no other choice.

what a shit thread. Did you need some real Jow Forums? or are you just more r9k remnants wafting in?

Says certain women right there in the picture. Or are you saying they don't count because it would prove you wrong?

I have the same problems as you.
I am always alone, I get existential crises, I can't figure my life out and I am completely sick of anime or games.

You don't resent women,you resent sociable and successful people, category that both men and women are a part of.
If they got into the position of being a leader/politician,it means they deserved it.
Maybe women complain a lot,but there's a lot to complain.Men complain all the time,too.
Like you ,right now ,and a huge number of people on Jow Forums,about how unfair it is for you,instead of working your ass off ,stop bitching and get a fucking girlfriend.

>women are never lonely
Lol op have you ever been outside? Sorry you’re intensely gay like this, but I’m sure there’s a man out there for u

>any country that still has mandatory conscription has shit living conditions for women
Like Finland?

If you don't like how the draft is arranged realize that men situated it to be like that and seek to change it.

All kinds of people live on easy mode. And have for as long as we known. So what’s the issue with being angry at women only?


Not this fucking thread again. You were thoroughly btfo last time, why are you back for more?

maximum COPE i can smell your shitty desperate life from here
