>"I'm from Ohio though. White boy, white boy!"
One of the lyrics in his songs. Is Jake Paul unironically /ourguy/, Jow Forums ?
>"I'm from Ohio though. White boy, white boy!"
One of the lyrics in his songs. Is Jake Paul unironically /ourguy/, Jow Forums ?
Other urls found in this thread:
That little faggot is not our guy
Are Jake and Logan Paul related to Ron Paul?
I don't say stuff like this lightly but Jake Paul is unironically and literally our guy. He's in fact a counter mossad operative and tries to redpill massive audiences with his arguably pro Trump message. Remember when he made fun of a Kazakh guy for looking like a terrorist in his vlogs? He's redpilled af. That swedecuck Pewdiepie got nothing on him.
omg Jake is my nigger papafrank
he's jewish you retard.
Yeah, been known for years.
Yes, they are Rand Paul's children.
london is my city and no i'm not from compton
-High IQ fat british friend
>itt: the cancer that is killing /b/
Scamming kids doesn't make him our guy.
LOL he exploits children to personal gain.
Reminder that only shitskins and niggers hate the paul brothers.
I think he is. He's had Alex Jones the gun girl etc...he always pretends he doesn't agree yet gives them hours long exposure
He's a narcissistic piece of shit who only cares for himself.
He is british/german-jew. Truly unholy combination
>reminder that if you dislike Jake Paul you are literally pro white genocide and diversity
yes and no. It's mostly Logan who's /ourguy/
>*trap beat*
no wonder gen z is so based
>this actually happened
For the first time in my life, I'm ashamed to be from Ohio...
the first? stop lying. has to be the 500th
Jake Paul is a Jew, not white
>nigger kike faggot detected
Shouldn't you be looking for a job after Empire fired you?
michigan will rise again
Drop proxy, maple nigger.
I've never been to Ohio. Have they always had an empire/emperor?
>dead industry
>a couple of rollercoasters
>THE ohio state university
pretty much sums up ohio
Lol. Alright Jussie.
He a fucking kike
>accusing other states of being filled with niggers
people north of flint in michigan are practically canadians anyway. im glad you understand that much
I drove through east cleveland once, I literally got AIDS from breathing the air
No "practically". Every Michigander is a Trudeau voting caliphate of Dearbornistan Leaf.
>I drove through east cleveland
And you weren't shot on sight. Straight out of Nairobi nigger confirmed. 100%.
nobody likes ohio more than you then i guess
Cleveland fag reporting
Yes you retard can't you see the family resemblance? They have the same weird bony face.
Why has this bread devolved into shitty Americans talking about their shitty states?
Jake Paul might be from Ohio but he dedicated his life to a greater cause: Redpilling 12 year olds. And that’s what’s important.
it's funny be she went to a kike run medical school off with affirmative action & gibs.
He and his brother are wiggers.
If you drive through before noon it's completely safe, every hour after noon it gets progressively more dangerous.
>Cuyahoga county
Tyrone confirmed.
>turkroach with German flag doesn't understand nationalism
This checks out.
lol I drove down euclid right when their high school let out. there were niglets yelling at me and throwing shit at my car
Lol. I guess theoretically you could test that... Every white person I know would drive down to Summit to avoid driving through East Cleveland.
>Amerisharter is tactlessly derailing thread to talk about his mutt City no one cares about.
Like Clockwork
Are they really Jewish?
They don't look like Satans kids.
Nigger confirmed again.
>East Cleveland
>high school
I believe you mean prison.
>Jake Paul
Literally who?
That's why you have a gun & wave it in their face, watch them scatter like roaches.
I used to work construction all over cleveland, the niggers stay up all night & sleep till the afternoon like clockwork. But it's worth avoiding for the potholes, retarded one way roads & schizophrenic traffic lights alone.
>roach comes on an American board, to a thread about an American e-celeb, that specifically mentions an American state
>cries about talk about America
This is why mudslimes get burned at the stake.
You're not kidding about that. It's literally Africa war zone tier.
I don’t know what to tell you but if you’re too retarded to guess that a Muslim probably wouldn’t be talking about white supremacist in a positive light, the McDonald’s and feces meat diet must be really taking its toll on your brain.
winter time isnt easy on the roads you dumb bastards. stop comparing this shit to africa where they just dont know how to build anything
lol faggot. you sure think about america a lot. we dont think about you at all
>a Muslim probably wouldn’t be talking about white supremacist in a positive light
Agreed. And you're not. You're talking about a faggy e-celeb because you're a low IQ roach.
>Africa war zone tier
It is literally an African colony, every 3 years we tear down section 8 apartments & not even a fucking year after they're built they're all boarded up & destroyed. Lay cement for sidewalks & they jump in it to destroy it before it even dries, have to have security on work sites 24/7 so they don't strip parts off the machines & copper out of the unfinished housing.
They walk around smug & mutter cracker around us as we fix their shithole neighborhoods & they CONSTANTLY try to ask for money & shoot each other. I lost count of how many people I've seen shot, has to be dozens. Police take hours to clean up the bodies that are just bleeding in the street because there's so much nigger mayhem lol.
These people have some euro blood in them, I can't even imagine how bad it is in Africa proper.
Yeah that's why my white neighborhood's roads are fucking immaculate year round & any foundational problems get fixed asap.
t. nigger
>I used to work construction all over cleveland
so you might have some info. why are all the uni circle developments mobbed the fuck up still? everything over there gets built like absolute shit and there are like 16 layers of jewish/italian owners for everything. and it all goes to the same shitty contracting companies that just fuck everything up entirely.
>be Lake county
>have same winters as East Cleveland
>but no sky scrappers to block wind/less infrastructure to attract/trap heat
>all potholes fixed by late June
>be East Cleveland
>have same potholes literally since the founding of the city
And I'm not blaming the infrastructure workers, even though ODOT is disgusting lazy union scum. No one will go there because they know they'll get shot.
Why should I be Turkish that’s like assuming every American flag here is a Mexican because of higher immigration rates of said minority. Oh, right it’s a pattern you adopted from other pol users because your’re a mindless NPC Incel Walmart sharter.
>University Circle
I believe you have your answer...
das rite whiteboi
>16 layers of jewish/italian owners
Think you provided the answer right there lol. After the financial collapse TONS of companies went under, I mean there used to be countless, no exaggeration fucking countless independent companies but after that? It all got monopolized, most companies that went under filed bankruptcy & the kike/Italian companies bought all their equipment or the business itself for pennies on the dollar. Most new housing is deliberately built using the shittiest materials & half assed in general to save every nickel they can on it. I watched two medium sized construction companies become de facto monopolies almost over night after 2008, same thing happened across the board with housing & all the rest.
That's not even to mention the insane regulations that have been steadily added that make it so you have to already have tons of cash lying around to compete on any serious level. That & the steady implementation of diversity quotas being enforced to take government contracts now, the noose just gets tighter & tighter around smaller companies.
fuck odot up the ass with a red hot poker
I like you user.
Quick question. Can you build a super overpass from mid-Level county to Glenn? Euclid niggers running off the road for literally no reason are really fucking up my commute.
Mid-Lake county, even.
Heh my city has a railroad going through it & the nearest overpass is about 8 miles in away so if a train was coming through ambulances would have to go the long way. Apparently the railroad was built over 20 years ago & just last year they finally built not one but two overpasses over it lol.
I can build it but the city is gonna have to want to allocate funds for it & based on my experience with that, that's a tough sell because city council employees are typically retarded lol.
Makes sense...
Can you kill all Euclid niggers/Beachwood kikes then? Would really help my commute.
Ru Paul is their aunty
Absolutely based.
Only postironic /rdt/ operatives can save humanity.
*kill bill sirens*
Don't even get me started on that snake colony!
My mom, who drives a dump truck, got hit by some kike bitch working in that talmudic hell hole & holy shit the kvetching. The kike called the cops & ruled it was the kikes fault & it started screaming & making a scene & tried to slap the police officer & got arrested. Thankfully it's a dump truck & a fiberglass car isn't gonna do much to a giant brick of steel so she let it go, didn't wanna deal with the kike who no doubt would've escalated it with some jew lawyer or something.
Still, pretty funny her car got FUCKED up & she got arrested, mom told me she looked like ruth bader loool, idk why but that made it even more funny. She kept screaming "you don't know who I am!" as she was being arrested lmao.
I wish I was there or that smartphones existed back then, least phones had cameras so I could see the car damage.
>Heebwood pros:
Good delis
>Heebwood cons:
Literally everything else
I avoid little Israel like the plague, but when Euclid nigs nog out on 90, I have to take 271 to 480. And I don't know if they shut down 271 for their weekly kike holidays or what, but it's always retarded. Plus, Beachwood PD will write you for going 3 over if you're not wearing a yarmulke.
Please fuck off.
hes jewish mate.