
Why is the media giving so much attention to a 16 year old girl? She's been indoctrinated into fearing climate change (yet refuses any of the real solutions, such as nuclear power and fracking). What is the origin of the cult-like veneration that all the alarmists have for this child? It's almost...perverted, don't you think?

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this bitch is 16? why does she look like a 9 year old with down syndrome?
one girl taking down the entire
>muh swedish women most beautiful

She looks like she's a downie too, can anyone confirm?

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Why does it look like a downie?

Looking at this ugly kid makes me want the world to end

why is this little fuck speaking in parliament? fucking hell everything in this country needs washing in bleach

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>Why is the media giving so much attention to a 16 year old girl?

Don't you know that the (((media))) is in the hands of a very small (((cabal))) and that they can force someone or something across the entire mass media? That's why we keep hearing about this down syndrome retard

>Why is the media giving so much attention to a 16 year old girl?
>She's been indoctrinated into fearing climate change

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She has aspergers and her mother is sjw opera singer with adhd
Her whole character is created by a ads firm

I love how we are supposed to pretend the ramblings of a 16 year old girl is important, or even well thought out.

what do you mean


makes sense

More like aids firm

She's the new Ron Paul meme

Look at the peole behind the curtain.

forgot the word for it then. but pr firm is more correct I believe

I heard she has autism and is just reading off a script her rich parents gave her

Paul wanted to audit the fed. She want us to export our industry to China and to spend the few money we have on bullshit.

>from Sweden
>speaks on behalf of future generations

What a terrifying thought

*mentally ill 16 year old girl.

hope she gets blacked

They are using (((Gretel))) to brainwash children with (((their))) beliefs and to create paranoia.

cakey pig

Of course she’s going to reject any solutions. Her role is to demoralise and panic people. The trick is to convince people the planet is dying and there’s nothing they can do about it. Obviously government officials will keep on buying beach front properties though

She has assburgers

>you did not act in time
okay, did you conduct some sort research or study to prove to these politicians that this is indeed the case?
probably not, because you are 16 years old, likely busy with school, and without access or the knowledge to know how to use any such instruments that might produce these results for you
you are puppet being used by someone or a group of other persons as a mouthpiece for their beliefs because of your age and sex.

notice for most propaganda purposes its a nig child, but when it comes to this its a white child

the fact that anyone in power is taking seriously what a 16yo and probably retarded girl has to say is definitive proof that the ruling class in Europe is part of some kind of cult

Don't worry, you'll be blacked in no time Greta, then your genetic line won't be worth continuing.

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I don't think there is a cult. But the ruling class is full of morons, I'll give you that.

I think the it's very funny, she's a 16 year old girl who looks like 9 because of a severe birth defect that made her face puffed up and deformed. She's been groomed by climate terror leftists to push their end of the world - scare the shit out of everyone agenda but essentially ends up as a symbol for eco-fascism. Very funny to me, pic related it's my face when this timeline is currently unfolding.

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She looks like she has fetal alchohol syndrome

*honk honk*

I don't believe anyone can stay in a position of power for long if they are morons. The ruling elite is very smart, but I think they left Christianity long ago and now proscribe to some unidentified cult.

Ding ding, correct. It's funny because the left chose her for this reason precisely because she looks young - the leftists inverted hierarchy ladder makes them respect more the words of a person the younger that person is. That's comedy right there. They think what she says is POWERFUL because she looks like a baby a little bit if you tilt your head and squint. Reminder that she had a personal meeting with the pope. Honk honk.

>Why is the media giving so much attention to a 16 year old girl?

mmh....interesting point. I think they are smart, as in, they know how to get into power and keep it, but I think they are tremendously ignorant of some issues, or they simply don't care. I genuinely don't believe that Merkel is actively importing millions of mudslimes in order to actively destroy germany. I think she does it out of charity, but refuses to see the downsides.
In a similar manner, I don't think that Macron is actively promoting the destruction of french culture, I just think he doesn't care about it.

It's fetal alcohol syndrome. Not kidding, she matches all the symptoms. Her mother was boozing during pregnancy. Her parents are artists, so nothing special there

fuck the pope. This guy does nothing for christianity.

Because normies feel sad when kids are sad and cry. It's powerful propaganda.

swedish artists, thats like double the faggotry

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she needs to be raped a few more times.


[email protected]

What they believe in is equalitarianism.
The central tenet being that evolution stops at the neck.

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Merkel is importing subhumans because the european elite see what happened in Japan in 90s when population started to decline: the collapse of the real estate market and the stagflation of the economy. They know if they don't get more people to be debt slaves the european economy will fuck their wealth and power in the world stage (just like the japanese elite never recovered their relative power from the 80s)
Merkel has no choise but to do what the german elite wants, which is bringing new workforce to keep the debt engine running

damn, she's pretty though!

what do you mean?
Sounds like you're a pedo...

Leave her alone she has assburgers

Put her on the same back ground with glowing eyes and her slogans



I wonder if this dumb butterface knows if she's being used or not.

Fracking is a solution to climate change?

How is fracking a solution to climate change? It's just a more desperate means of stretching out our supply of oil

>cockeyed downy
the state of climate alarmists

What a primitive looking creature. Something out of one of Jane Auel's books.

I meant Fracking as in fracking for natural gas. We have the means to obtain way more natural gas through fracking. Fracking is a temporary solution to climate change, to supplement coal and oil electricity prodution fast, while we build nuclear reactors (which are the true, long term solution). Renewables are a scam. hydro is already used to the max.

reminds me of this:

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Can anybody walk off the street and address parliament?

I largely agree with what you are saying. A stop-gap solution while we build more nuclear.

There’s something off about this girl. Her monotone, expressionless demeanor while rattling off talking points she clearly doesn’t understand is fucking strange.
She is clearly a pawn of (((multinational interests))).

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Straight up foetal alcohol syndrome

And assburgers

I'm in love with Nuclear-Chan.

They have tried this a bunch of times already it will fall on deaf ears
Just another globalist puppet

Muh kids

Poor kid probably as FAS, look at her

This literal sperg is cringeworthy. Everyone in Sweden knows her mom as a famous singer and an abhorrent SJW that does everything to push the multiculturalism meme while living comfortably in an upper class home. My parents are big fans and idiolize her like much of the rest of the world’s boomers. She’s doing it because if Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen and whatever other shitty young fictional protagonist can change le world so can she. She is most definitely bought by Soros and her whole campaign is another farce.
>t. Swede studying in the US.

>(yet refuses any of the real solutions, such as nuclear power and fracking).

How brainwashed do you think WE are? Nuclear power is a credible solution. Fracking is not. Fracking involves extracting fossil fuels from deposits where the extraction is difficult. The fact that the extraction is harder does not make it cleaner or more virtuous, it just means we need to spend more energy getting the fuel out. Worse, fracking as currently done leads to large amounts of natural gas leakage. Methane is, over short timescales, a drastically more potent warming gas than CO2. Only someone who thought the audience were IDIOTS would try to argue that fracking is a solution.

> What is the origin of the cult-like veneration that all the alarmists have for this child?

People love seeing a teenager completely demolish their political opponents. It's not cult-like veneration, it's that people are seeing this as extra humiliating for the other side. Remember when the fash were falling all over themselves to pretend that smirking while white somehow pwned the libs?

Simple Reason: She has a point.
Also, she is not indoctrinating. She is repeating scientifical findings.

There is your answer. Now let the trolls and ignorants reign. It seems to be hopeless anyhow.

She's got more rounded facial features than the teenagers you usually encounter because she hasn't been using meth for the past four years.

Bro. Look at her, she probably has a mild case of downs syndrome, perfectly balanced on the edge between normal and tard, mechanising her brain in an almost insect/animal way. Bet she´s got natural tard strenght too.

They're pushing a "child can consent" narrative. Smart enough to talk about global warming? Smart enough for sex

>She looks like she's a downie too, can anyone confirm?
yes, she's swedish

... you come from a country that just elected Bolsie, I'm not sure you want to complain about OTHER people showing undue deference to dumbasses.

(((Jews))) want your consent when they tax you and send the money to shithole countries where their NGO stand ready to receive

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please refer to for my explanation on fracking.

>From Sweeden
Stopped reading right there

16 is the legal age of consent in many European countries.

It's like they want to be found out.

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>Why is the media


Here is why.

>assumes I'm comparing Europe to Brazil
>assumes I'm complaining

>Rejects Nuclear Power
Anyone who does invalidates their opinion, nuclear is the future. Once Nuclear Fusion is discovered that is the source of unlimited power with no adverse effects on the environment if conducted properly

Young, white, female, and easily exploitable.

Fracking is actively counterproductive. It leaks methane into the atmosphere, causing potent short-term warming. We know how to build reactors, we know how to build renewables. New natural gas power production is neither a sensible nor a necessary intermediary step.

Lmao you Mongolian faggot what’s wrong with jair

It's human nature to want to protect children, so using children as mouthpieces is an easy way to make an emotional appeal. It also protects them from criticism, since critics can be called out for "attacking" the kid.

Halleluja, people are starting to wake up. Finally. i've been preaching nuclear power for 10 years.

There is no Jewish conspiracy. The Jews need the West to protect them, otherwise they will be annihilated by the Muslims. The Jewish Conspiracy is self-contradictory. NB4 "you paid schlomo", I don't like Jews. i think they're disrespectful pieces of shit who need to learn their place. But I don't believe ONE SECOND that there is a conspiracy.

Yes goyim, never reproduce. Think of the polar bears

“A wizard is never late. Nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to.” -Gandor the Good

>ugly Down Syndrome inbred SwedeCuck
You know what she's going to say before she opens her mouth and no one cares

You're an idiot. The Jews cannot rely on the west to sustain support for them for long which is why they need to dumb down the population in order to gain more control of it. When they hold all the power, they don't need to rely on anyone to protect them.

To what end? Make the planet a better place? Prolong peoples lives? Or maybe, just maybe it's because people care about the future beyond their own lifespans.

am i wrong or she only big in germany?

IIRC he endorses violent homophobia, is fascist enough that the cops claim anti-fascism signs are electoral propaganda, endorses death squads, cucked his own country over to the )))multinational oil cartels((( (Protip: Brazil is on the fucking equator, pushing the temperature up is going to KILL a bunch of his people.), and embarrassed Brazil by sucking up to Trump.

>so using children as mouthpieces is an easy way to make an emotional appeal

Finally somebody gets it, I think it goes even deeper than that though. The left will never go toe to toe with the right. Leftist men are some of the most disgusting cowards you will ever meet, and it's primarily because their go to tactic is to put women and children in harms way to achieve their objective. Boomer generation never really caught on to this so it immediately neutralizes them when a young girl starts crying, but the newer generation has been desensitized. this means they are going to have to find more vulnerable and helpless people to shove in your way. It's basically the same as using Child soldiers in Africa, it's a sick tactic but it actually works like a charm. Most people would rather lose or die than live with the trauma of harming an innocent child.

We won't see the men hiding behind this girl, or the men hiding behind the women. They are there though, and probably nice to your face.

here is what we should do...
they tried to highjack our meme magic so often.
why not give them a demonstration by highjacking this movement !
we get our twatter puppets out and join their movement and drop redpills left and right about hidden and clean energy devices and all the black ops and reverse engineered shit we heard about.

i see three outcomes...
a) nothing happens
d) it catches on with them like muuhhhh clean energy and shit
c) they shutdown the movement because it might upset the status quo

thoughts ?

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Listen, britbong. The climate protesters (especially the faggots in London) bring NOTHING to the table. The ONE solution to climate change, long term, is NUCLEAR. These eco fascists HATE nuclear. Why? Because they're stupid pieces of crap. They don't WANT to save the earth. They just want to tell YOU how to live your life. They want to take your wealth away, to waste it on useless "renewable" energy. They want you to stop flying planes with your hard earned quids. They want you to stop buying meat with the money of your labour. They are entitled wusses. Fuck em. And fuck you for believing their lies.
