I am confused

The modern social structure and political system is devoid of any meaning, as I see it. Just, what is my purpose in this society? What am I supposed to do?

1) I don't care about achieving "great things" in life, be it science or art, I am a simple, down to earth guy.
2) I am not religious and couldn't care less about those fairy tales.
3) I am not into consumerism, earning money to travel, do hobbies and buy expensive and flashy stuff isn't my thing, I find it all empty.
4) I don't want to have casual sex or engage into relationships that won't last, I am completely disgusted by sluts (non-virgin=whore), I am a virgin and would only date a virgin young girl (12-14, women age fast and its important, as you only get to enjoy that perfect youth once and then its forever over, and then you will have to accept cellulite in your life).
5) I don't want to marry or have children in a society where marriage doesn't mean anything, doesn't guarantee eternal devotion and loyalty, and only obligates me to grant her and her children financial security in case if she decides to betray me.
6) I don't care about the white race/nation/ethnicity enough to sacrifice my own self-esteem and have children with an old dirty whore just to increase the birthrates.
7) I don't drink alcohol and don't socialize on drunk parties/with drinking people.
8) I don't do drugs.
9) I don't think that vidya games and media products can replace real life and it isn't bringing me joy, this coping method doesn't work for me.
10) I don't want to work just to guarantee myself "social security" and pension at old age, as I don't care about my old age if I don't get to live when I am young.
11) I don't care about global problems/war/warming/pollution, if my own life has no meaning and there won't be any of my children living on this planet.

Am I missing anything? In any case, it all feels stupid and depressing. But there are many people who seem happy/fine with this. Why? Are they lying or its just me?

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I just want old age of consent and enforced monogamy back, marry young and once, get some steady job, live in a simple way, like a regular guy, not having to worry about anything else, except for earning for my family. If I were to move back to 18-19th century or even medieval times I would be completely content with life. And those aren't just my principles or morals, its what I want, its like genetic or something, this is what I always strived for ever since I had conscious thoughts, and I always disapproved of the modern "yolo" and "have it all" lifestyle, though I was surrounded only by it and had noone to guide me to "morality" as they call it.

Am I alone? Are there no people like me? Most guys seem to be different, they are either Chad or beta cucks and are okay with either, or I just haven't asked what they really think. Maybe they just force themselves to accept it and act like they support it, but deep inside they don't.
If there are people like me, maybe I can somehow leave this society and build my own somewhere with likeminded people? But it doesnt seem like modern governments and UN would let me do that, as all land is claimed and you can't take a part of it for yourself to make your own country with your own laws, and even if you do - they will hate you for your opposing values and will either war you or trade war you, which would lead to your collapse.
Taking or holding anything by the force of arms in the post-industrial society doesn't seem possible, as the big gov of boomers and women is ready to kill anyone, even women and children, if that anyone threatens the status quo.
Am I reduntant? I don't feel like I belong anywhere at all at this day and era. Should I kill myself because I am redundant and there are very few people like me and most humans are polygamous/polyamory feminists and SJWs, or autistic workers or escapists, and they are perfectly content with this social structure, and I am the smallest minority and just don't belong here?

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I just don't get it. What is my role in this world? What should I do, if I don't need anything from what it has to offer?

Can I separate myself from this society? I can, but that usually means living and dying alone in isolation, which is the same thing as suicide.

So its either submit, conquer or form your own society. I can't do the first one, and I cant do second and the third one, or at least I can't do it alone. And I rarely see likeminded people even here on boards, and even these anons don't agree with me entirely. Yet you need millions upon millions of men in one place with one cause to build any sort of secession movement in a given country, and I don't see it happening, if all likeminded, greatly dedicated, traditional and right-wing people from all around the world don't migrate somewhere simultaneously (which I don't see happening either). And even if we do, they will just nuke the shit out of us with rockets and fighter jets, most likely.

Will there ever be a civil war? Should I wait for it? Even if it starts, it would be mostly about economy and historical borders, the big politics and big money, which I don't give a single shit about. Is the CULTURAL civil war possible? Will people ever fight for ideas rather than for money, territory and power?

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ah fuck it
ignore this thread
go make another thread about trump and throw memes/shit at each other
im done

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You're not alone Russian user. I don't agree with everything but for the most part I share your sentiments. I find the best thing is to focus on what you can control and make meaning for yourself.

>and make meaning for yourself.
There is no such thing. I don't understand what the fuck is that supposed to mean.

OP, you sound like you just watched Stalker for the first time.

This is not your blog. Go away.

Become Amish or an hero.

I've never told someone to an hero anymore. But your restrictions are so great, that I don't know what to tell you.

Religion and family are literally the only things that matter (in that order) You seem to reject both, so what is left?

Well, me poor goyim don't have anyewhere else to go.

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Nobody is going to give your life purpose in this day and age. The system is opposed to that kind of group action. Some shit I read here about Nihilism. Most people think of Nihlism as Black Pill the philosophy but in reality it is about finding your own identity and purpose when there is nothing to honestly strive for in the collective.

I don't reject family, its just impossible to build a non-degenerate family anymore. Date a whore or fuck off. You think the shit you call "family" today is actually family? Its gross and its wrong.

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in a normal society, the bitch would be killed.
maybe even her offspring.

this way, the utterly destructive genes that cause falem demons get erradicated.

works great fir islam and other cultures that obey natures lay and where men have rights too.

>finding your own identity and purpose
Never had that in me. We are social animals. I will never feel purpose without society and without a girl/family. Autistic people who strive for imaginary "greatness" seem retarded to me and I just feel like they all lie to themselves and just compensate the absence of basic love, companionship and freedom. It feels incredibly fake and wrong. There is no "personal" purpose in life, and if you were left completely alone in this world you would just hang yourself.

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Do you mind expanding on that point you made, about young adolescent girls and idealisation of youth? I don’t agree with things you say either but can relate and would’ve related to MOST about a year ago. And how old are you? I’m 20 and had just come out of prison, was dragging myself to court for ongoing case, and living in a homeless shelter. I was going to kill myself. But I can’t believe everything u say and it sounds like your worldview’s less political or existential, more a reflection of your inner world

This is only true because you reject religion.

Atheism is morally corrosive. It's like refusing to get your tools from anywhere but a junkyard and then bitching that all your tools are rusted.

Put your big boy pants on. Accept that theism is correct. Pick one to follow (Christianity is the correct one, btw) and go find an actual woman rather than the grown up children you'll find in the atheist world.

*this time last year

Now I’m studying and going to a top university in Sept. But when you’re in fucking AGONY nothing else matters.

man, based Ruski is delivering the best memes right now !

Spaziba n shit !


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Yeah because the modern world is shit and people felt this way before.

What's worse is that if you save and work hard now society will in end in great decline, a racial or civil war or extreme left dictatorship.

Even simple things like a girlfriend wont leave social media and facebook and will also slut around

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>Hur dur my anecdotal evidence invalidates the preponderance of history

Christianity created the traditions you desire, dumbass.

>in a normal society, the bitch would be killed.

Russianon is blackpilled.

Most people are stupid m8, that's why they are happy working 40h/week to spend the money in booze in the weekend and meaningless shit. They can't even do basic arithmetic most of the time, thinking deeply about anything is impossible for them. This is actually good, society cannot be made of high IQ individuals only