Charlize Theron says her 3yr old is a faggot

Theron says that her adopted negro pet is not a biological male, but a female. (i.e. mentally ill and has gender dysphoria).

Her proof ?
The 3yr old told her: "I'm not a boy"

I have a "theory" about all this. As most of you have noticed, there's a rather bizarre and noticeable pattern, clearly observable in the Hollywood milieu.

Most children of the "rich and famous" end up as followed:
1 - Become drug addicts
2 - Become faggots/transexuals
3 - Become monumental embarrassments for their own parents.

4 - In some very rare (i know it's redundant to formulated this way) exceptions, they are equally as talented as their parents.

But 4) is just that...exceptions. and they don't make the rule. So generally speaking, most celeb kids are degenerates or losers. Some somehow manage to save their family's honor.

(i.e. Kirk "Danielovitch Demsky" Douglas' son Michael Douglas comes to mind or maybe Francis Ford Coppola's daughter, Sofia, although certainly not as talented as her dad, competent enough to direct some decent films)...

But what about the 90% ? What about the fuck ups ? Why is degeneracy so prevalent among these people ? Can it truely be genetic ? Or is there something more perverse at play ? If it's just genetic... Why would Theron's Nigglet pet think it's female ?

Why does Theron feels compelled to take her 3r y old adopted pet seriously when it says that it's a girl ? Are 3yr olds mature enough to decide these things in the first place ? So it's clearly not a biological issue. Is it purely ideological ?
Or is there something more sinister at play ? Is it the result of ideology + single mom education ? Absentee fathers ? Are single moms potentially time bombs & thus dangerous for their kid's mental stability ?

Ed Kemper had mommy issues

Chaz Bono

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've noticed that "beta dads" are also potentially problematic for their kid's mental health since they give "carte blanche" to their wives on how to handle their kid's education. (which generally always ends up on the liberal/degenerate spectrum). Prime example ? Tom Hank's son So you still have 50/50 chances of producing a degenerate.

But what is it with single moms in particular ? You see the same among lesbian parents, especially if (cherry on the cake) they also happen to be jewish. Anyway, at this point in time, i'm still convinced that we're not dealing with a genetical explanation here. It seems to be a distinct ideological problem. (because what are the odds of an adopted child wanting to become a tranny before puberty ?)

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Other celebs with tranny kids:

>Cher and Sonny Bono
>Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
>Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber

>>Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
source ?

man up and ask her out, user

And look guys, i'm not denying that sometimes..(though rarely) dads can even screw up their own kids. But there seems to be a pattern with single mom parenting in particular.

PS: and at least his Jackson's dad did something out of him...Maybe a crypto pedo, but a succesful one, a real circus freak..But talented at what he did. Other examples that come to mind..

Beethoven, Mozart..their dads also gave them hell..

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this schizo channel has reasonable production value and is full of interesting connections and observations and maybe you want to subscribe to some of his conspiracies op

>man up and ask her out, user
pretty and rich..yet single, i wonder why?

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Why you so scared user?

Bro, you know nothing. All big celebrities MUST be broken first by their masters before they become famous. have you ever noticed how "broken" especially male movie stars look? Typically, we are talking about sexual submission to variety of "people of influence" until they get that big first time gig. The only problem is, only very minority of "star wannabes" will make it..LMAO

What warrenty does Whole Foods offer on vibrant african children of colour? Is it less than 3 years?

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>Bro, you know nothing. All big celebrities MUST be broken first by their masters before they become famous

what do you mean by "broken" ? sodomized by kike producers ?

I thought it was photoshoped...

Interesting speculation.
I'd guess these kids are being sexually abused.

>3 year old
i wonder if she's cryptically worshiping something.

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>Interesting speculation.
>I'd guess these kids are being sexually abused.

It's interesting how many gays were actually abused as children.

It blows my mind why any white person would waste their life raising a nigger.

Why is she forgetting about my nigga Sean Penn?

>It blows my mind why any white person would waste their life raising a nigger.

Seems like a fashion statement. Like owning an Iphone or exclusively taking your coffee at starbucks

they feel superior and they have the urge to help the inferior...literally thats all there is to it.

"negros need our help" even here in chile that slogan is part of the current political debate and we are not even white...

...its just that black people are really mediocre as a whole.

Transgender kids are the new status symbol for liberals.
They are happily ruining children's lives so they can collect virtue signal points like Halloween candy. Desperate for attention, they don't care a whit about the child. Only the adulation they get from other adults.

>they feel superior and they have the urge to help the inferior...literally thats all there is to it.
>"negros need our help" even here in chile that slogan is part of the current political debate and we are not even white...
>...its just that black people are really mediocre as a whole.

You're forgetting something else...
They also want to show the world they're "morally" noble or superior to everyone else.

This shit is why TERFs are probably gonna end up being right allies. They just wanna stop people from misusing the word female, because it's a biological term. Having a penis and denying you ever did is invalidating your lived experience and forcing doctors to acknowledge it means people dying from medical treatments that don't fit their bodies.

Cis kids are so boring and outdated. All rich and cool people need a tranny child accessory if they want to stay relevant!

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>dumb nigger kids gets adopted by virtue signally white liberal

>gets turned into a tranny

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They are going to chemically castrate their one white biological child.
Fucking kek.

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sabotaging their own flesh and blood, liberalism is truely a mental disease.

Oh how the mighty have fallen...

brad pitt is such a cuck. to marry such a dumbass you have to be dumb yourself

He left Jennifer Aniston for that whore. He must be fucking insane

Somebody get Tariq Nasheed onto this.

probably because that nevrotic gave him crazy blowjobs under all kinds of drugs. her facial muscles make her looks like she sucks all day

CDAN has done drops about this, he calls the group of lady celebs w trans infants "the club". some weird shit going on

thats a shop right?

>they are equally as talented as their parents.
There is no talent in Hollywood anymore and there is no talent in the major record labels anymore. It's all about who has enough clout to get their name and image out there.

What a retarded SJW

Not politics, though.

she's forcing the blacks to read the kabbalah. why is charlize such an anti-semite?

Charlize Theron is based. We should all adopt little niglets and tie their dicks in knots as revenge for South Africa.

>white women adopting black kids and castrating them

and she wonders why no one will date her lol

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if there someone who was raised by transgender parents who turned into a normal human being?

This is the future

Their biological child, Shiloh is her name I think. Was born female, but identifies as male since she was an infant. Honk

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Hollywood was intended from its inception as a Jewish occult hub to subvert American society through deception and subversion. Hollywood refers to the branch used by witches to create magic wands which can be used to “command evoked spirits”.

According to the talmud, jews are commanded to kill gentiles who pose a threat to Jewish supremacy.

>“The best of the gentiles, kill them”

This explains why Jews have pushed degeneracy so hard in the media. Jews take our best looking and most talented “gentile” movie stars, bring them to Hollywood, try to get them hooked on drugs and teach them to hate subvert western values in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Hollywood isn’t just about harming the rest of society, but destroying the lives of its inhabitants who wrongly believe they will be spared if they simply kowtow to the puppet-masters at the top of the pyramid.

Hollywood today is now a hive of degeneracy, emanating into the outside world. Women such as Charliz Theron are being led by the Jewish Pied Piper of Hamelin to their own destruction, straight to the kosher slaughterhouse.

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>The best of the gentiles, kill them
See world war one and two

It also belittles the lived experiences of the sex they transition to. It's this idea that being a Man or a Woman is so shallow it's just really cosplay.

The "talent," is behind the scenes making the music and writing lyrics. The singers are just props with human form who are cycled in and out of the spotlight based on what is in at the moment.