Let's face it, we need to do something about the gun problem in the United States. I'm not saying we ban guns...

Let's face it, we need to do something about the gun problem in the United States. I'm not saying we ban guns, but we need to implement some kind of common sense gun laws in order to prevent the kinds of mass shootings we see every day here.

I mean, there is no reason that kids should have to be afraid of getting shot at school. That is not what a "free" society looks like. There is no way the founding fathers would have been alright with this kind of thing.

We can't just sit around and do nothing. It's long past time that we follow the lead of the UK and Australia by banning assault rifles and other guns that are used in these killings. It won't be easy, but doing the right thing is not always easy, but it is always right.

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false flag incoming

Why does common sense always mean ban everything?

>22LR AR?

What, are you 12?

Do you mean "why doesn't common sense agree with me"?

Sorry bud, that's not how it works. Reality has a liberal bias.

Seriously, my access to firearms is curtailed because of state law. Even, my access to arms at all.
Something needs to be done.


Why do you need firearms? Why do you "need" to be able to kill someone? Do you have mental problems?



mass shooting are a good thing prove me wrong

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>bill of needs

bait pay no further attention to this fag more than i have

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this is now a christchurch meme thread, post'em

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Fuckoff, asshole.
>wots a God given right?
Eat a dick, shill

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>common sense gun laws
Common sense is everyone capable has the duty to be armed in order to protect themselves and others.

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>There is no way the founding fathers would have been alright with this kind of thing.
You're right, they would have shot faggots like you that don't understand SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

>Shall not be infringed

Typical low quality bait Jow Forums has grown accustomed to

you're right, we should only allow our government and cops to have every weapon possible to exert force on anyone for any reason, they're much more trustworthy than we are.

Handguns kill more people than "assault weapons" so kys.

Guns aren't the problem, mental health is the problem. Build up the middle class, bring back culture and meaning and you won't see this shit anymore. Or arm everyone, less gun violence in states with open carry, fact.

Saged, but just in case you're somehow serious, banning guns would mean the government has complete and total control over you. Not to mention the fact people can just get guns ILLEGALLY. This isn't a cookie cutter world, retard.

>no reason kids should have to be afraid of getting shot at school.
>no way the founding fathers would have been alright with this

appeal to emotion AND an argument from authority, just put in an ad hominem and you'll have the trifecta.
Also, Shall Not Be Infringed you dishonest fuck.

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SAGE this post always goes the same way. Pol loves guns please move on op

People like u die first

>Why do you "need" to be able to kill someone?
Funny story. You might have heard the phrase "run amok", as in going mad and running around destroying things. That phrase comes from Malaysia where during British rule every now and then a local would have an attack of being a Good Muslim and run around stabbing people until he was put down.
As our governments seem determined to mass import millions of people from societies like that I am quite envious of burgers and their ability to stop such psychopaths cold.
Or do we just start banning lorries, bleach, teaspoons and Jow Forums? Because a thirdworlder who is determined to kill massive amounts of people will find a way.

>gun problem in the United States
>United States does not own over half of all the guns in the world
Yeah, I agree. We need to manufacture more guns.

You are 938 times more likely to die in a plane crash than a mass shooting. BAN all planes.

>carrying handle
>squirrel caliber
>open dust cover
>weapon left on fire
>no sling
what the fuck are you even doing


>shall be infringed

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>this post again
fuck off kike

Molon Labe

Touch my guns and I'll fucking kill you with them.

>but we need to implement some kind of common sense gun laws in order to prevent the kinds of mass shootings we see every day here.

I agree - a law that FORCES everybody to have a gun in pubic !!


Here we go again...

Gun grabbers will be put up against a wall and shot.

Why has pol just become bait. Actually makes me sad, this board used to be great.

>I agree - a law that FORCES everybody to have a gun in pubic !!

I agree - every human being on the planet should be issued a gun at birth, along with live ammunition.
All gun laws and restrictions shall be eliminated. Let everyone shoot each other. The sooner we can eradicate ourselves, the better.

Fuck your copypasta bait, and fuck you.

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>Reality has a liberal bias.
Are men and women fundamentally different?
I'll wait while you saw your cock off to better fit "reality"


This is not bait because it's not. What do you not understand? I'm trying to have a rational discussion about gun confiscation and you can't handle it. Stop being a baby.


>Let me take your stuff away because criminals don't follow laws
>Stop being a baby

You've really thought this one through, bud.

Criminal steal guns from law abiding citizens. That's how they get their guns. Take guns away from the source and the criminals will no longer have a source of guns and no one will get shot anymore.

It's actually pretty simple when you think about it.

>I mean, there is no reason that kids should have to be afraid of getting shot at school
Ban shooting at schools.

You said reality has a liberal bias.
Realities that liberal thought ignores
1. Increased gun ownership does not correlate to increased gun deaths.
2. Increased nigger infestation correlates to increased gun crime
3. Men and women are fundamentally different biologically and mentally, and thus have natural aptitudes and abilities that are widely divergent.
4. Someone with a penis is a man. Someone with a vagina is a woman.

I could go on for about 100 more about how reality most certainly does not have a "liberal bias" and how modern liberalism is actually a faith based anti reality/science cult. Well seasoned

>Let's face it, we need to do something about the gun problem in the United States
Agreed, far too many Americans have only one gun.

Attached: It's beautiful.jpg (728x455, 69K)

>but we need to implement some kind of common sense gun laws in order to prevent the kinds of mass shootings we see every day here.
We did, in 1933, 1968, 1986, etc.
And it is never enough for you fucks.
No more. We are not giving more of our rights away only for you faggots to double back again and ask for even more.

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Yeah, we need class 3 weapons available for everyone.

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Looks like a .22 BCG swap. $150 and takes 5 seconds to switch back and forth. Pretty fun stuff, but yeah op bait.

Right ones need low radiation tactical nukes.


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A well-balanced and nutritious breakfast being part of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat bacon shall not be infringed. Go fuck yourself

I agree about the common sense gun laws. The most recent supreme court case on this, Castle-Rock V Gonzales, the supreme court ruled that the police DO NOT have a constitutional duty to protect citizens. Due to the fact that police are not required to confront criminals, particularly violent criminals, then the police should be prohibited from having guns.

>common sense gun laws
Only an NPC faggot uses language like that; who the fuck is paying you to shill here bitch boy?

The real problem is the amount of gunless law abiding Americans. Time to stop trying to hand over every shred of power to "authorities" and wake up to the fact that real governmental power only derives from the consent of the governed. STOP BEING A NATION OF MILQUETOAST MANCHILDREN AND RECOGNIZE THE RIGHTS GIVEN TO YOU BY GOD

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Embedded malware

Sure thing, you nigger.

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Fuck you.
No gun control.
Get the fuck out of my country that is constantly becoming less free because of stupid fearful faggots like you.

This we need.

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>Reality has a liberal bias
Imagine believing this.

What problem?
May 23rd. Keep an eye out.

IQ test, its the only compromise I'm willing to make. 130 and up can own guns.

I think we just need to fortify soft targets. We have the resources. We should also follow the advice of experts in the field of forensic psychiatry who say not to overly publicize mass shootings because it offers inspiration and incentive to future shooters.

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Dylann Roof reportedly has an IQ of 125.


If we could prevent niggers and spics from getting guns, crime would go way down! Glad we agree on this common sense gun control.

(((common sense gun control))) will lead to a total gun ban you muppet.

Fuck off commie

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>kids are afraid to get shot at school

Are they really though or are there just a bunch of paranoid mothers? I was in high school when the columbine shooting happened and it never occurred to me that this is something I should be worried about.

>kids being afraid of being shot at school
Kids who are sent to school should be more upset about the fact that their parents don't love them and sent them to school because they want to offload the burden of taking care of them.

Let's face it, we need to do something about the gun grabber problem in the United States. I'm not saying we kill gun grabbers, but we need to recognize the rational of our constitutional protection of our rights in order to prevent the kinds of mass shootings of traitors that occurred in 1776.
I mean, there is no reason that a child's fear interfere with the right to bear arms. That is not what a "free" society looks like. There is no way the founding fathers would have been alright with this kind of thing.
We can't just sit around and do nothing. It's long past time that we follow the lead of the Founding Fathers and Andrew Jackson by holding the truth that all men were created with INALIENABLE rights and kill the bank. It won't be easy, but doing the right thing is not always easy, but it is always right.

If that's what it takes then that's what it takes. Like I said, I don't think we should ban guns but I do think there needs to be some compromise about banning guns.

Niggers commit the majority of gun crime. The common sense solution is mandatory execution for any black caught with a gun.

Guns aren't the problem. We had semi auto guns for ages without any school shootings. It all started in the 1980s and really took off in the 1990s thanks to 24 hour news channels and anti-depressant medications. This didn't happen in the 1970s, 60s, or 50s. Semi auto rifles were common back then. It's not the guns, it's the media that promotes mass shootings as a way to get famous.

You’re just a crazy conspiracy theorist, you have a better chance of being hit by a car on the way to school on a given day than being shot during your entire life

fuck off, we like our mass shootings.

Spent 15 minutes searching it, it was worth it.

Weak bait. Try harder

Sage garbage b8 threads


You haven't articulated a point faggot.

You should stop putting everyone on SSRI medication like Zoloft / Paxil etc. If that shit doesn't work, fix some of that society. I swear nobody did massacre parties in Wild West, even though there was a huge concentration of those.

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the problem is we need more guns

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"common sense" means "ban everything for everyone but me" in liberal speak, so no, we're not banning anything except you from posting.

Contemplate the meaning of Pure Land buddhism, and where you will be in the next life.

You're a fucking retard. You cannot ban guns from everybody. Ever. No matter what you do, people, the ones you are afraid will shoot you, will have guns. Guns in the hands of the few will always be worse than guns held by the citizenry. Even if outlaws couldn't get guns after a ban (they could), allowing only governments to have guns will be a disaster for not only every other right you have but also for the very safety for which you claim concern.

Ban guns. Offer buyback at more than market value. Garnish wages of those who refuse to comply. Profit.

It's that simple. Stop arguing with me because you know I'm right. I took a class about this kind of stuff in school.

I'll take a buy back @ 200,000 times the MSRP for each of my firearms, 20,000 times MSRP for high capacity mags and $100 per round of ammunition. If you want to disarm me your going to have to make me filthy fucking rich so I can afford more security measures.

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How about common sense nigger control instead.

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It's an assault rifle.

Full automatics should be available for everyone, globally. And everything hi-ex.

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It's functionally no different than half the squirrel rifles in America.

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>garnish wages
But user, I dont have wages. I own a business/investment dividends/trust fund. And my buddy is in the Mexican cartel/Italian mafia/California gang that anybody can work for. I dont have any wages to garnish. I can make more money robbing and extorting people with a gun in the mafia/cartel/gang than giving it to the government. Besides my friends Mexican/recently deployed soldier/Russian friend gets guns in country all the time. He makes like $1m per year on the black market. It sounds like a good job.

>banning assault rifles
The guns people call assault rifles don't do more damage than any other gun.

no fucker, the size of rounds. nevermind.