Bored of anime

>bored of anime
>bored of vidya
>bored of movies and shows
>bored of music
>bored of internet
>bored of Jow Forums
>bored of porn
>bored of fapping
>bored of people
>bored of sleeping

I have all the time in the world now compared to when I was a kid but absolutely nothing brings me pleasure and enjoyment. I just lie in bed waiting for time to pass by because there's nothing fun anymore. What do you do now?

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I think you’re depressed


See a doctor because this sounds like a classic case of depression.

I don't like playing armchair psychologist, but that really does sound like depression. See a doctor.

This. Might as well.

You made this thread earlier. Fuck off.

Except for people none of those activities force you out of your comfort zone. They aren’t even challenging in any technical sense. They’re indulgences and acts of consumption. Put your ego on the line and set yourself a task you may not be able to accomplish because it’s the only way you’ll grow.

Get a dirt bike.

>overdoes enjoyable thing
>"why is this not enjoyable anymore"

Find a hobby that recquires actual effort like lifting, drawing, programming, writing, music etc..., stay away from all the things you "like" and then go back to them, you'll enjoy them so much more

Depression yo. Go make something out of wood or climb a mountain.

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Try creating instead of consuming.

Sounds like your brain isn't producing dopamine.

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take anti-depressants
or take hormones

>lol just make everything worse bro

lol as if you have a choice
its either that or suicide user

take your pick

I'm not even OP. Stop shilling.

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'Course there's a choice. OP can create instead of consuming.

If you are depressed and youre already thinking about suicide. Well then you cant lose anything. What are you afraid of? Justdo something you normally wouldnt do. Do something crazy with which you feel alive again. Meet new people, take risks and put yourself out there. It can just get better. And if it gets worse you can always kill yourself. But at least try to change something first instead of accepting that you already lost.

Have you considered real life?

Social interactions are boring. It's just the same fakery and drama that's tedious and just another emotional weight.

I feel you. I really recommend you stop watching porn. Go for some nature walks or exercise a lot, it really helps to clear the head.

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Before making your way to therapist, you should try meditation. Had the same problems and feeling better now

Go outside.
Your life is a mostly a bunch of screens.

Try reading and get bored.
Try daydreaming.
Might get bored after time.
Think about the different ways you could kill yourself imagining yourself as a cute depressed anime girl.
Get bored.
Stay on the bed, doing nothing.
Maybe you would get bored too, but those are my suggestions at least.

I prefer steel bikes

>bored of sleeping
how does that even work?
>bored of people
find better people

How do you kill yourself in a way that preserves your organs for transplantation?
I think other people would make better use of them than I currently am.

you are depressed
