Women hate thread?

Women hate thread.

Haven't seen one of these in a while

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More like women LOVE thread amirite?

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the hatred i have for females cannot be contained in a single thread.


We gotta love those retards not hate them, they need love!

Does the article go on to explain why the judge didn't hand down an immediate custodial sentence? It seems weird that a judge would say "if Miss Parry was a man, there is no question it would have been straight down the stairs, because this is a shocking case of dangerous driving against a background of two previous convictions for excess alcohol" and stop there. It's like we're missing the other half of the statement the judge made in which she explains why the gender of the accused/convicted was relevant in the judge's mind.

I can't think of a more beta thing than hating women. They're children. They only push as far as you, the adult, allow them to.

Hating women is a sign that you are frustrated with them, which means you can't control them, which indicates you're a beta faggot.

Hate the jew for tricking women into feminism. Don't hate women

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totally agree, but still like the threads

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That just makes me hate chinks.

It’s just staged by the corrupt court system to feed into the divide and conquer politics. Like ‘sexual emergency’

If I ever pull ANYONE alive from a burning car and they have alcohol on their breath, well, they died in the crash.

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This is true, we shouldn't make women HATE threads, we should be making women SHAME threads.

Women are children until they become mothers.


>I hate women so much

why the fuck did God create such a fucking useless creature?

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classic Jow Forumstard cashier

Strap in boys.. its going to be a wild ride

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fuck love, they need a steel rod through their cunts!


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Why do women hate thread? Seems arbitrary

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Women are stupid, right fellow pollacks, we're so based.



Uhhh... what happened here?

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Why would the courts actively want to start a new civil war? who benefits from that? apart from the obvious loss of the last strong men we have.

Based as fuck cashier

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She ain't paying fo dat shit.

that dude's prob mad his gf just got deep dicked by a white manlet

Attached: Competent Women.webm (320x400, 2.48M)

hahahahaha thanks for this

I'm laffin, but hating women like you hate niggers isn't healthy you know?

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I have had frequent extremely bad experiences with women and now I only fuck traps. When people ask me, 'dude are you gay?' I tell them absolutely not, I am not homosexual, that label is corrupt and disgusting and I will never apply that label to myself. The fact is, I hate women so much that I just quit them all together and have removed significant amounts of grief from my life by abandoning all contact with my mom, sister, ex-girlfriends and all other females. Any time I have been at the mercy of females, they have treated me cruelly and I do not believe they have the ability to even understand that concept, much less control it. I truly believe females are similar to dogs in the way that you can't hate them for being stupid, they are so stupid that they don't understand the concept of stupid. Fuck women completely. Once you remove them from you life, they will do everything to get back into it.

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