Why does the truth trigger kikes so hard?


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The "Jerusalem Talmud" was called the "Palestinian Talmud" by Jews for CENTURIES until Z ionism ruined everything.

Jesus wasn't even a real person, you nitwit.

>pic related

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I've heard kikes and kike lovers say many times there was never such a thing as Palestine or Palestinians and that the soviets made it up.
Bull shit I've seen old maps with it right on there.
Threadly reminder kikes will do the same thing if they ever destroy America and Europe.

Jesus definitely existed. The claim that he didn't exist has been pushed by atheists and has been debunked.

Based Omar

>The claim that he didn't exist has been pushed by atheists and has been debunked.
"Debunked" by the same kind of people who make breathless videos about evolution and bananas, for the most part.


Romans changed the name of the provence of Judea to Palestine after the Jewish revolts.

Is it even shocking how one person saying "bananas weren't created via evolution" in a debate became an insult directed towards literally all Christians?


Jow Forums

Enh, watch any debate on YouTube with an actual scholar, and see who you end up siding with.

Try this one, it should be thorough:

>Enh, watch any debate on YouTube with an actual scholar,
One of those men is an actual historian. The other is not. Can you guess which?

>Protip: It's not (((Bart Ehrman)))

Here's a debate between Bart Ehrman and Richard Carrier:


Is it worth 2 hours of your time to be better informed? Iron sharpens iron at the very least.

Bart Ehrman is historian enough. One side, presented alone, always sounds right. But ok, you're not willing to put in the effort, today. But debates, ie counter-arguments, are out there waiting for you.

>Do they even consider us human?
Anybody using this bullshit hyperbole should be shot.

>Romans changed the name of the provence of Judea to Palestine after the Jewish revolts.
Romans didn't change the name of anything, they simply named the land what it was always called. Either way, these are semantics, the point is if Jesus had offspring, his offspring would be Palestinian today.

>What was the Palestine of today called before Roman times? It was called ‘Palestine’, which was by no means a transient name, being witnessed from around 1175 BCE and often thereafter. There are certainly other names for parts of Palestine and for the wider region to which Palestine belonged and there are yet other names placed on ‘utopian maps’ which describe what should be rather than what is. Of course all the famous Biblical names, very much including ‘Israel’, play a part in the story of this region.

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Semitic languages like Arabic and Hebrew drift between 'P' and 'F' sounds. Palestine has been referred to as 'Falestina' or 'Filistina' for millenia.

As in Philistines. As in the folks that were in Canaan before the Israelites leaving Egypt arrived.

>don't worry infidel jesus is a prophet in our holy book we don't have a problem with your religion
semitic tricks are semitic

>Bart Ehrman is historian enough.
Fuck off. He's a theologian. He doesn't have a single qualification in history.

>But ok, you're not willing to put in the effort, today.
Bitch, I have about a dozen books on my bookshelf written by either Price or Ehrmann.

Oy vey anudda shoah

Jesus was not Palestinian.

Both Palestinians and modern-day Jews descend from people that were at war with the ethnic group Jesus belonged to.

Whoops! It's synthetic - nevermind! (damned clickbaiters)

To me the carpenter thing fogs the question. Can’t say I’ve ever met a Jewish carpenter

Well, maybe I'll eat my own recommendation and listen to the Carrier side.

You're dumb shut up.

jesus was a palestinian, if he existed in modern times he'd be shot in a 'protest'

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Oh ya those people that the sand demon told them were totally bad so they should rape and murder them but they were totally good boys not like those nasty arabs who raped and murdered people.
It's all right there in their book but they only go to Church and listen to the preacher read them a few passages here and there and skip over 90% of the book.

After the second temple was destroyed, most (~95% according to some historians) Jews simply left the ethnogroup and assimilated into nearby peoples.

Many, many of the people of Jesus' ethnic group stayed in Palestine after 70 AD and later became Muslim. Stop your lies.

>Well, maybe I'll eat my own recommendation and listen to the Carrier side.
Or you could just listen to Price, who makes the same arguments but manages to do it without being a complete dick.

and that's a good thing

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Every Jewish Prophet would be shot in a 'protest'

That's because modern-day Jews are not the real Jews. The real Jews of Palestine were hard working Palestinians.

Sure, if we want to say Jesus was Palestinian, then let's say Mohammed was a pedophile. Except that 2nd statement would be true.

You should really read Israel Shahak's "Jewish History, Jewish Religion". After a while you're right, there were no more Jewish peasants, only money lenders + merchants, who lived symbiotically with Europe's nobility, oppression the peasants. It's quite a good book for other reasons, it's not kind to the Jews overall.

Nah, I've listened to the Price / Ehrman debate already, and favored Ehrman.

This woman running circles on kikes and their shekels. lmao. She's truly a based Somali queen!

Your identity is clear by the way you argue.

No Jewish prophet would be welcome in modern day Israel.

He's likely talking about the Palestinians of Gaza, i.e. the Philistines. I'm not denying however that many Palestinians and Jordanians do descend from the Judeans who later became Christians and/or Muslims

>then let's say Mohammed was a pedophile. Except that 2nd statement would be true.
Except that (1) Mohammed probably wasn't a real person and (2) Aisha was in her early twenties when she married Mohammed (according to the stories). The paedophile thing is just a meme

>take child to riot
>child gets tear gas in their eye
>why did you do this to my child?
Sorry I don't feel sorry for protesters anymore I want people to run them over and do donuts in their blood Carmageddon style. I wish James Fields could go back. If you know you're going to get life in prison anyways don't stop. I hope they realize that giving him that sentence longer then they give serial killing cannibals is only going to radicalize people if they're ever in that same situation. If I had a Mac truck I'd drive it through this picture at 80 miles an hour and cut that little bitch in half like Elba. Fuck you and the you're just different sides of the same insane sand demon coin.

desu religicucks should be fucking shot

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I am the child of Kalergi I am half Jewish on my Dad's side but he specifically tells me I'm not a jew. Something about the jew virus exists only in mitochondria so I'm a mutt too white to want to scam the goyim but too jewish to want to work very hard it's a bummer.

>Nah, I've listened to the Price / Ehrman debate already, and favored Ehrman.
The general feeling is that Price didn't do well in the setting of a formal debate. If you actually want to know whether the mythicist arguments hold up or not, you're going to have to swallow your pride and read a book.

>David Fitzgerald if you want something written for normies
>Price if you want something written for a general but intelligent audience
>Earl Doherty (pic related) if you want something academically rigorous

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>He's likely talking about the Palestinians of Gaza
Many of the Jewish Palestinians who got banned from the old city of Jerusalem by the Romans ended up in Gaza also.

>here's a debate between two atheists with fringe positions concerning the bible.

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The true queen of Jow Forums

Lol, Ehrman a "fringe" atheist? He's one of the biggest cucks in the business!

>(((Rabbi abraham)))
>super passionate about jesus

by that logic, so were we

Kikes hate their own prophets for no other reason than they told kikes the Truth. That's why they hate their own Savior, Christ.

Ah, you'd be right then. I'd also say some Egyptians would be part of that group.

>when you hate both Muslims and Jews but you still can't help but like Omar
It's a weird feeling.

In the hadiths, it is written that when Aisha was still playing with dolls when she was married to Mohammad. It was forbidden for a woman past the age of puberty to play with dolls in their culture. Aisha being older then 9, when she consummated her marriage, is a lie to make Muhammad look better. There are also trustworthy hadiths in which Muhammad reprimands a Muslim for taking a fully grown woman as a wife instead of a child.

So you're saying Jews have a claim to Palestinian lands?

>That's why they hate their own Savior, Christ.
Jesus wasn't a real person. Haven't you been paying attention?

You and them literally look the same you just put different clothes on and pretend you're not the same and it fools the goyims and in the end I think even you believe your bs.

nah you kikes were pharisee/edomites.

>In the hadiths blah blah blah
(1) I'm guessing you've never read the Hadiths, and (2) The opposite is true. The "Aisha was 9" meme promulgated because muslims were embarrassed that their prophet married a woman in her 20s, i.e. definitely not a virgin, so they pushed the age back as far as possible.

Of course he was Palestinians. What exactly do Jews think the Palestinians were before Islam and Christianity? They are the original Hebrew who never left the levant. Most Israelis are Europeans.

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I didn't say "fringe atheist". I said they were fringe and atheist. Shows you how far into the fringe you are concerning this topic.

t.synagogue of satan

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Your enemies enemy is your friend.

Strictly speaking, I don't think "Palestinian" was a real people back then. Perhaps that is the point of contention; the application of modern facets onto bygone eras in an accidental or deliberate attempt to upset the norm?
Also, Jesus being Palestinian carries the implication of him being muslim, when anyone would confidently infer he grew up jewish. It's a flawed logic, but you cannot deny the heavy connotation of those words.

>in which Muhammad reprimands a Muslim for taking a fully grown woman as a wife instead of a child.
Imagine actually believing this happened.

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>I didn't say "fringe atheist". I said they were fringe and atheist
You know that (((Ehrman))) is a best-selling author on the topic of bible history, right...?

There was a Palestine but it's dubious that the Palestinians of today are descendants of those people.

I wish we lived in a more equal and balanced time. Jew, muslim, I wanna live in a world where both are shot for just kinda existing where they're not wlecome. We'll never know world peace with all this divisive violence.

>So you're saying Jews have a claim to Palestinian lands?
No, quite the opposite. Jews are not a physical people therefore they cannot make claim to a physical homeland.


Jesus, kikes are just as bad as niggers. Kikes are the niggers of people without melanin.

If he didn't exist, how come he made disciples?

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the browner mizrahim look similar to the whiter palis but thats about it
yeah that's like saying you're not american, you're anglo. that's faulty logic right there. the moment the romans changed the land's name to palestine, everyone on it became palestinian, to anyone who accepts their terminology.
consider the following: koreans are not japanese but both are asian.

>might have reason for doubt

There's always reason for doubt. What a shit title. I already can't stand the author.

Exquisite taqiyya ahmed. You'll take england completely within a decade if you keep working at it.

>Jesus being Palestinian carries the implication of him being muslim
>It's a flawed logic
Are you that dumb?
Are you implying that Palestinian Christians don't even exist?

>If he didn't exist, how come he made disciples?
The disciples weren't real people either, you nitwit.

This is the point where you say "Haha Peter and Paul" and then I point out that neither of them were disciples, right...?

>There was a Palestine but it's dubious that the Palestinians of today are descendants of those people.
Oh really?

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QUEEN OF Jow Forums

LMAO I'm atheist and I'm going to start repeating this just to trigger yids.
Fuck fucking kikes.

It may not be a popular opinion but the world would be a better place if more people got on board. Some day we might live in a world where everybody lives to this simple standard.

>the browner mizrahim look similar to the whiter palis but thats about it
Nice try Rabbi.

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>There's always reason for doubt. What a shit title.
Carrier attempts to take the minimal position - namely that the balance of evidence doesn't support a historical Jesus - because if he can't even make that argument successfully, then how can he possibly try to make the argument that Jesus didn't exist
>I already can't stand the author.
Yeah, neither can anyone else.

You forgot the "ackshually" there. Neither were ackshually disciples. Jesus was a real person, what's debatable is what he did.

And the Lebanese are more similar to ancient Egyptians than the Copts (more subsaharan admixture) yet the Copts are their direct descendants. Don't give me this clustering shit.


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Then why didn't they change the age of Khadija who was older than Muhammad? Why would they not change the ages of the other wives who were older then 9? You said yourself that Muhammad probably wasn't a real person, so why would they change the age of Aisha, who was probably not real as well? If he was made up when he was made up to be a pedophile.

Jews hate Jesus so why do they care?

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>It may not be a popular opinion but the world would be a better place if more people got on board. Some day we might live in a world where everybody lives to this simple standard.
Well, you should sign up to become a nationalist, my friend, because they believe in a homeland for every race, so that everyone can get along just fine

So would Moses and if the Moschiach returns will certainly be killed by the terrorists running the Israeli government.

Any "Moschiach" that is accepted by the Israeli government will be a front man for some international criminal cartel like Chabad and probably a satanist like Jacob Frank or Sabbati Zevi.

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>(1) Mohammed probably wasn't a real person
>(2) Aisha was in her early twenties when she married Mohammed
Also according to traditional Hadith sources, she was betrothed at 6 or 7 and married at 9. There is debate to when the marriage was consummated, but probably at nine.

He should have had balls and said why there was reason for doubt instead of the effeminate phrasing he used.

>Trust me we've been lying for hundreds of years but I'm being honest now
Your religion literally tells you to lie to me. How scummy is that?

>Jesus was a real person
Great, then you can present some actual evidence that Jesus was a real person

If your answer contains the words "Tacitus" or "Josephus", I'm going to laugh at you.

The early Bronze Age DNA samples were likely of pre-Israelite Levantine populations (likely Canaanites) since they were from 3000 BC.
No, I'm not denying that many Palestinians and Jordanians today are Israelites by ethnicity and that modern jews aren't. I'm just saying that the DNA evidence presented in that pic is likely of an earlier Levantine population.

by an large, yeah
i could cherry pick too
look, we're aryan now

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>Then why didn't they change the age of Khadija who was older than Muhammad?
Because she was a widow and therefore her virginity was not an issue.

>Jesus wasn't a real person. Haven't you been paying attention?
Then how come i can talk to Him at all times and He gives me free stuff and does miracles for me every single day?
You're just jeleous of us christians because we're going to heaven and we have the creator of the universe and supreme being in existence on our side.
People like you prefer to believe lies and trample the truth and barr people from being saved by God, you choose to believe there is not justice and there is no judgement and you choose to not practice the good things of life such as these and also mercy and love.
Go fuck yourself now you piece of shit autist nigger, you're going to hell because you're a retarded nigger kike autist that wants it really really bad.

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>Lebanese are more similar to ancient Egyptians than the Copts
They literally aren't.
>Copts are their direct descendants
They literally aren't.

Using false arguments to make a strawman, pretty pathetic.