Conservatives often claim the left plots to destroy "western civilization" and it a way it's true...

Conservatives often claim the left plots to destroy "western civilization" and it a way it's true, if by "western civilization" they mean this rotten bourgeois and patriarchal institutions such as the church, family, corporations and the military industry. They are goddamn right. Fuck "western civilization".

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Name a civilization without some sort of religion, without families, without corporations or a military industry.

Do you see the problem now, retard? Y


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youre retarded. leftist talking heads are foot soldiers for the elite.

Agreed, what's called "western civilization" echoes as fuck and has become a cancerous mess. It needs to die. But it doesn't need to be replaced with an "asian civilization" or "african" or "middle eastern" etc... Modern civilization itself is a cancer.

>be White
>make money
>share a house with friends who are similar to you politically
>save up money
>bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same
>get even more money
>Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy
>bypasses leftist globalist government and is completely legal
>higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites
>more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food
>literally Nation building but on a housing scale

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Fucking retard.
Grow up and quit with the fucking commie buzzwords.
You are incapable of thinking for yourself.

Ahahaha wtf is wrong with family

Babby learned how to post. Now try opening some history books you edgelord retard

Nothing wrong with the military industry but only to protect your nation against imperialism.

Aren’t you implicitly saying you want to control peoples religious beliefs and personal associations

Isn’t trying to control how people live like that the sort of thing that would justify extreme retaliatory violence

Patriarchy is civilization you daft cunt. We build things and will kill you if you fuck with them.

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>old fag detected

Children model themselves after parent and not the whim of scientific mind control

>Fuck the family!
And this is why I've killed Jewish children.

Wow, that’s such a unique take. We need to get this guy a sheath for all that edge.

If OP responds to this, they’re choosing the dumbest opponent

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Leftists will never have genuine power in society due to their inability to recognize hierarchy as biological, you will continue to be a puppet taking it up the ass

Everything here is great except for Jewish international credit. This transnational economic system and deindustrialization is poison.

"A grave economic symptom of decay was the slow
disappearance of the right of private property, and the gradual
transference of the entire economy to the ownership of stock
companies. Now for the first time labor had sunk to the level of an object of
speculation for unscrupulous Jewish business men; the alienation
of property from the wageworker was increased ad infinitum.
The stock exchange began to triumph and prepared slowly but
surely to take the life of the nation into its guardianship and

You need family, faith, and a military. But the military industrial complex where you go looking for conflict to line the pockets of the armament industrialists is destructive and not in anyone's interest except the people raking in the profits.

>Fuck "western civilization"
Ah yes, because the rest of the world is so much better. I wish you could live in Africa or the middle east for a year to see how "great" it is

These people have been chanting their delusional revolutionary slogans ever since Russia was taken over by Communist Jews. Look at what they did in the United States with the 1920's "red scares". You had anarchists rigging explosives and sending letter bombs, organizing strikes and riots etc.. Look at the Palmer raids and all of the deportations they did. This is all coming back to America. It is literally the "1920s" all over again. History really is repeating itself..

>He says posting on his computer invented under western civilisation, wearing his clothes created by western civilisation, in his house and power grid created by western civilisation

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You will miss western civilization when it's gone amigo. You really will.

Some people just like to watch the world burn man.

O.P. has the tard.

"Who will save us from Western Civilization?"
- Georg Lukács Commie Jew pig

commies are crypto slavs, they hate imperialism because they hate themselves, its why their ideological foundations are so imperialistic, they have a need to conquer, its apart of the Aryan spirit.
dont be mistaken this isnt a praise, they are trying to conquer in the name of evil

ok enjoy your helicopter ride

or your beheading in fonction of who control the west trought bithrate at the end

yes but now american are way less religious

>without corporations
I will give you the others but corporations are not common to every civilization.

and much more brown

Why don't you like your family user? I love my famiry.

the fucking sheer ironic autism of this post, using an image based on the works of one of the greatest champions of western civilation in the last century and a half, where the entire book is literally a story about the west uniting to defend themselves from the hordes of the east and beginning to rebuild the glorious empire that once was.

>the church, family, corporations and the military industry.

none of those things are bad.

Looks like Shill Bill is back

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>Aryan spirit.
By "Aryans" you mean Persians or that meme race made up by nazis?

>none of those things are bad.
Not if you're a CIS white male.


Stopped reading here. You're just regurgitating something you read without actually understanding it.

Just tell me how civilizations without corporations look like

I don't know a single person similar to me

beats nignoggin around life